The Villainess Wants to Marry a Commoner!! (WN)

Chapter 128

It’s ok so please show me!!

Suppose the fortune teller in this Fortune cookie is a hint of the lock code that leads to [Demon King’s Note].

Then there are five remaining tips

– Rusty iron nado color

– Back side

– Punchy

-Speed violation

– Fifteen dull golden ladders

As far as’ back ‘and’ punchy ‘and’ speed violation ‘are concerned, it’s sappy, so let’s put it behind us.

The next thing you can tell is the mysterious colors like “Fifteen Dull Golden Ladders” and “Rusty Iron Nado”…

I can’t read this “Rusty Iron Nado Color”.

“Hey, Mr. Navi. Can you read what this says?

‘Unfortunately, we do not support character authentication for non-book objects’

I’m sorry. You’re saying you can’t get Mr. Navi’s help?

If I can’t read this, I won’t be able to get Navi to search for me.

“What do you read? ‘Sabi’, ‘Tetsu’, I think it’s probably a good fit…… ‘In your throat’ next?” How dare you “? No, I was wondering if it was’ in the middle of nowhere ‘?

Yes, one shrugged and roared, and someone laid their hands on the back of the sitting couch.

I thought it was Mr. Navi, and I didn’t look back and look at the fortune sheet, and a gentle girl’s voice came down from behind me.

“It reads,” Where’s Sabi? ”

It was Japanese.

A girl with glasses stood on the other side of the back of the couch as she hurried up from her chair and looked back.

Black hair, black eyes, black hair is tied in two by the side of the neck. That high school girl dressed in a dark green blazer-type uniform, maybe, no, must be ‘Japanese’.

‘Cause I know that uniform.

It’s a newly renovated uniform from a famous local high school of further education in a previous life. When I say renewal, it’s about two years before I died in my previous life.

Because my friend’s sister, who introduced me to the game, worked hard on the exam for that new uniform and successfully passed it to reveal the uniform.

But why is there a ‘Japanese’ in a forbidden library in another world?

No, wait. Given that the lock codes and fortune sheets here are in Japanese, isn’t that so surprising?

To me confused, the girl bowed her head small with a troubled look.

“I’m sorry I talked to you so suddenly and surprised you. It was the first time I’d ever met someone I didn’t know, so I was so happy that I talked to her.”

“Oh, no… yeah. Hi, I’m sorry. Because I didn’t think anyone else would come…”

Who would have imagined that Japanese high school girls would come too.

“No, it’s my fault I talked to you suddenly. Ah… are you from abroad? You speak Japanese very well.”

Something praised me. Sure, I’m a western girl right now, because I’ve been doing Japanese for twenty-eight years in my last life.

However, since I am fourteen years old without having had a chance to speak Japanese, I have forgotten to pronounce Japanese a little and become a catacott.

But even if I say it in my previous life, you won’t believe me, and I’ll introduce myself as a foreigner.

“Thanks for the compliment. Uh, nice to meet you. My name is Isabella. I’m Isabella Allie Rottenstein. People call me Bella or Isabella.”

Decide that you won’t have to say the Duchess Three or something, just name it.

“Thank you for your kindness. I’m Yuka-san. Mae Castle is my last name and Yu Song is my name. Everyone calls me” chairman of the committee, “but you can call me whatever you want.”

Yu Song seems to be the ‘Chairman of the Committee’.

For the purpose I did see it, I thought it seemed like the Chairman of the Commission.

In the meantime, it looks like we have a Japanese fellow librarian. Glad.

Oh, with that said, you just told me about the names of the colors on this fortune sheet.

I was just surprised and forgot the name of the color you could tell me.

“Um, can Smitty tell me the name of this color again?

“Fine. The name of the color on that piece of paper is Sabi, and it’s almost black and gray. I don’t know if I can say gray because it’s infinitely close to black…… could you help me?

“Yes!! Very!!”

I see, that’s just the chairman of the further school committee and he’s knowledgeable. Now we can get closer to the lock code.

I feel better, I ring my fingers in a good mood and summon Mr. Navi.

“Common!! Mr. Navi!!

‘Yes, are you looking for something?

“Mr. Navi, do you have a book about” Where’s Sabi? ”

“We found three books about” Rusty Iron Nado Color, “two materials, four color sample books, and fifty two books that we thought were” Rusty Iron Nado Color “on the cover.”

Will it be included in the search object up to the color of the cover?

I guess saying “supposedly rusty iron nado color” isn’t clearly “rusty iron nado color”.

Sixty-one copies in total because the names of the colors vary from country to country.

I broke a bone to find the lock cord……

But they’re getting a little closer.

I look back, trying to thank ‘the President of the Commission’ once again.

“There really is, ‘Chairman of the Commission’…… that? I’m not here.”

Looking back, there was no ‘chairman of the committee’ there.

Gluri and look inside the forbidden library. Look up and see if you’re on the ladder, but there’s no such thing as a ‘committee chairman’ anywhere.

Just like when I showed up, I was suddenly gone.

So I ask Mr Navi, who showed up with all his books on “Rusty Iron Nado Color,” about “The Chairman of the Commission”.

“Hey, Mr. Navi. I was here earlier,” Chairman “… wasn’t it, uh… and” Yoshiko Mamijo “has already left?

“I don’t understand the question”

“Er. Now, there was a” Yu Ma Castle Song “here, didn’t she?

“Isabella is the only user here right now.”

“Maybe right now, but we were just talking about it.”

