The Villainess Wants to Marry a Commoner!! (WN)

Chapter 23

I don’t know, but that’s awesome.

I am currently donated to the royal palace.

Yes, it’s a tea party hosted by the queen.

Yesterday, I walked out of the mansion, and I found out that Ursh was visiting you in a raid.

It has now been loaded into the carriage while glue-wrapped in a restraint chain for the ground dragon.

I didn’t mean to be your sister. Here, Dimon, brother.

They say that this chain was created previously by you, Ursh, for large earth dragons.

I wonder why you know the HP of a large dragon. Is that what happened?

When you created the chain, Ursh, you couldn’t have guessed that the chain would be used by your fiancée (6 years old).

By the way, the thickness of the chain is as good as it is used in Japanese parking lots and such.

I guess the strength of being able to seal the motion of the ground dragon with this thickness is amazing.

I’m afraid of something, so I don’t want to be greedy.

Yes, yes!! I’m greedy, but with your help, Ursh, I evolved!!

I’m dragging on the specifications of the game, and the HP and MP numbers are different from what you see, Ursh, so it’s hard to tell and blurry.

Ursh suggested, “Try to be jealous of The Eye of the King of Greed?”

It’s a superior skill, and it’s not a “unique skill,” so I activated it ready to be played.

As a result, Greed (Auritia) evolved with great success!! It took the form of!!

The skill name has changed from Greed (Auritia) to Greed King (Mamon).

Wow!! Awesome. Jealousy!!

Probably not the cheapest in The Seven Great Sins Demon Eye?!

Thanks to Mr. Jealousy, MP and HP are off the specifications (rules) of the game and turned into something as easy to understand as you are, Ursh.

You tuned in to that. The display of [status] has also changed!!

I mean, if you can do it, do it from the beginning!! Kings of greed!!

Kings of Greed perform slightly differently compared to your Eyes of Kings of Greed (Mamon), but we plan to verify in detail how they differ.

Before I could verify, your brother came to retrieve me…

Other times, with your help, Ursh, I was able to verify the effects of the other “Seven Sins Demon Eye”!!

I knew I couldn’t have done it alone…

The collaborators were mandatory, right?

I can also calm down to the Royal Palace, which may count toward the attacker, if my mental stability has also been compromised by the fact that a collaborator named Ursh has been gained.

Ursh, you heard about my previous life, especially when I was going to be the fiancée of the Second Prince, and the compulsion of Futuristic Vision (game scenario) worked to warn me if I would not be forced to be the fiancée of the Second Prince.

If I get a royal order, there’s nothing I can do about it, neither can you, Ursh.

If you’re to the point of being opposed to marriage within you, you and I can afford to run away.

When he is ordained king, the family he leaves behind will not be punished, or he will not be able to escape because of worry.

Well, we still have time to get to the royal palace, so let’s remember about the prince route.

The main character of the Prince Loot…

Firstly, the attacker’s

Second Prince, Christopher Ron Roseal.

Son of the magician’s captain, Geese Nay Toland.

Knight Commander Son, Brian Nick Underwood

And the rival characters on Christopher’s route.

Fiancé, Isabella Allie Rottenstein.

Marquis Family Warrant Lady, Amarillis Ellie Brunest.

Prince’s twin maids, Mary and Ann.

Four in total.

First of all, the attacker’s second prince and I (Isabella), as a setting…

Isabella on the game is the fiancée of the second prince of the Kingdom of Roseal.

At the age of seven, he falls in love with the prince at first sight and brings a begging affair to his father.

Other royalties and nobles oppose it on the grounds that the Rottenstein family has too much power,

Because the Second Prince had “special circumstances”, it was left to the judgment of the Second Prince at the direction of the King.

No, no, the prince himself would be seven years old at this stage, but what are you throwing a judgment round, King?

Also, the term “special circumstances” is not discussed in detail in this part, is it?

I think maybe the prince has a curse or something to observe in the game conversations and exchanges, but there was no event to break the curse in this edition, and what is a “special circumstance” after all with all the volatility? There wasn’t an answer match, was there?

I thought I just missed that event, and my friend didn’t seem to figure it out either.

I don’t know if you forgot to retrieve the scribe’s vocal lines, or if it’s a convenient development to get Isabella engaged.

Around here, if we can appraise the prince, can we determine if there’s a curse or not?

Whatever it is, the “special circumstances” and the fact that the king threw a judgment round at the prince.

Sometimes the prince Isabella had nothing but love for the prince.

A prince who is not interested in someone else doesn’t care. No, he accepts the engagement.

Prince, shall we think a little more there?

It’s about your future wife, right?

You’re the one with the long life, aren’t you?

If you’re not interested in someone else, stick around a little bit longer until someone shows up who’s interested.

and, anyway, Isabella won the prince’s fiancée’s seat

Those who then seek to enter the immensely powerful Rottenstein family,

surrounding Isabella, the second prince’s fiancée, as she praised and spoiled

Isabella grows up to be an arrogant and impatient maid.

