The Villainess Wants to Marry a Commoner!! (WN)

Chapter 132

What is it after all?

“That one, right… When I turned eight, I was thrown into a dungeon for months.”

Ravi told me about Lucy and Brother Trevor.

“Normally, when you’re eight years old, you go into the dungeon bunk with a escort and live in the dungeon for a month. That’s when my dad said,” You can do it, “and all of a sudden it was a ten-story start. Normally, I’d go down from two floors in order, but from the first day on, you’d take me down to ten floors in two days, and you’d leave me with a few escorts, and you’d be back on the ground.”

As he recollected what was happening at the time as he spoke, Ravi floated blue muscles on his forehead and clenched his teeth.

I don’t know the strength of the escort or the dangers of the ten tiers of the dungeon Zerbandam, but for now I can predict that it’s not the place for an eight-year-old to step in.

My brother Dymon is also a Spartan, but he never told me to leave me in the dungeon for a few months. I don’t know if I can put an escort on it.

Ravi at the time. My inner sympathy for your hardship continued Ravi, who was relieved.

“So, about a month later, when the escort was halfway out, I couldn’t find my way out and wandered in the dungeon, I was able to join my older cousins who were working in the dungeon before me.”

I want to hear why the escort is half gone. I know the story derails, but I want to know what caused the escort to disappear by half. I want to hear it.

But hold back your curiosity and listen to Ravi.

“So. One of my haunted cousins tried to make me look good. Hit through the trap of a random transfer in the dungeon, and all the escorts and cousins will be torn apart everywhere in the dungeon. Damn!! I’m seriously pissed I remember now!!

Ravi made his body jump with anger, and the table and the lunch plate on top made a noise and rocked.

Me and Ursh were almost done eating, so the contents of the plate never popped up, but the soup from the lunch set that Geese was ordering and the drink Ravi was ordering wet the table.

Wow, but that’s tough…

“Eh, everyone falls apart, does that mean that Labyrinth was left alone somewhere in the dungeon, away from his escort? No buddies flying with you in the same place? Alone at eight in the dungeon?

“Ooh. I got bugged up to 48 levels by myself. To that fool!!

Ravi says so, now he slaps his fist on the table.

The shock jumped the table plate. Can I go lower the dishes for a second?

With that in mind, a strange student who came by quietly retrieved my dishes and yours, Ursh. No, who is it now?

Ursh, you urge Ravi to continue the conversation as if nothing had happened while me and Geese were chasing the students lowering the dishes with confusion.

“Hey, when the hell are Lucy and Brother Trevor coming out of that story? I was wondering if you could hurry up because the break is over. Honestly, I don’t care about your situation at the time. Isabella wants to know about your brother.”

Mr. Ursh… Sure, I do, but I guess I’m too smacked into this short-tempered boy opponent. I hope I don’t start getting angry again…

But my worries didn’t seem necessary, and Ravi started talking about it without anything.

“Hmm? Oh, you did… The flying Forty-Eight Hierarchy was like a native forest…”

When Ravi started talking, Ursh, you took your notebook out of your robe’s pocket and started keeping records.

“I see. The forty-eight tiers of Dungeon’s” Zerbandam “are native forest types all the time. There’s going to be some rare herbs or something.”

There are rare warcraft and demons that you don’t usually see on the ground.

“Oh, it was a primitive forest-style hierarchy, but it was right in front of the Iron Ants that I got busted, and I ran out, and the boulder had a big insect-shaped demon, and it was fast.”

“Iron ants are small, but they have 1M. You can’t get away with it first with a kid’s legs around eight. Other than Isabella.”

“So fast an insect-shaped demon?

“Because even normal-sized insects are medium fast. If I just made the insects giant, I might move a little slower at my weight. Oh, it’s a demon, so hey. The big insect-shaped demons are so fast and hard depending on the type, because they move in disregard of the physical calculations that I said gravity or something. Iron Ants, they’re hard, fast, and swarmed, and they struggle at class A adventurers’ parties.”

Ravi survived well after being chased by such demons.

That’s out of line again. Encourage Ravi to follow.

