The Villainess Wants to Marry a Commoner!! (WN)

Chapter 9

What should I do? Something’s keeping us apart.

I was in the open [status].

Yeah, it was gone from the [closet], it’s them.

“The Devil’s Eye of the Seven Sins” series.

You guys were disappearing from the [closet], and I was honestly horrified.

Well, the fact that you weren’t even there until ‘Effects’ is at least salvation.

In conjunction with emotions, if petals dance, glitter, or black holes appear

That’s not human anymore.

And I was bringing it to the reincarnation.

It wasn’t just ‘items’ in VER1-3.

A mini-game I kept repeating to earn points that would contribute to you, Ursh.

So, you get more experience and levels, right?

Because there were enough points and bills and the healing pills (potions) that I was getting in exchange for other players to rot

I think he plays double mini-games and is up to the level.

Even from a friend who invited me to “Love. Magical.”

“He’s a B-guy, and he’s the one who makes you kanst on the offense side, I saw him first. Proceed with the story.

Because they told me so. How are you, my friend?

No, it was some pain.

Because you’re the only one I need, Ursh, and I was just looking to interact with you.

It was painful for me to keep whispering words so sweet that my goosebumps gave me glittery good-looking in vain.

So it would be a work gay, but it would be a puzzle of livestock difficulty.

Hunt of giant monsters, I guess, but escaped handsome offensive work,

And I think it’s natural to run to a mini-game, where Ursh makes a point.

That’s how I brought it to the level I was raising.

As a result, this is what happened to my [status].


Name: Isabella Allie Rottenstein (6)

Race: People

HP: 999/999

MP: 999/999


Duke’s Lady LV3.

Mage LV99

Swordsman LV99

Assassin LV99

Hunter LV78

Cook LV 45

Special skills


“Arrogance (Spelvia)”

“Greed (Auritia)”

Anger (Eela) ”

Raging Eclipse (Gula)

“Jealousy (In Widia)”

“Lust (Luxuria)”

“Laziness (Accadia)”


Condition Abnormality Disabled

All Attribute Resistance

Physical Attack Resistance

Strengthen Your Body

Magic Enhancement

Fast Recovery

3D Manoeuvre

Signal Perception

“Signs blocked”

Magic Awareness


What about the Duke’s warrant LV versus 3 and the assassin Kanst in LV99?

What is my business?

I mean, does the Duke’s Lady ever go LV99?

I want to see it. Duke’s Lady of LV99.

It’s next to this, “The Devil’s Eye of the Seven Sins,” “ What.

More information, I guess.

Whoa!! It’s open. What the…

Arrogance (Spelvia) Telephoto. I can look far and change my angle of view at the desired position.

Appraisal of Greed (Auritia). Perform the appraisal.

Identification of organisms is only possible for those with lower MP than yourself.

Anger (Eela) intimidation. Intimidation, inaction and loss of will against all living beings in sight.

Power changes depending on your opponent’s level and distance from them.

“Raging Eclipse (Gula)” collection. Collect the visible items into the closet.

Huge objects that cannot be grasped in their entirety are not allowed.

Jealousy (Inwiddia) imitation. imitate the unique skills you don’t have in the closest form.

The condition is that you are watching a sequence of unique skills until they are activated.

Sexual Lust (Luxuria) Clairvoyance. I can see through the object and look beyond.

The magic walls made by those with higher MP than myself are impervious.

“Laziness (Acadia)” myopia. It looks good even in the dark.

“What shall I do? Something’s keeping us apart.

Laziness (Accadia), anyway…

Coupled with other skills, it’s vicious.

Some things don’t work for people with higher MP than I do, but they’re my MP kanst first.

Even if there were people out there who were just as kansted.

Because I have the skills to say “fast recovery,” can I activate it if I can make it consume more MP than I do?

No, I don’t have to come up with an opportunity to activate it.

I’m a little happy with Greed.

Ursh, same as you (?) [Appraisal] It’s a skill.

If you’re going to the same alchemy department, you definitely have better skills.

