The Villain’s Diary – The Heroine’s Character Crumbles

Chapter 102

The sight of two mountains emerged in a spectacular manner.

“Nice one!”

Jiang Mu remembered his home town’s finest dumplings.

He shook his head off, but not taking his eyes off it.

“What’s wrong with her ….”

“How did her dress get ripped off.”

“Could they have been ripped by the earlier aerial punch?”

That was the only explanation Jiang Mu could think of, but none of that mattered.

What was important was that.

Now his body, it felt more and more strange.

Apart from the x-excitement.

He also smelled a hint of enchanting fragrance that seduced his soul.

This enchanting fragrance, hooked the deepest of his soul, slowly.

“Why do I suddenly want so badly to …. her ….”

Looking at the innocent adorable girl lying flat with her mountains slightly exposed.

Jiang Mu had a feeling from the depths of his soul that he wanted to send her flying on the spot.

“Shit! No way no no……”

Jiang Mu shivered.

If he really did, then the plot would be messed up.

Now that the third female protagonist, Black Water Fury, had already fallen apart, if the fourth female protagonist, Lihua, also falls ….

Then we’ll be playing an invisible snake poser every day.

Jiang Mu calmed down and intended to continue to nourish and repair the Lihua’s dantian.

However, as the enchanting incense grew stronger and stronger.

Not only could he not calm his mind.

In his mind, it seemed as if the enchanting and flirtatious voice of the Lihua also resounded.

[Don’t just stare at me like that!]

[Co~me on]

[Have your way with me. Don’t ignore your desires!]

The enchanting fragrance suddenly became strong.


Jiang Mu instantly felt his soul swirling and unexpectedly developed strong feelings of fascination for Lihua, and the body, instantly, became manly!

Not knowing if it was an illusion or not.

Jiang Mu’s eyes widened.

Because of the unexpected development, he could no longer hold on.

“Better than getting f*cked!”

Jiang Mu’s brother was getting fierce.

He resisted the Lihua’s impulse hard by reason, by thinking of his close master-servant relationship with Black Water Fury.

Then immediately made a mad dash towards the spring

In one hand, he picked up Black Water Fury, who had fallen asleep in the bath.

Black Water Fury: ( ̄o ̄). z Z ….?

Lihua: (? ?д?)b ….?

An hour later.

“gulp – gulp – gulp!!!”

The Black Water Fury with a human body and snake tail was under the irrefutable command of Jiang Mu.

Reluctantly, she resigned herself to dipping back into the stone bed of the spring water and fell into an unfulfilled sleep.


“The Black Water Fury that turned into a snake body.”

“Xy surprisingly was so much better.”

Jiang Mu walked up from the spring and dried his clothes.

He walked towards Lihua’s side again.

Intending to continue nourishing and healing her dantian.

It was then that he noticed.

Lihua’s mountains were no longer just peaking.

Instead, it was all bare.

Lihua: (╬◣д◢) I will tame you this time for sure!

“Um ….”

“Her dress is all open ….”

“It does look very …. white and clean.”

Jiang Mu, who was in sage mode, had no ripples in his heart.

He squatted down.

Looked at her carefully.

In his heart, he already had a rough guess.

“This Lihua, could she be pretending?”

“Her purpose, is to seduce me, and then use the fox clan’s secret art imperialism to tame me?”

“And the ultimate goal, to get my …. transformation technique?”

Thought and thought.

Jiang Mu simply didn’t bother to think anymore.

He would be returning to the Wuyou Sect tomorrow anyway.

In the future.

If there were no unexpected circumstances, he and Lihua, basically, would never meet again.

As for Lihua pavilion’s order one get one free and the girls’ room doors all open ….

None of these are as cute as the little cutie.

“After healing Lihua’s dantian, let’s send her back to Ling Aotian’s side to follow the plot.”

“However, to prevent her from playing any underhanded tricks to mess with me, it’s safer to stun her first.”

“But she’s at the Qi Sea realm, I can’t mess with her ….”

And so.

Jiang Mu looked over to the spring and saw that Black Water Fury was turning over her belly to bask in the moon.

Then he communicated with her far away in his mind.

“Little cutie?”




“Come and take off.”


Black Water Fury’s eyes opened fiercely, and the sharp golden eyes seemed to cut through the silver moon of the night.

She crawled to the side of Jiang Mu in an instant.

Opening her mouth ….

“No, no, no, no!”

Jiang Mu hurriedly stopped her in his mind.

And signaled her to look at Lihua.

“Just knock her out and stun her unconscious until she wakes up tomorrow morning.”


Black Water Fury disappointedly responded back.

Then, looking at the white, pure Lihua, she said disdainfully.

[I can sense that her soul continues to steadily emit a faint spiritual energy.

[It seems that she is secretly casting some secret technique.

“Shit, is she really faking it?”

“Knock her out!”

[Leave it to this god.]

The Black Water Fury grinned, revealing a vicious smile.

She sensed that Lihua’s soul was more powerful.


To smoothly and precisely knock out Lihua.

Then the best, most convenient, and most unexpected method was ….

“Soul Book!”


After Black Water Fury cast the Spiritual Art Soul Book, her entire snake body hung on Jiang Mu’s shoulder.

And in her consciousness.

Within a three-meter radius, a dark space formed.

Within the entire space.

Apart from her soul, there was also a light book soul, and a light mass soul.

Obviously, that was Lihua and Jiang Mu.

The Black Water Fury began to gather soul power, intending to summon that light book soul of Lihua in.

Then knock it out.

“Huh? Wait.”

“The light book soul ….”

It was only then that Black Water Fury suddenly remembered.

Han Yuqing and Ding Nanrong’s souls were in the form of light books.

They both possessed the Private Diary of Jiang Mu

Now Lihua’s soul was also in the form of a light book.

“In that case, Lihua, the fourth female lead, must also possess the diary!”

Black Water Fury narrowed her eyes, recalling the first time she used the Soul Book.

“That’s right, back in the Wuyou Sect.”

“The first time I used the Soul Book, I saw that there was a Light Book soul at the location of the mountain entrance.”

“I suppose that light book soul is Lihua.”

“Like the three of us, she has known everything in the Diary, long ago, In that case ……”

Black Water Fury after some consideration.

It was decided not to stun Lihua first.

Because it was obvious that Lihua, like her, already had a crooked persona.

Even if she stunned Lihua now, she would probably make some other moves later.

It would be better to ask her what she wanted to do now.

“Let’s summon her in first.”

So, staring at the light book soul of the Lihua, she thought about it.

The next moment.

Light Book soul, it turned into a pure girl.

“This …. What’s going on here-….”

Lihua looked around in astonishment.

Her soul, surprisingly, was soundless and unable to resist.

It had been forcibly summoned into this dark space!

Her gaze, landed on Black Water Fury’s human snake tail soul.

She was so shocked that her mouth could fit into a snake’s fist.

“You …. You?!”

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