“Well, it was a stand-alone thing I ran into then. So, when I was about to get caught up, a woman popped up with a man on her shoulder and kicked an iron ant from the side.”

…… hmm?

You suddenly don’t know what’s going on?

I don’t know what that means.

“… what? Who said anything about catching up with the iron ants?

“So the woman with the man’s shoulder is now (revealed) and she kicked the iron ant from the side. The Iron Ant, which was speeding up and going straight, flipped over in good shape. I got a little time until I got up, so I ran away with the woman…”

To that word, Ursh, you nod and agree.

“When you speed up, for that matter, the ground surface decreases, so hey. I’m not comfortable stepping on it because it’s going to be a little floating. As long as we can grasp the timing, physical attacks from the side are effective, right? Well, if you’re going to defeat an iron ant, you just need Isabella-like leg strength.”

Wait. Different focus. Not there. More to worry about, but it fits the story now.

As it is, there is no scratch in the scratch and the conversation progresses. I have to go in.

“Before that, the woman who helped you was shouldering the man? What’s the situation?”

“That’s what you wanted to hear, Lucy and your brother.”

No, no, no…

Well, I was listening to those two, so I guess those two appear in the story, but the way they appeared was diagonal.

I mean, what is it?

Lucy, Geese’s sister, kicked the iron ants in the ass.

And my brother Trevor was the one who was shouldered by Lucy.

Huh? What are you doing, both of you? Why are you in such a situation?

Leaving me room for confusion, Ravi continued the conversation.

“So, in the middle of running and running away, your brother offers me like a bunch of dried flowers and yells,” Come on!! Put this hip minotaur on!! With. ”

“Sorry, what? What about our brother?

“So suddenly, I’ve been forcing you to wear this hip minotaur while you give me the dry flower hip minotaur. I turned it down fast from creepy.”

… No, I get it.

When a woman tells me to suddenly put my hip-minotaur on, a man comes side-by-side with me, I’m confused and scared. I don’t even know what that means. I refuse.

“Then you don’t like the colors, because I don’t have the popular colors blue and red in my hand right now, so I’m going to persuade you to put up with this yellow base, diagonally”

Yeah. Diagonally, right? Then you don’t understand one thing about the need for lumbar minnows.

“What is that hip minotaur after all?

“Your brother was confused, too, and the conversation didn’t mesh inside, but the quick story is, your brother made the lumbar minnows, and you should try a combination of plants that have that hierarchical insect repellent effect. I’m talking about saying it from the beginning.”

Hearing that, and observing it closely, Lucy and Brother Trevor also wore different colored lumbar minnows.

There you go, Ursh, with your neck around your mouth and your doubts.

“In the meantime, Lucy didn’t say anything?

“Ah? Oh, more of a woman. You were running and eating some kind of meat skewer.”

Lucy, a former Count Warrant lady, is acting like a wild child…

“Why was our brother shouldered?

“Your brother was somewhat of a civilian, wasn’t he? That’s what I heard later. That was research, wasn’t it? Can a man who’s been working all his desks run well in the native woods?”

Speaking of which, my brother was the kind of guy who stayed in the lab and was gossiping.

There’s no way you can run around the dungeon.

Instead, I think Lucy, who was making a blood-soaking effort to be the head of a clan that would produce a magician regiment, is more physically and combatively capable.

Dear brother…… Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

No, as much as mental support… I wish it were…

“Then they took me to the home of a squad that was set up to break the dungeon. So, the replenishment unit said it was going back to the ground from the 50-story transfer magic formation, so I stuck with it and came back to the ground safely. So you two were alive then. I don’t know after that.”

I got off… I went down two more levels…

Sure, I guess at that stage they only stepped up to forty-six levels.

In that situation, it’s amazing to get to the fiftieth tier.

By the way, they’re now moving up to sixty-three levels. I wonder how many levels the hell ‘Zerbandam’ has.

I’m not willing to go to the bottom level, but I’m also willing to just go check it out.

That’s all I talked about, the time came and I broke up with Ravi and Geese to take the afternoon class.

Ulsh, I’m going with you to the alchemy discipline building.

Well, this is my first alchemy class.

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