The Villainess Wants to Marry a Commoner!! (WN)

Chapter 53

Is this true?

Recently, in a separate incident other than the Colors Collector, he said the King’s Town has become noisy, and his father strongly told him to take the carriage, so he will honestly take the carriage to your workplace, Ursh.

Of course, they say Marieta, the heroine, lives in front of the collective house.

Through the window of the carriage, I look around the collective home and its surroundings, but I don’t see a girl like that.

Well, it’s convenient to say it’s because you passed nearby, and it doesn’t necessarily mean you can see what heroin looks like.

Upon arrival at the workshop, you were preparing tea and sweets in anticipation of my coming.

Actually, it seems Paul is the one who prepared it.

Paul said you had tea prepared in a beaker, so Paul hastily put it back in.

“But I’m really surprised Miss Isabella is coming. I just delivered the letter now, and Urshboy said,” I think Isabella’s coming soon, “so… I prepared the tea with half-heartedness… well… you’re really here.

Mr. Paul laughs bitterly and looks at you, Ursh.

You’re being watched, Ursh, with a firm face.

“If Isabella, I didn’t think she was jizzy when she read that report.

And I pointed it out.

Well, Ursh, is everything I do foreseeable to you?

I wonder if it’s that simple, me.

It’s a little snaggy.

From here on out, I’m going to ask Paul to take his seat off by calling me and Ursh your ‘secret meeting’.

“Now, to say my hopes first, if Isabella can, I’d like you to stay out of touch with Miss Marieta about the heroin.

“I see. May I ask why?

“At the moment, Miss Marieta is’ not a reincarnator ‘I’m sure. But like Isabella, it’s not like one day, suddenly, my memories of my previous life don’t come back.

I can see that.

Even the reincarnations I read in my previous life had many developments that reminded me of my memories just before I enrolled in college.

“But I’m reincarnating because there’s a good cause, right? So, as heroin is going to be reincarnated, what’s the cause?

“Come on? I’m not necessarily a ‘reincarnator’, there’s some other ‘separate’ possibility…”

I don’t know what other ‘separate’ is… but I’m more scared than a reincarnator for what I don’t know.

“Because hey… it’s still good to have a game where Isabella’s information comes out because of that because that guy interfered with Isabella in his previous life, huh? But why is the lead role Miss Marieta? I don’t think so.

Indeed. Moreover, I, despite exiting with Sassa at VER1, the story itself continues to VER3.

Mademoiselle Marieta in the lead.

“The game that Isabella says she saw in her previous life. On second thought, I wonder if there’s a complex combination of various elements? I started to think so. It’s not just the guy’s interference.

What’s that, Cowaii?

It’s getting extra complicated at the moment, even though it’s complicated and I don’t know it well.

“Another factor, what exactly?

“You don’t know that much about boulders. Because I don’t have any tips. As for Isabella, I knew because I had received information, and I wouldn’t have known if it weren’t for Sole.

Right, Ursh, don’t you understand?

”Wolsh, I don’t even know what you’re talking about,” but I’m afraid I can’t get the extra hang of it.

I just thought you’d be okay with not caring so much about the maiden game scenario, but actually it feels like you have to be more alert the other way around?

“So that’s what I’m thinking. I want Viscount Hilson and the girls to go to the kingdom of Deanna.

I see. Do you want the Viscount Hilson Orders to go to the kingdom of Deanna?

“… no, why?

Mr. Ursh, I have no idea what’s going on.

I don’t think you’ll ever know what that is, even if it wasn’t me.

“First of all, I’m a Viscount, and I have no money because of my former Viscount’s squandering habits, and I’m doing this with assistance from my current wife’s home…”

“That, the Viscount in the position being assisted, is assisting the mother of the heroine… If I’m your wife, don’t hit the Viscount with an ashtray. It’s a heavy glass one, too.

No matter how many political marriages, I have a Viscount who says she will support her mistress while she gets help from her wife’s home.

“If Isabella doesn’t have to use an ashtray, she’s overkill with her bare hands. Well, I’m not interested in anything other than Isabella, so don’t cheat on me in the first place.

If you’re dealing with me, Ursh, instead of an ashtray, I may not even be able to hit you flat, but let’s shut up.

“So, to get back to you, the Viscount’s wife must have an angry personality about it.