All right, let’s test how it activates in this real world where skill is not a game from today.

─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─

Yes. It’s been about two weeks since I met you, Ursh, and I got my memory back.

In the meantime, at all!! Ursh, I didn’t see you!! Why not?

I exchange letters, though. I want to see you in person and be healed.

Because the child of this world is going to elementary school from the age of ten.

I’m a common kid, and I don’t have many kids who can read and write at six.

Boulder, Mr. Ursh, son of a merchant. You’re perfect at reading and writing. Nice.

Me? I’m noble, so I’ve had a tutor in there since I was five.

When my knowledge of Japanese is interrupted and I ask if it is difficult to remember Roserial, it is not so.

I don’t have any memories of my last life, is that due to six years of life?

Of course, I remember Japanese, so I write secret notes and stuff in Japanese.

Wursh, while your interaction with me is not progressing, the skill verification is progressing steadily.

First, the “Demon Eye of the Seven Sins” series.

“Arrogance (Spelvia)” Telephoto, not a problem for looking far away, but I get drunk when I change my perspective. Very drunk.

“Anger” Intimidation, I tried it on a flying bird, but I couldn’t move with fear, and it fell in the herd.

It would be bad to use this against a human being. If he’s weak, this is all he could die for.

The “bulimia (gula)” collection, [closet] does not seem to contain live objects, so the fallen bird flock could not be recovered “in part”.

And if you’re far from being able to see what the object is, you can’t recover it.

By the way, the recovered birds were taken to the kitchen and made for dinner.

“Jealousy (inwiddia)” imitation, cannot be verified because the situation does not come to see a series until the activation of an inherent skill.

“Lust (Luxuria)” Clairvoyant, the youngest maid’s underwear today is top-down white, white garter belt and black stockings.

You can’t think of any other uses for clairvoyance, can you?

Lazy (Acadia) Dark vision, even in the dark, looks good.

So, Ursh, same as you (?) Greed [Appraisal]. What…

As we cossorily appraise the people around us,

My human separation becomes an emerging, depressing consequence.

For example, a young maid with top and bottom white underwear.

Name: Marie Mason (17)

Race: People

HP: 5/7

MP: 1/1


Maid LV1

Babysitter LV2

Cook LV 2

Special skills




Nursing Care

She, I’ve been a maid of honor since I was fifteen, and this is my second year.

I don’t mean to be a dodgy kid in particular, but I’m in the maid business.

But LV1.

For two years, if you’re serious about LV1, how can you say LV upper cancer!!

And then, HP: 7 is the middle of the average for the other girls my age, Marie.

What am I gonna do… me, HP: 999.

Accidentally, Ursh, if you find out that you have [appraised] HP: 999

I thought you were a gorilla!!

No, it’s Kong. Yikes!! King Kong!!

My favorite Ursh, if you find out she’s a king Kong kind of woman,

Lightly five years is a disgrace at a level where you can disappear!!

Please, Ursh, I hope you have a lower MP than me and can’t do my [appraisal]!!

… get back on your mind, for other skills.

I saw “Occupational Skills” and “Skills,” and I was thinly aware that…

Isn’t this’ ninja ‘anymore?

“Block Signs,” until you speak up.

You boast an unnoticed level of precision “in front of you”?

I’ve been free for the last ten days, so I can sneak all I want.

As a result of being sneaky,

For generations at home, Sean, the butler (old glasses from the old days), who has been available for many years;

I found out about Marie (17), the maid of honor in the upper and lower white underwear, too old for a relationship pattern!!


Sean was young and preceded by his wife, and his son was independent (butler apprentice at home).

Later, I left it to my son, and he showed up in a life where he would just hide, admire himself, Marie, still a jealous young man.

Thoughts come to mind, and at some point, Sean is attracted to Marie,

Old-fashioned, short self, young and still futuristic Marie, says it’s not appropriate.

I suffer to break my love, no love, for the budding Marie.

Will Marie give Sean the rest of your life to me? And…

… what are you doing, me.

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