At the time of admission to the School of Magic, where the game begins,

The prince is uninterested and indifferent to Isabella, who is arrogant and voter-conscious.

But as the game progresses, the Prince shows interest in the Viscount’s common son and civilian protagonist (heroine).

Isabella, who has a strong sense of electorate and despises the civilian population, is furious.

harassment of the hero (heroine), such as dressing him in wet clothes and isolating him or

whereas the protagonists (heroines) commit numerous outrageous acts, such as kidnapping them and attempting to sell them out at a dark slave auction, in the Rosary Kingdom, where slaves are banned,

Each time, it is stopped by a second prince or other target of attack.

In retrospect, Isabella in the game is really terrible.

Until I remembered my past life, I was a normal, slightly transferring lady.

Growing up to be such a fine villain’s warrant sucks, too, the people around you.

Even though my brothers are in a position to defend the kingdom, like the sorcerers and the Kingsguard Knights, I scratch their eyes.

At the age of fifteen, he said he was involved in the Dark Slave Auction and had (connections)…

What kind of connections are possible?

Well, that’s how Isabella pushed her way down the villain warrant road.

At the end of the first year of the College, on the Second Prince Route, he is publicly acquitted/betrothed, deported or executed and the title of the Rottenstein family demoted.

Incidentally, in the Mage Corps Chief Son Route, he is publicly acquitted, disengaged by the Second Prince, and becomes the posterior wife of an exiled or middle-aged merchant.

It’s forbidden to be alarmed, even though it’s made up of Isabella, who’s already become your fiancée, the merchant Ursh!!

Ursh, the Snabble Chamber of Commerce at your parents’ house is a civilian with no title, albeit one of the major chambers of commerce with power on the continent.

No matter how well known it is, it is easy to leave this engagement without it by royal decree.

So I decided with you, Ursh, what’s your goal today?

① Avoid counting with the second prince.

However, Ursh told me that I couldn’t do it, so I felt like “if I could”.

Let’s keep it belly up for when it counts.

② The queen doesn’t like it.

The king knows that the Duke of Rottenstein family has too much power, and he’s in favor of me marrying a second merchant, and he’s given me an engagement celebration.

It is important to note that the queen wants to engage the second prince with the courtier of the house of power, which is likely to be behind the second prince.

③ The second prince doesn’t like it.

A prince who is not touched and indifferent about everything, so if such a prince interests you, the queen will be thrilled to bring you a marriage story.

• Collect information, including the spec status of the Prince of the Attackee.

This is a directive from you, Ursh.

Ursh, I hear you say that if you can avoid even engaging a second prince, you don’t have to be afraid of the compulsion of the game scenario that far.

Instead, it seems that if engagement to the second prince is avoided, you can decide ‘there is no compulsion in the game scenario’.

Well, sure.

Me and Ursh (physics/brains), if we join forces, if we don’t even have a royal life, we’re not going to do anything about it later.

However, even without an engagement with the second prince, I was asked to gather information, considering that after entering the academy, it would be better to take a first step.

I’m the one who collects information and moves.

It is you, Ursh, who will base that on that.

As a partner, isn’t that a pretty good combination?

Well, I’ll do my best. Yikes!!

I just got back in the mood, and I arrived at the royal palace and Mother asked me to unlock the chain.

I’m finally free.

When your mother takes the keys and chains off, she tries to stretch the wrinkles out of your dress, pumping them as they are.

“Ugh!! If I die, I’ll give a big blow to my sister. I’m not a beast, I don’t even wind up in chains!! I got a wrinkle on my dress.

Mother, please tell him more.

Please tell your brother Dimon directly at a later date if you can!!

Your brother treats his young six-year-old sister like a dragon instead of a beast!!

It’s probably the first time the Loserial Kingdom has begun to treat Kingsguard knights who treat six-year-old girls like earthdragons!! It’s unheard of!!

What the hell happened to your brother?

When I say that, your mother…

The maiden in love sometimes behaves unexpectedly, so your brother should better understand the girl.

It’s outrageous to tie your actions with chains!! He agreed with me.

I didn’t do it Your mother is on my side!!

Your father and brother are so tough on my behavior that I’m glad your mother is on your side!!

As you finish stretching the wrinkles on your dress, you and your mother will get off the carriage and enter the royal palace.

Today’s tea party, they said, will be held in the greenhouse, and we were led by our employees.

Isabella hasn’t seen the castle greenhouse, has she?

“Yeah, Mother. Must be a nice greenhouse.

I’m Yosoiki, so I’ll try to be ladylike and talk to you softly, but would this fit?

I’ve been talking to you lately, Ursh, like a normal kid, so lady, I guess I’m forgetting the words.

“It’s a very nice greenhouse. Isabella will love it. It was my favorite place when I lived here, wasn’t it?

Yes, I was. Your mother was a former princess.

You lived in this castle until you married your father.

It’s amazing that your mother’s home is a castle.

When people ask me how awesome it is, I don’t know, but it’s awesome.

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