The Villainess Wants to Marry a Commoner!! (WN)

Chapter 24

What’s the matter with you?

The greenhouse your mother admired was huge.

It feels like a temperamental greenhouse with a fixed route to the botanical garden where admission fees are charged.

There is a greenhouse dedicated to southern plants.

With a dedicated greenhouse for waterfront plants.

Popular flowers such as lilies, orchids, and roses have separate greenhouses.

Of course, there are quite a few varieties available.

I’ve never seen a lily with blue lamb before. Awesome.

This greenhouse has a school gymnasium space.

You definitely have a lot of skilled gardeners in the “plant-growing system”. You can bet.

Incidentally, the Tea Party is held in a greenhouse dedicated to Roseal, which is loved by all of the Roseal people.

Roseal is a flower that also makes up a country name, of course, a national flower.

Looks like I added roses and colors and divided them by two.

Huh? Can’t imagine?

I don’t know how to explain it either.

If I dare to explain, does it feel like I’ve upside down a mermaid dress with a big slit, made of plenty of lace and frills?

By the way, the colors are warm colors like yellow, orange and red on pink.

It can’t be Roseally blue.

You said you had “Ice Pickled Blue Rosary” in my closet?

Yeah. Yes, but the truth is, the blue rosary shouldn’t exist.

I don’t even know why the blue rosary exists, so ask Ursh in the game where it came from.

Well, I am now gathering information at the Tea Party, working in detail to avoid impression using “Signs Blocked”.

If you completely “block the signs”, you will not notice that you are there and it will be a problem, so about half of them are “block the signs”.

I’m confused with the conversation without any discomfort.

Later. “That? I was talking to you earlier. Who was it? I can’t even remember my face.” I aim to be.

Of course, I learned how to do that from you, Ursh.

Name it, “Secret moves: Colour-in”.

Ursh, this is a stunt (arr.) that you say is in someone else’s house, uncomfortably confused at dinner.

You seem to be using a lot of skills like spying or being a ninja, Ursh, for flirting with dinner in your spare room.

Something about wasting your skills on such flirting, Mr. Ursh, cute…

… Ha!! Besides, it’s a tea party.

Greetings to the queen in question also broke through by making sure that the signs were faint and unimpressive.

The second prince… yeah. Ursh, as you expected. I was there.

However, it was separated from the adult table, the girl table, and the boy table, so there are no contacts at the moment.

But also unexpected.

The second prince, to get me in.

Looks like I’ve made the target age for the tea party an OK since I was six this time…

Yes. I was there… as were two other attackers.

As for the other two, I didn’t have any measures or minds to take. Ah!

First of all at the girls’ table, trying to get information from the little ladies, I sit down and have tea with a lot of people, but it’s cold sweat inside. Yikes!!

Listening to the conversation between the girls, he peeps at the attackers.

First, Christopher the Second Prince.

The blonde prince had a beautiful face like a beautiful girl as of the age of six.

It’s just…

Were the disappeared eyes of highlights as if they had fallen into darkness completed by this time at the age of six?

Yes. It’s the vanishing vain eyes of the highlights.

I can say it’s the main attack target of VER1. I’m a second prince, but my eyes…

Look, there’s cartoons and stuff, right?

It’s the faded eyes of light when you’re brainwashed, manipulated, yandered, or darkened.

The missing eye of that highlight is defo.

Sometimes the light returns to my eyes while I interact with the hero.

He’s got a vain eye all the way up to VER3, the second prince.

What happened?

The second prince, with his vain eyes, smiles only at his mouth, staring at the central point of the table.

It’s how I actually saw the Second Prince…

This… this isn’t a matter of indifference or indifference about everything, is it?

Really, what happened?

… get back on your mind.

Another target of attack, the magician’s captain’s son, Geese.

wondering what’s going on with the genetic sequence, light blue hair with blue eyes. He

I’m not coming back as soon as I dive into the bush with some kind of drawings in one hand. That’s it.

The last VER1 attacker, son of the Knight Commander, Brian.

A boy with bright red hair and emerald eyes, in good physical shape for six years old.

Running around fine with the other boys like a six-year-old and finding something like “SUGGE!!” and the noise is seen with the eyes of the ladies looking at a child who can’t.

Yeah. No matter how much nobility you say, you’re a kid.

At the age of six, you’re stretching free like this.

When Mozart was six, he ran around in the palace and fell.

I hear you proposed to Marie Antoinette, then seven, who woke me up to help.

I can get into and out of the royal palace, and I thought they’d be educated children of the aristocracy and the wealthy.

This is what childhood looks like.

Except for the second prince.

What’s the matter with you?

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