The Villainess Wants to Marry a Commoner!! (WN)

Chapter 17

I’m gonna imitate it. Stop.

I used to say from my good brothers in Gatai and the Odishans that they would chase me around with all their might, that after a nightmarish experience of terror, they would get angry until late at night.

Afterwards, I’m in a good mood and depressed.

Huh? That’s inconsistent?

I didn’t.

I didn’t.

‘Cause there’s been some really good things, but there’s gonna be some bad things going on.

So you’re in a good mood and depressed.

That’s a good thing.

Wolsh, you and I have officially become ”fiancées”!!

They told me to wait nine years!!

Anything, while I’m running around,

The story spread all over the city, saying, “That running girl is Isabella, three women from the Rottenstein family, and she seems to be the fiancée of Urshboy, the second son of the Snabble Chamber of Commerce.”

among the people, fully recognized as fiancée

In addition, he was recognized as his fiancée among the Kingsguard Knights, the Knights, and the Adventurers, and the story spread everywhere.

That’s also at explosive speed for some reason.

But thanks to that…

‘Engagement Celebration’ has arrived from all over the place.

Friendly aristocrats, magicians and Kingsguard knights and knights.

Plus, she even passed it on to Uncle Borderline, and from there…

In addition, in neighboring countries, the King and Queen, your sister and Prince Wang’s husband and wife.

And also from people who have no idea who are related to the Snabble Chamber of Commerce.

At the end of the day, I had no idea who it was, who it really was, and I got it from people.

Your mother’s brother.

I mean, even from the king of the kingdom of rosary, we want to celebrate our engagement!!

To this, your boulder father collapses… no, collapsing was the usual thing.

It spread on an undeniable level no longer, and they even sent us celebratory items.

The father of the boulder had to admit that he was going to make official documents!!

Clear, me and Ursh, you are a true fiancée!!

Nice start!! At this rate, I’ll push you to the goal in. Yikes!!

Other than that, I got a handy skill!!

First of all, gentlemen, will you remember?

This is my maid Marie.

She… because of me, I knew my legs were broken.

I’m sorry. Marie…

Instead, Marie has no blame whatsoever for what she says.

The noise I made after that was too loud, and what Marie did makes me feel so adorable. There was also a reason.

Honestly, as far as I’m concerned, I think Brother Dymon may have caused the most noise.

Why would you put in such a large number of knights to chase a six-year-old?

If they caught me, they’d kill me. Seriously, you ran away.

So I’m not bad. No!!

When I claimed…, my silent brother Dimon grabbed me in the face with one hand and lifted me.

I won’t tell you another joke.

Smitty. I’m sorry.

But I don’t think that’s a good move for a six-year-old girl, Isabella.

The story’s out of line, so let’s go back.

It’s that Marie fracture, but the healer was called more by saying that both legs on the boulder would interfere with everyday life.

Yes!! He’s a healer!! A healer!!

These are the people who use healing magic, where sacred attribute magic can be used.

Holy attribute magic can be used by other cleric people.

When it comes to clerics, they’re not in church, they can defeat undead with purifying magic, and with adventurers, they can dive into dungeons.

He’s a “cleric” but he’s not a religious person. Strange. Why?

Well, put that aside, I never had a chance to try it before, I just got a chance to try that kid!!

Right!! Jealousy!!

Actually, when I say sacred attribute magic, it seems more classified as a unique skill than a skill…

That means you should be able to be ‘jealous’!!

Until now, I haven’t had a chance to see my unique skills, so it’s my turn, “Jealousy” who didn’t show up!!

And I was watching Marie treat her for her fracture.

As a result, “jealousy” has the effect of ”mimicking the inherent skills you don’t have in the closest way.”

You worked hard.

I summoned you for “real” “sacred attribute magic,” not ”fake.”

… I’m gonna imitate it. Stop.

Maybe, predictably, I’m making the ”magician” of my vocational skills kanst and

Is that what’s causing the MP to kanst? So,

What do you mean, “I can’t possibly have that unique skill?” “Jealousy.”

What do you care, you’re arrogant (pride) high.

As a result, my [status] is…


Name: Isabella Allie Rottenstein (6)

Race: People

HP: 999/999

MP: 999/999


Duke’s Lady LV 1 (- 2)

Mage LV99

Swordsman LV99

Assassin LV99

Hunter LV 80 (2)

Cook LV 45

Healers LV30 NEW

Cleric LV40 NEW

Special skills


“Arrogance (Spelvia)”

“Greed (Auritia)”

Anger (Eela) ”

Raging Eclipse (Gula)

“Jealousy (In Widia)”

“Lust (Luxuria)”

“Laziness (Accadia)”

Unique Skills

Magic of Holy Attributes NEW


Condition Abnormality Disabled

All Attribute Resistance

Physical Attack Resistance

Strengthen Your Body

Magic Enhancement

Magic Operation NEW

Fast Recovery

3D Manoeuvre

Signal Perception

“Signs blocked”

Magic Awareness


Vigilance NEW

Sovereignty NEW


Wait!! Wait – No! Wait!

Why didn’t the Duke’s LV drop?!

I’ve never heard of LV going down.


Huh? Could there be other possibilities to back down?!

Ah!! No!! Ok!!

If I marry you, Ursh, it will be gone!!

There’s no stopping any other profession, so it’s the same.

I mean, in the first place, I don’t remember taking the ‘assassin’ profession.

As far as “Duke’s Warrant” is concerned, it’s like an identity, so it changes in marriage and circumstances!!

Ooh… the Duke’s shock of a level down is too strong.

You’re less surprised at other newly acquired skills.

Shortly after I got it, I feel bad about saying my vocational skills start with LV30.

Well, you can push force with the MP amount, so is that what it is?

And I don’t know the difference between ‘special skills’ and ‘unique skills’…

I wonder what it is. It’s refreshing.

And that’s why I’m in the mood.

Well, the next reason you’re depressed…

I’m being called to the royal palace next week.

For a tea party hosted by the queen…

My mother used to attend the queen’s tea party, but I’ve never been there.

Because it is only from the age of seven that noble children can attend tea parties in this country.

Yes, it’s been since I was seven.

If you’re too young, you think it’s to prevent you from being restless or running around and annoying other invitees?

No matter how many aristocratic children are educated, there is no reason to hear that they are small.

And I’m, like, six.

I’m not going because I’m six. And I told my parents,

Officially, she couldn’t refuse because she got an invitation to me.

Hey, you okay?

At the level of calling the Kingsguard Knights, we’re gonna run around, okay? Me.

I’m sorry. Brother Smitty.

I won’t run. I will never run.

I won’t run, so please stop that!!

Please stop grabbing my face and lifting it!!

Me, I’m a girl for once. Yikes!?

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