The Villainess Wants to Marry a Commoner!! (WN)

Chapter 13


I’ll do my gaze on your hips, Ursh, chasing Marie.

When I first noticed, Ursh, it was a mismatch to your image, so I didn’t know why you were hanging those things on your hips, but…

Ursh, now that I know who you are, I’m afraid you look too good.

In the morning and afternoon, your image in me has changed a lot, Ursh.

By the way, Ursh, you’re hanging on your hips because…

“Whip (Munch).”

Besides, it’s not a short, sticky object used for horseback riding or anything.

Leather, long whip.

Um, it’s a long whip, like a beast or something the Queen of SM would use.

Mr. Ursh… you were the son of a merchant, weren’t you?

You’re not the son of a beast, are you?

Did the merchant need a whip?

You notice my gaze, Ursh. You tilt your neck.

“I’ve been looking at this all morning, haven’t I? You want it?”

I don’t need it.

“No, I wonder why you carry such things.

“Oh, me. Hey, I thought I’d practice dealing with whips this morning, so I came out of the house.


I don’t know… a merchant was a useless profession that had to deal with whips?

Ursh, the combination of you and the whip is so scary, I imagine it’s weird.

“Yeah. Isabella? You know what? It’s never my hobby, is it? Don’t you have some weird imagination?

I’m sorry, I am.

Because the merchant and the whip, they can’t really connect.

“… to move the carriage. I need a long whip to whip a horse from your stand, but if I’m bad because I’m long, I’ll hit myself, and if I hit someone around me, it’s dangerous, so I thought I’d practice.

Than I thought, it was a good reason!!

Sorry. Mr. Ursh, I’m sorry I doubted you so much!!

And more importantly…

“Mr. Ursh, you had the common sense to say you shouldn’t whip people!!

“Hey, I wonder if you’ve done something so suspicious about humanity, Isabella?

I’m sorry to be honest with you.

Sure, they haven’t done that much, have they? Black though.

You’re not like waving a whip at a human opponent on a boulder, are you? Black though.

… Oh, something’s getting scary about your smile, Ursh.

Change the subject.

“Do you start practicing moving carriages so early?

“This time, I’ll ride that change of subject, but don’t think that’s going to work every time.

Shit, I’m scared!!

Wolsh, I’m scared!

I’m a six-year-old and honestly don’t feel like I can win!!

I’m kanst, but I don’t feel like I can win for the rest of my life!!

“I’m the son of a chamber of commerce, so my employees move the carriage, and I don’t need it, but hey, Isabella told me to go into business, so I thought I’d practice it for once.

Is it for me?

… hehe, I can light it up a bit.

“Isabella would be better off if I were entrusted with a branch of the Snabble Chamber of Commerce, working there, or doing business independently?”

“What? Is that where you ask me to judge you? It’s actually you who works, Ursh, so you can choose who you want. I’m Ursh, because I’ll follow you whichever way you choose.

I can use magic, and you’re black, so I feel like I can do it anywhere.

“Even now, you’re going to follow me. You haven’t changed your mind about being my daughter-in-law?

I wonder what you’re talking about, Mr. Ursh.

“Naturally, Ursh, even if you’re black, I like Ursh. It’s not what I thought, but I still like it. I just don’t trust you.

Unlike me up until this morning, I was just able to take the feeling of fanatically worshipping.

You still have feelings that you like or that you want to marry.

Besides, I spent some time with you today, and I found out something about you, Ursh.

Maybe. Ursh, you’re black, but whoever put you in your own pocket, is definitely someone to protect.

And, Ursh, if you’re serious about fooling me through, you could have done it.

But you didn’t, because you believed me.

Because you believed that not all my thoughts disappeared to that extent.

Then, that credit!! Don’t let me answer that. Awesome!!

Ursh, if you believe me, I will not betray that credibility!!

And so let’s go with it everywhere.

“Why, laugh!!

“Haha. It’s not like I was laughing at Isabella. I’m just glad I met Isabella.

“Now, what are you up to?

“… it would be nice if you believed me a little more.”

That’s what I said, Ursh, when you sighed,

I heard Marie’s little scream and yelling in front of me.

“Hey, you! What are you doing to me!! Your prey got hurt because of you!! Buying prices would be down!!

I was surprised by my voice, and I looked forward.

Surrounding Marie, three inflexible men were yelling.

Shit, I have no idea what the situation is!!

Ursh, you distracted me and I wasn’t looking at Marie!!

“He was walking up in the sky, and as he passed behind those adventurers, he caught on to the prey he was carrying and fell to pull down every prey. At that time, I think the corners of the material were missing at the crusade proof site.

Wow, Ursh!! He tails and monitors better than I do!!

And it’s totally Marie’s fault!!

