The Villainess Wants to Marry a Commoner!! (WN)

Chapter 7

Tentative, I can’t believe it.

Ulsh, your father and mother came into the reception room where we found out what your skills were.

“Mr. Snabble and your son, and Bella, I’m sorry to keep you waiting. You just showed me an ugly place.

When your father says so, he sits on the couch.

Unlike when you fall, you seem to be calming down, but your eyes and nose are bright red.

I think you cried… no way.

“Pfft, this guy cried and cried,” Bella’s already brought the other guy. “I couldn’t help but hate to see him. I had a hard time bringing him here.

Mother rose smiling beside Father.

Did you hate it when you cried, Father? With such a large figure.

Please don’t turn your back on me. Because it’s not cute at all.

“Huh. I don’t think so.

Apparently, you’re not willing to admit it. You’ll find out from anyone.

As far as father-in-law is concerned, he is watching over smiling objects.

Your father, knowing it or not, becomes a serious face and gets to the point.

“Well, I called you two about what our youngest daughter, Bella, said earlier, and what the servant reported to me as Bella’s inherent skills…

Speaking that far, your father turned his attitude to me and asked me with a serious look.

“First, Bella. You said you wanted to get married, he’s there, he’s a merchant’s son and a civilian. You know what that means?

“Yes. I know.

To me nodding, your father, yes, spilling a word, sighs deeply and continues his words.

“You are the daughter of the Duke’s family, with highly useful and inherent skills. From now on, there will be lots of good terms and conditions. You may regret having an affair with him at that time, but do you really think about it?

“Of course it is. I’m Ursh. I don’t want to marry anyone other than you. No matter how good the terms are, I refuse.”

This one, I have thoughts of crossing the world line.

There’s only one condition I want for the person I marry. Ursh, you’re here.

“Right. Mr. Snabble, as you heard, our daughter wants to talk to your son.

Your father and father-in-law face each other and adopt a discussing attitude.

A father with a hard expression and a stepfather floating an emotionally invisible sales smile.

Apparently, I don’t have my turn anymore.

For once, I’ve been working out a persuasion plan.

“Sounds like it. I won’t sit at home as one of the reasons I refuse, so I’m going to leave everything to your discretion later.

My father-in-law who keeps his sales smile and responds with no obstacle.

Considering my daughter-in-law certification statement earlier, you seem welcome.

That’s what you have to say, isn’t it, Duke?

I wonder what your father is going to do.

If I said no, I’d have to come up with the persuasion plan I was working on.

I’ve never given a presentation, so let’s get ready so I don’t get nervous.

“Hmm. As far as I’m concerned, Bella deserves it, but she wants it out to her daughter-in-law… All of our families, including me, are in a romantic marriage. Considering that, I think it’s pathetic for this kid alone not to acknowledge who he wants to marry.

As a nobleman, it would be a good story not to be able to marry as you wish.

Our family doesn’t need a political marriage because we have too much power, at a level that breaks the balance of power in the country.

“But Bella is only a six-year-old. I’m saying this now, but as I get older, it’s good to change who I like. So I can’t let you get engaged right away. I don’t want to take away this kid’s future options.

Come on, as a response, I can’t criticize you strongly because you’re not wrong.

Kids sure, people I like change their colors, but my contents are really adults!!

Well, being an adult doesn’t mean you don’t change who you like, but at least I don’t!!

“I would like to refer to your son, Ursh, as one of Bella’s fiancée candidates. May I?

“Yes. That’s okay. Thank you for giving our son a chance.

“Bella, do you like that, too?

Not good.

I want to get engaged right away and keep you from getting weird bugs!!

He swells his cheeks puckedly and looks up at his father, complaining silently of his dissatisfaction.

I don’t put it into words because I know what your father claims, and I know it’s my own endeavor.

My daughter looks up silently swelling her cheeks and angry at me, and I’m in trouble.

The look of my daughter swelling her cheeks like squirrels is so adorable.

But I can’t keep pissing off my lovely youngest daughter forever.

I think they might hate me.

When I glanced around thinking about how to follow up on my angry daughter

Of my daughter’s thinkers, Ursh, I got a good look at you.

For a moment, my spine hiatus.

Thin eyes very similar to his father’s, not sure if they are open.

Behind it, a sharp, cold gaze directed at you like a prick from your invisible eyes from here.

But the expression has a soaked smile, like a harmless sheep of mankind and animals.

Just a six-year-old.

I see, despite being only six years old, is the nature of the Snabble family out there?

You recognize Isabella as your ‘treasure’ already.

That’s why I didn’t want to marry my beloved daughter with a clan of merchants who would be called Fafnir in the shadows.

Why did our Isabella get caught up in such a nasty man?

If you can, I want Isabella to change her mind before the engagement gets real.

“Bella, you can’t look like that. It’s too early to get engaged at six in the first place. Your sister and brother decided to get engaged while they were at school, so we’re not in such a hurry to get engaged.

“That’s right, Bella. I said I was a fiancée candidate, but it’s more like being provisionally engaged than you two think, because if you don’t even change your mind, you can stay engaged.

to my statement, to my daughter, who was increasingly swelling her cheeks, when my wife followed

My daughter dropped her shoulder when she realized it was useless.

Don’t be so depressed.

It’s for you, and it’s for you. Bella.

“No… Tentative, I can’t believe it.

I’m taking the carriage home, Ursh. Drop you and your stepfather off and sigh loudly.

“Tentative” engagement?

Well, I don’t know what else to do.

Let’s just say we weren’t totally against it.

After that, it was decided in a discussion between your father, your mother, and your stepfather.

Me and Ursh, without changing your mind, when you’re fifteen, this engagement.

And in the three years leading up to graduating from the School of Magic,

If I don’t change my mind further, I will get married after graduation.

Nine more years until this engagement. It’s a long time.

Nine years from now, it’s time to start the game.

Isabella from the game has only been in magic school for a year.

In order to marry you, Ursh, you have to graduate after three years of college.

To do this, first of all, you must avoid engaging the second prince.

Ursh, your primary goal is to enroll as your fiancée.

And after school, Ursh, I’m intimidating you around so you don’t get weird bugs.

Avoid contact with game characters, especially heroines, and get through the demon’s first year safely is the second goal.

Plus, survive the upcoming events (incidents) in years two and three with you, Ursh.

The ultimate goal is to graduate.

If so, let’s have a ‘game revelation’.

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