The War of Resistance: The Ten-Year-Old Warlord

Chapter 206

Chapter 206

In the previous life, Chen Fan liked to play various shooting games in his spare time.

Although he is a pseudo-military fan, some weapons are used in the game.

As long as multiple weapons are added together, it is from beginning to end, God blocks and kills God and Buddha, and there is no stopping rhythm at all.

This trip to the northeast was more difficult than any previous battle.

The Kwantung Army operated the northeast for many years, and on the basis of the fortresses built by Zhang Dashuai in the past, it consolidated many defensive lines and built a large number of new forts.

For example, some fortresses dug directly inside the mountain or inside the rock.

In this kind of place, it is useless to bombard continuously with heavy artillery, people’s fortresses are in the mountains, can you still flatten people’s mountains?

If at this time the infantry charged. Then no matter how good a weapon you are, you will also be exposed to the fire of the devil16.

At that time, the old Maozi was so brave, and the little devils who beat up in Nomenkan were almost completely destroyed.

But when they attacked the northeast. Thirty or forty thousand people died in the Hutou Fortress alone, and you can imagine how terrifying these fortresses of the devils are.

Therefore, Chen Fan was ready to give some artifacts to the infantry to use.

Although it is impossible to say that with an artifact, the devil can be beaten without the power to fight back.

But at least let the infantry have a few more layers of support when attacking.

The first artifact is the RPG bazooka.

This weapon is the same artifact as the AK47.

Sell well all over the world, and wherever there is a war, there are RPGs.

Until Chen Fan’s time, Uncle Black liked to carry an RPG bazooka when fighting.

And this is also a symbol of status and status, whether the battlefield is accurate or not, as long as you carry the RPG and then shoot at the enemy, it is absolutely handsome and hanging, and has become the idol in the hearts of countless black sisters and black brothers.

If there is any bazooka that kills the most people in the world, it is undoubtedly RPG.

It is inexpensive, but it has a variety of uses, such as attacking armored vehicles, bombing forts and fortresses, attacking helicopters, hitting enemy convoys, and even being used as a rifle, bombing the enemy indiscriminately, anyway, rockets are cheap to build and use capriciously.

Although RPGs have been disliked and used by mainstream countries in later generations, they are treasure-level weapons in some third-world countries.

Compared with the bazooka equipped by Chen Fan’s army now, RPGs are not only easy to carry, but also more powerful and more accurate.

An infantry soldier can operate, and any corner the cat can bomb his mother fiercely, which is definitely a weapon for sneak attacks and strong attacks.

The second weapon is a world-famous machine gun, that is, the PKM general-purpose machine gun produced by Lao Maozi after World War II.

Speaking of this machine gun, most people have basically never heard of it.

But in the machine gun world, it is as famous as the AK47, exported to more than forty countries, and more than a hundred regions around the world are using this firearm.

Even the United States, which has always looked down on the old Maozi weapon, ordered the special forces to imitate this weapon.

This machine gun follows the same principle as the MG42, although the rate of fire is a little slower, but it is very convenient to carry, and the lethality is simply crazy.

Old Maozi’s elite usually uses this general-purpose machine gun as a rifle, and the power of the fight cannot be described.

Even decades later, these three weapons together can still terrify enemies. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

In this era, it is not only as simple as fear, but also a large number of people’s lives.

And the military merit value required by these two weapons is very cheap, and PKM alone only needs four thousand military merit points, and eight thousand is enough if it is associated with the production plant.

RPG costs five thousand, and the joint factory is ten thousand military merit points.

This value for money is definitely the highest.

After redeeming the factory technology for these two weapons, he continued to search in the mall.

Soon, his eyes were fixed on a flamethrower.

Flamethrowers are not normally used, but when encountering strong forts and fortresses, it is an absolute nightmare for the enemy.

Just spray it into the fortress, the effect is better than throwing a few grenades into it.

The hot flames will immediately render the people inside ineffective, no matter how strong the bunker is, it cannot stop the attack of the flamethrower.

If combined with the Single Soldier Devil Suit, the infantry’s combat ability will be terrifyingly improved.

Offensive weapons are available, but defensive equipment is almost non-existent.

When the infantry charged 907, it was to take their own flesh to fight with the bullets of the devil.

If you are lucky, you can live forever, and a bullet with bad luck can kill you.

It is impossible to have armored vehicles cover every infantry charge, and not every terrain armored vehicle can go up.

Therefore, Chen Fan wanted to find a body armor for the infantry and specially put it on when they charged.

Although body armor is bulky, the average veteran does not like it.

However, when charging, you don’t need too much mobility, as long as you rush forward desperately and quickly approach enemy positions and bunkers.

It can save lives when it matters.

Chen Fan directly exchanged body armor and bulletproof helmets, and like the previous weapons, there were both factories and exchange technology.

“Okay” Chen Fan looked at a few pieces of technology and nodded with satisfaction.

With this, the offensive and defensive capabilities of the infantry have been greatly enhanced.

This time in the battle of the northeast, he was more assured.

“A week to equip the troops,” Chen Fan muttered, “In a week, the army will advance into the northeast. “。

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