Marie, you weren’t a dodgy character, were you?!

What the hell is wrong with you!?

One of the angry adventurers, a short-hearted Odysan, shook her fist up at Marie.

Hey!! Ozisan!!

I know you’re angry, but don’t point a blow at a young woman with that inflexible physique!!

The moment I panicked and thought I had to stop it, I inadvertently activated it.

Yes, it’s Anger of the Devil’s Eye…

Intimidating, inaction, and loss of will who is in sight

Falling a flying bird to death, that’s it.

By the way, it’s in my “sight”

with three inflexible “adventurers”

“Young maid” Marie.

Others are the Wild Horses who heard the noise and came out of the Adventurers Guild.

Well, that’s a problem.

I think I’m going to get the most angry effect out of this.

Who’s the weak guy?

Right. Marie, right?

I’m going to help, but I’m going to stun you!!

You can’t get away with it!!

Retreat!! Retreat!!

As soon as we retrieve Marie, retreat!!

Pack the distance to near Marie who faints in the dash.

“Become?! Momentary travel?!

A voice rises from the wild horse adventurers, who were subtly out of sight.

Not instant travel. Yikes!!

We’re not that far apart!!

It’s just a 50M dash. Yikes!!

Hold Marie, you can run away.

For once, Marie’s fault has devalued the adventurers’ prey, so we should make up for that as an employer, right?

Maybe even a maid who works for the Rottenstein family will complain later.

Just me. I don’t have the money.

The Duke’s Lady doesn’t carry the money herself.

[Closet] contains only items.

Hmm? Items?

It’s an item that’s going to be money, can’t it replace it?

Ok, (and organizing items) looks expensive, but give me a dubbed “drop item” with no use and I’ll be deluded!!

By the way, why a drop item?

The items I bought from you in the game, Ursh, seem to have been modified by demons because they are given various items or have special effects, so if I give them to you, it’s going to be a hell of a thing.

If it’s a drop item, there’s someone else with it, right? Maybe.

From the hem of the skirt, stick your hand inside and remove the weapon you put out of the [closet] as if it were being behaved there.

It was “misrilled jamadahal” that was removed.

Even if it’s in my skirt, it’s not funny!!

And if it’s a misrill, it should be expensive.

Apologize for poking softly at the ground between Marie and the adventurers.

“Well! Well! Well! Looks like our maid wants a crude phase. Well – if this kid, I’m sorry. Ah!! Here, instead of paying for what this kid broke!! I don’t have a match right now!! Now forgive me. Bye, this kid, I’ll take him home!!

Kura eh!! One-way talking aunt attack!!

There’s a gap between your mouth!!

Put the Pocan Adventurers in a series of streams.

I just said I’m done talking, and I’m just going to hold Marie as a princess.

I turned my heel back and walked out from behind me with a shitty,

The adventurer who returned to me came after me.

“Hey!! My lady! Wait a minute!!

Come on!! Couldn’t you delude me?

If this happens, run but win!! Run!!

I don’t know the reward amount for the prey, but I put the supplies away, and you can’t go deep into the boulder. Come…

He came after me!!

Oh, no! Oh, no! Oh, shit!

Marie on the boulder can’t really run because she’s big enough to hold in my physique as a six-year-old and she’s dragging her protruding leg!!

No, I can run, because Marie’s feet are frictionally scratched and gone. It was delicious!!

With such a handful, I run at a half-speed, so I can’t get far enough!!

Aristocratic toddlers blasting all over the city in charge of adult maids and three inflexible adventurers chasing them.

What is this situation? Ha!!

Give up now!! Come after me!!

When I came to tears, I heard a “great momentum to cut the wind” behind my back.

If you say, “Bashhhhh!! Like.”

By the time I heard about it, my hair was moving forward due to late wind pressure.

Surprisingly and unexpectedly, I stopped and looked back.

Whipped down in one hand, you, Ursh, and the thin, long, deep grooves made of cobblestone, and the adventurers who slip their hips out in front of them.

“Yes, while we’re at it, let’s get out of here.”

Ursh, you push me back with one hand, and I run out again.

Mr. Ursh. ”


“Didn’t we just talk about having common sense that whips don’t hit people?

“It’s okay!” I didn’t hit it.

“Oh! You didn’t hit those people. Good, you just surprised me and stopped. It’s hard to buy grudges when you guess.”

“That’s right.”

But it’s too powerful to hold back.

What are we going to do with that cobblestone?


“Wouldn’t that be too much for the whip’s power, Mr. Ursh? Powerful?”

“I’m not strong enough. This whip, the ‘magic item’ I tried to create in alchemy practice, so it comes with special effects.

Mr. Ursh…

Your production of “Demon Modified Items” has already begun.

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