The Villainess Wants to Marry a Commoner!! (WN)

Chapter 28

Monster Satori Project

The second prince, among the candidates for the maid, who would not have to be shut down.

Miss Amarillis, who sparkled her eyes at the inclusion of her name, stood up and proclaimed on the spot.

“Me!! I’m going to be Lord Christopher’s wife! I will continue to support His Highness Christopher all the time!!

Miss Amarillis was the expression of a sparkling dreamy maiden, but I saw a strong belief and readiness in it.

of a young girl who knows nothing of the circumstances from the adults around her,

The bullshit at the end of a dreamy love affair (shit) could be lightly flaunted.

But I know how the game works.

I know that this child’s thoughts are on his way to the second prince unchanged as an adult.

All right, why don’t we give Miss Amarillis our full cooperation?

I will do everything in my power to make you both happy so that Miss Amarillis will never regret her decision in the future!!

Miss Amarillis breaks my ruin flag, so you should give back that position!!

How do you feel about the Second Prince?

For the pure thoughts of a devoted cute girl (Miss Amarillis)!!

And me and Ursh for your, happy merchant couple lives!!

Then the first thing to do is to see the state of the Second Prince, His Highness Christopher, right?

Honestly, I don’t think I’ve collected enough information yet, but let’s hurry up for Miss Amarillis.

Perhaps before the end of the tea party, Miss Amarillis’ “declaration to go to the second prince to daughter-in-law” will be in the queen’s ear.

I’d like to support Miss Amarillis’ thoughts, but honestly, I think there’s a lot of hard work going on with curses and heart disease and stuff.

Well, some people wouldn’t consider that a struggle, but in the case of the second prince, I’d like to mitigate the waves of Miss Amarillis’ life at all because they overlap to the aristocratic cigarami.

Otherwise, I feel like I pushed my ruin flag against Miss Amarillis, and it’s not refreshing.

And for that reason, it’s activated Yikes!!

Evolved “Greed (Awaritia)” again, “Greed King (Mamon)” Dear!!

No!! Check His Highness Christopher’s status!!


People: Christopher Ron Roseal (6) LV: 4

HP: 1/3

MP: 56/60

[* Conditional abnormality * – Mental weakness, weakness, insomnia]


Royal Fourth Child of the Kingdom of Rosary

Second prince of the kingdom of rosary

Vocational Skills * Maximum Level:

[Swordsman’s Egg] [Mage’s Egg IV]

Inheritance Special Skills

[Ears of the Arrogant King (Lucifer)] ”

[* ALWAYS ACTIVATED SKILLS * Currently deploying skills in the 5 Km radius range]

* “Jealousy (Inwidia)” can be activated.

“Special Skills” * Maximum Level: (10)

[Sworn magic i]

“Unique Skills” * Maximum Level: (10)

[HP consumption easing II] * Activating

[Parallel Thinking III] * Activating

[Holy Attribute Magic I] [Sealed Magic I]

Skills * Maximum Level: (10)

[Fire Attribute Magic I] [Water Attribute Magic I] [Wind Attribute Magic II] [Light Attribute Magic I]

[Fire attribute resistance I] [Water attribute resistance I] [Wind attribute resistance I] [Dark attribute resistance I]

[Toxic Resistance III] [Attractive Resistance II]

[Patience] * Activating

* “Jealousy (Inwiddia)” can be activated against [Patience].

You… arrogant king’s… mi, “ear”?!

Isn’t it “Eye”?!

It’s a character to be attacked, and I thought you had some skills!!

And I guess that’s “Big Sin King Skill” in Inheritance Special Skills. And I expected Yikes!!

I don’t know if there are any “Inheritance Special Skills” besides “Great Sin King Skills”!!

But I took the liberty of thinking that the “Great Sin King Skill” series was the superior version of the “Seven Sins Demon Eye” skill

I assumed that the Great Sin King Skill was also a skill about the Eye.

Oh. Ears…

This, I wonder if it could consist of a series of “The Right Arm of the Ohm King” or “The Mouth of the Ohm King”…

But now you know that easily.

The identity of the royal curse, “phantom hearing,” lies in this, “ear” of the arrogant king (Lucifer).

Always active skills…

I thought you told me about this, Ursh…

[Eye of the King of Greed] was a constantly active skill.

In other words, the same is true for other “Great Sin King Skills,” which is why there is a good chance of constant activation skills.

Yeah?… and to say…

Wouldn’t it be possible to shut down the trigger at all times if you were able to operate with precision, just like you, Ursh?

I mean, this [Ear of the Arrogant King (Lucifer)] sounds like it’s activated in a 5-Km radius, but what kind of skill is that?

Oh, there’s the “ mark ”. Let’s find out more.

[Ears of the Arrogant King (Lucifer)] ”

Before the king of arrogance, no perjury or secrets could be given to his people.

Even in his heart belongs to the arrogant king.

It is possible to “read minds” of people who are within a maximum distance of 10 Km. However, only those with lower LV than themselves.

Within the range, physical distances and obstacles do not make sense in the ‘reading mind’ and can be heard.

Yeah, uh…

I mean, it’s like, “I’m at a radius of five kilometers, and the voices of the minds of people with lower LVs than I am, I keep hearing them for 24 hours,” right?

Besides, there’s no point in distance, walls or other obstacles, is there?

A situation where a lot of people keep talking in their ears, right?

Anyone would get sick in that condition!!!

Rather, at the moment, it’s amazing that I’m only doing “mental weakness” and “insomnia”!!

Ah!! So at the age of six, the skill levels of ‘patience’ and ‘parallel thinking’ are so high…

Now, it seems to be a critical endurance, but it’s only a matter of time before the second prince’s heart breaks.

If you leave the constant activation of your skills like this, the experience of the second prince will increase.

If the experience of the second prince increases, naturally the LV will also rise and the voice of the hearts heard will increase.

A vicious circle. Hey…

If the Second Prince is able to use this skill instead, a large circle!!

So everything fits in circles Yikes!!

Miss Amarillis doesn’t have to watch the prince get sick.

The hero (heroine) doesn’t have to be shut down either!!

By the way, if the second prince could use this ability, he’d be a villain reincarnated into temple.

”An event where you get dressed in wet clothes for abuse that you haven’t even done” will be impossible!!

Is the time limit until the second prince’s heart breaks or the LV goes up?

Whew!! I don’t know what time I have left!!

Start right away. Ugh!! Let’s start now. Ugh!!

Name it “The Second Prince: The Monster Satori Plan!!

Ursh, you’re the “Monster Colour-in,” so I named you cheaply with the monster connection, but it’s easy to understand, right?

By the way, the plan is simple and clear!!

Ulsh, who already controls the constant activation of “The Great Sin King’s Skill,” it’s just an easy job to get the Second Prince apprenticed!!

I’m sorry to involve you, Ursh, without consulting you on your own.

I don’t know anyone else familiar with The Great Sin King Skill.

Let’s get the Prince out of the Tea Party (here) peacefully first and let Ursh meet you. Let’s do that.

I don’t have much time to get a formal Second Prince’s permission to go out, or maybe I won’t make it, so it’s gonna be an informal outing.

Holy shit!! There are already three people who could help us!! We’ll figure it out. Ugh!!

Okay, let’s get started.

Lets Second Prince Kidnapped!!

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