The War of Resistance: The Ten-Year-Old Warlord

Chapter 183

Chapter 183

A day after the Yanhuang fleet went to sea, the radar suddenly detected a large number of ships directly ahead.

Liu Dong immediately sent a reconnaissance plane to investigate.

Because a few hours ago they also detected a large number of ships, but in the end they found that they were actually a group of merchant ships.

Soon, the reconnaissance plane sent back a message confirming that it was the Japanese fleet.

Battle alarms sounded immediately on all warships, and the aircraft carrier pilots rushed towards their respective aircraft.

Everyone is filled with the will to fight. At the same time, it is in high tension.

This was the first major war experienced by the Chinese Navy, and it was also a big war that decided their fate at one time.

Many pilots were sitting on the plane, their hands and feet already oozing a lot of cold sweat.

Chen Fan stood in the flagship command room of the Yanhuang, his eyes looking coldly at the sea in the distance.

The Japanese fleet had not yet appeared, but Chen Fan could already feel a thick murderous aura.

“Report to Dayuanshi.” Liu Dong stood behind Chen Fan solemnly: “The fleet has been assembled, all the pilots are in place, and they are ready to fight at any time.” ”

“What about the submarine force?” Chen Fan asked.

Liu Dong replied: “Deputy Commander Gao has commanded the submarine to approach the Japanese combined fleet, and is currently in a state of silent sneaking, waiting for your orders at any time. ”

“Very good” Chen Fan said lightly: “Tell Gao Cheng to let him 647 stay under the devil’s warship.” Didn’t let him attack, don’t do it. ”

“Yes,” Liu Dong yelled.

Chen Fan continued to ask, “How far is the ghost fleet from us?”

“Eighty nautical miles,” Liu Dong replied, “It takes about an hour and a half to meet.” ”

“Very good” Chen Fan clenched his fists: “Closely monitor the movements of the Japanese aircraft carrier. Got it?”

Liu Dong was a little confused, shouldn’t he send planes to attack enemy warships at this time?

According to what he had learned, when the two sides met at sea, they should attack as soon as they could.

Aircraft carriers, in particular, should be the first to send aircraft to bomb.

Liu Dong asked curiously: “General, if we don’t attack now, then it is possible.”

Chen Fan interrupted him: “Do you think the ghosts didn’t find us?” Perhaps, they have now taken off. ”

Liu Dong said anxiously: “Then we should send the plane out now, otherwise we will be preempted by the devil.” ”

Chen Fan smiled slightly: “The kind of fighting style you mentioned is to send a large number of aircraft to completely annihilate the Japanese army in the air when we have an absolute advantage.”

But now, our advantage over the Japanese is weak. The only way to guarantee victory is to adopt some special play. ”

“A special way to play?” Liu Dong was even more curious, “Please ask the Generalissimo to make it clear, it is really stupid to be humble in your position.” ”

Chen Fan snorted, “This is a method of fighting in the army, but I use it to fight at sea and is also useful.” When you look at it and understand it yourself, it’s useless for me to say more. ”

“Understand” Liu Dong absolutely believes in Chen Fan.

Chen Fan is invincible on land, and commanding the air force is like a divine help, and naval warfare is naturally not a problem.

The truth was exactly the same as Chen Fan thought.

When the reconnaissance planes of the Yanhuang fleet discovered the Japanese combined fleet, the devils also discovered their reconnaissance aircraft.

Yamamoto Fifty-Six immediately convened an urgent meeting, and finally analyzed that it should be Huaxia’s navy that changed from passive to active, and came directly from Qingdao to fight.

The admirals of the navy laughed at each other, thinking that the Chinese navy was dying.

An aircraft carrier dares to come to the battle, isn’t this looking for a fight?

Among them, Nagumo Tadaichi also said that as long as he leads two aircraft carriers, he can solve the battle.

But Isoroku Yamamoto is a famous general after all.

negated everyone’s contempt for the Chinese Navy.

He said that even if the enemy was weak, it would be the opponent of the two fleets of the Japanese army.

Such an enemy should be valued and respected, otherwise the combined fleet will repeat the mistakes of the past.

“Commander, what do you say?”

Nagumo Tadaichi asked dissatisfied.

Although Yamamoto is the commander of the Combined Fleet, the island navies are also divided into two old factions.

The older ones are like Nagumo, who is not qualified to be a fleet commander at all, and their combat methods are very old-fashioned, and they like the battleship cannon mode, and then they get on the torpedo attack.

And the new faction, represented by Yamamoto Fifty-Six, vigorously promotes the tactics of carrier-based aircraft aviation, believing that aviation decides everything.

Although the new school came to power, the old school was very powerful, and the navy had to make them senior officials to ease the contradictions between the two factions.

Isoroku Yamamoto would have had the right to decide. Just give the order directly.

But it was precisely because of the old-school members of the Combined Fleet that he was convening this meeting at a critical juncture when the Great War was coming. Then unify the mind, in order to fight.

Yamamoto said in a deep voice: “I have decided to send three hundred fighters to surround and annihilate the enemy’s aircraft carrier Ironblood.” ”

“Nani?” Hyakutake Harago, a member of the old school, said dissatisfied: “Do you need to send so many planes for one aircraft carrier?”

Yamamoto nodded vigorously: “This is already very conservative, if it is according to my meaning.” Four hundred, or even all fighters, should be sent. Ladies and gentlemen, we are here for the honor of the Empire. This battle must be won, so we must defeat the enemy at the first time. ”

“This is what the Emperor wants, do any of you have any objections?” Yamamoto Fifty-Six accentuated his tone.

No one objected anymore, Yamamoto even moved the emperor out, and only sent out three-fifths of the plane, which can be regarded as a balance for everyone.

“Well, if you have no opinion, the plane will immediately take off and bomb the Iron Blood, ending this war as soon as possible.” Yamamoto slammed his fist on the table.

A few minutes later, the fighters of various Japanese aircraft carriers took off urgently, and each aircraft carrier sent many fighters to participate in the battle.

The aircraft carriers that came to fight this time were all equipped with the latest improved Zero fighters.

Fighters fly faster than previous fighters, fire more fiercely, and are more lethal in air combat.

Yamamoto watched as the plane flew towards the distant sea, his hands clasped together.

“This time, I will definitely win.”


Just as the Japanese fighters took off, the Yanhuang fleet sounded a shrill alarm at the same time. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Liu Dong asked Chen Fan excitedly, “Generalissimo, the enemy’s plane has taken off, are we going to fight?”

Chen Fan nodded: “All bombers, torpedo planes and most of the fighters took off, and each aircraft carrier left a total of a hundred fighters!” ”

“Yes,” Liu Dong turned around and went to carry out the order

Chen Fan suddenly said: “After the plane takes off, fly to our sides, and then let them fly for a while, wait until they receive my order.” ”

“Huh?” Liu Dong was stunned again, confused by this inexplicable order.

Let the plane fly for a while?.

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