“From the time Isabella came to the forbidden library, to this day, only one user is Isabella. The entry of other users was not confirmed. Furthermore, there are no users registered under the names” Yusong Miyagi “and” Chairman of the Committee “‘

………… horror re (lid) bi.

I can’t do it anymore. I’ve been through as much as I can with the horror development that happens to ChookChookChook just now, but I can’t do it anymore.

I can’t look into things by myself in the forbidden library (here) anymore. I don’t want to be alone.

Ursh, I need you. I need the ingredients now, Ursh. Healing Ursh, if you don’t replenish immediately, the SAN value (sanity) is already at its limit.

“Mr. Navi. I just want to get out of the forbidden library…”

“Thank you for your use today”

The next moment I was standing on the edge of the original fountain.

Mr. Navi!! Suddenly!! I kicked him out with no love or guts!!

No, that would be good if I could get out!! Ursh, I want to see you!!

Ursh I want to see you and smell cum cum cum!! My spirit is being hunted down, and I’m getting withdrawal symptoms about you, Ursh.

Unlike when entering a forbidden library, the surrounding sound is coming back, and you can leave the fountain.

Talk to Marieta? That’s later!!

I do think Ursh said that you would still do something under the Alchemy Department today!!

Aim is Alchemy!! Your top priority is Ulsh, your replenishment!!

Behind me running to the Alchemist in the dash, I heard Migliana calling, but I’ll let you ignore me. Not now.

Running through the grounds in the wind, in the alchemy basement where I jumped in, I desperately look for you, Ursh.

That’s what my senior alchemist talked to me about.

“Ah, it’s Ursh’s fiancée. What’s the matter with you?

“True, Ursh, it’s your wife. Are you in a hurry for something?

Luckily for me, Ursh, I ask where you are, but I’m stuck.

“Ahhh. If you’re Ursh, I’ve been working all night, so I’m sleepy on a boulder and I’m taking a nap on the couch… but I’m gonna wake you up, so can you give me a minute?

Are you asleep? Ursh, are you asleep? You can’t wake me up!!

Even though I don’t immerse myself in the work and sleep inside, I can’t miss this opportunity because what a rare opportunity it is to see your sleeping face at fifteen-year-old Ursh.

“Don’t wake me up. Shh!! You can leave me to sleep and show me around!!

“No, he… really, I got it. I went to bed. If you let your fiancée look like that and be disillusioned, we’ll be killed.”

You sleep dirty? What’s a dirty way to sleep? I want to see the other way around!!

“Good!! Whether you are teething, scratching, or drooling, please guide me!!

So the push question continued for a while, and my senior, who broke into my push, reluctantly guided me.

Who guided you on condition that you tell Ursh it’s an absolute secret.

You don’t have to be so careful.

Me, Ursh, you can laugh and forgive me for being ‘cute’ even if I masturbate while sleeping!!

Ursh, who is on the couch, you’ve been awesome.

Head on the elbow of the couch, or around the shoulder blade (?), Hail and slightly anti- (so). Heh… I think I’m going to fall. Lovely.

One more leg on your back.

The boots I always wear are taken off around there.

Did you almost take them off with you when you took off your boots, or did you take them off little by little while you were asleep, your socks are off to the toe area and hanging blah blah blah. My socks are going to fall off completely in a little while. That’s cute.

And most importantly, the front of the jacket is fully open. You had trouble sleeping and took it off while you were asleep, and your jacket is shaky. I can see the clavicle, chest, stomach and navel all round. I can’t stop. Uh-huh.

“Fiancée. Not close? Should I peel it off?

“Stop it.”

“Ursch’s fiancée was a duke’s wife, wasn’t he? Wow, my nose is rough, I’m Ursh like a lick, but can I just leave you alone?

“Leave me alone.”

“You’re a duke’s warrant, but you open your eyes, you’re stretching beneath your nose, but you’re really good to leave me in that state? For once, the outside world.”

“Don’t get involved.”

“Why is Ursh so loved by the fiancée of a beautiful girl when she doesn’t even look like one?

“Are you a pretty girl?

“No, I know what you’re saying and doing, but you’re just a beautiful girl to look at. Maybe. I’m sure. Yeah.”

I hear something hissing behind me, but I ignore it. I’m busy with your intake, Ursh.

Wolsh, good thing you’re asleep, I think I’ll smell your neck muscle, and I’ll get a little closer to your head.

……… captured by you, Ursh, sleeping there.

I wonder if you woke up, Ursh, and the tension between me and my surroundings stiff as they capture me. Ursh, you keep sleeping with me guttily captured.

Sleeping. Sleeping holding me tight.

Ursh, when I snuck a sigh of relief at what you didn’t wake up, I slept like that. Ursh, you dragged me up on the couch, using both legs to hold me tight.

I’m in your pillow state now, Ursh. Mr. Ursh. Warm nari.

Where I was vulnerable to the horror unfolding that kept overlapping, Ursh was stabbed in the stomach with your series of sleeping ministers, and my consciousness goes far.

“Bye!! Duke’s wife bled her nose and passed out!!

“Seriously, Duchess!! Even the Duke’s wife has a nosebleed?!

“Somebody!! Bring ‘Nose Paper’ or ‘Tissue’ or ‘Chili Paper’!!

“They’ll all be together, but you idiot!!

“Come on!! You can keep the Duke’s Lady exposed like this!!

“……… hey Ursh. You’ve been up since before, haven’t you?

“I’m asleep.”

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