“Hmm? You’re not mad? I thought your wife was furious and annoyed with heroin and her mother with the ladies…”

“Either way, the Viscount seems to be the kind of person who cries and lives in weakness. I’m shocked, he’s been lying there forever. So the Viscounts seem to think that if the heroine parents and children are gone, the mother will return to her former healthy mother. Actually, it’s not that simple. Well, it’s what kids think.

Wolsh, you are a child too!!

The Viscount’s sister is one year older than us!!

“But if you hear that, it’s not a good idea to unilaterally blame the Viscounts who are abusing you. They’re trying to protect their mother’s mind, and they’re doing it, aren’t they?

They are acting in their righteousness, as they say there is only justice in the number of people. Although the method was never complimented.

“Right. And the heroine knows that, too, so it sounds like he’s holding up to abuse in silence.

Really, heroine…

What am I supposed to do, here…

Who am I to blame… well, the Viscount is Gilty (guilty).

And then there’s my heroine mother… and I have to ask what’s going on around here. I don’t care.

From the standpoint of being a civilian and a nobleman, there may be circumstances that could not be done. We need to hear more about this. We can’t judge.

“So, hey, the merchant, the Viscountess’ home, is under the umbrella of our chamber of commerce, but I took a check to see if my parents knew the facts that I had examined this time. It seems the Viscount hid it so that she wouldn’t worry about her parents’ house, and they didn’t know about it. It’s a political marriage I went to connect with the aristocracy, but” I can even help my daughter son-in-law’s mistress!! But the official legal clothes aristocrats suck and lick and rot!! “And my father is already in Cancún. Ha-ha-ha.”

Wolsh, you look like you’re having fun.

I’ve never seen you laugh while you’re talking.

Ursh, you look like you’re having fun. Above all.

“So, to say the Viscount’s home is an established inquirer dealing with medicinal herbs and medicinal materials. I hear the Viscount’s childhood training works for a trading company specializing in herbs in the kingdom of Deanna. Apparently he was one-sided with the Viscount, but he’s still single without giving up. Come on. I also work for that trading company because one day I was aiming for Tiger Sight in an effort to get the Viscount’s home to acknowledge me and get the chance to be tied to her. So the Viscount asked me to stay away from her and marry her to that childhood tame.

I don’t know…

I can’t give up childhood tampering that has been taken by the nobles, even though it’s a one-way man story, Ursh, because of the way you say it, it only sounds like a bad man.

Maybe it’s because you said “tiger sight”, Ursh.

And the Viscount’s opinion is nowhere else, this plan.

Still, the kingdom of Deanna…

That’s the country where your sister went to your wife.

The kingdom of Deanna is a neighbor on the north side of the Kingdom of Roseal.

If the Kingdom of Roseal is investing in the training of ‘magicians’, then the Kingdom of Deanna is investing in the training of medical personnel, such as’ doctors’ and ‘healers’ and ‘pharmacists’.

Originally, the export of medicinal herbs and medicinal materials and the dispatch of medical personnel are the main diplomacy in a land where they can often be removed.

“If the Viscount and the Viscount Warrant are going to be happy, that’s fine… but what are you going to do later? Heroin, are you going into the Viscount’s house?

To my question, Ursh, you laugh niggardly.

“The Viscount and the Lady will be happy with that. Instead, if you don’t leave the Hilson family immediately, you’ll be unhappy. And the heroine parents and children will never enter the Viscount’s house. Because from now on, we’re going to discover the fact that my heroine mother is going mad.

“Uh… I don’t know. I’m afraid to ask, but… listen to me for once. Why?”

Ursh, you get up from your chair, take some paperwork out of your work desk drawer, and you bring it to me.

When I received the paperwork and asked Ursh with a gaze, Ursh pointed at the paperwork with a black smile.

“The answer is written here. Read it.

Ursh, you told me to look at the report.

As I read it, I could see the blood pulling away from my whole body.

Behind my ears, my heartbeat…

“Is this true?

“Let me get confirmation again and again, and I’m grabbing a lot of evidence.

I assure you, Ursh, that the contents of this report are true.

“The mastermind behind Master Geese’s kidnapping, the identity of the Colors Collector, is Viscount Hilson.

So, so the Colors Collector never took off the pig’s head until the end of the story, and he didn’t show his face to the heroine?

And even after being defeated, it ends without being revealed who…

Because he is the real father of the hero (heroine).

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