The War of Resistance: The Ten-Year-Old Warlord

Chapter 210

Chapter 210

At night, Chen Fan rode directly into Anshan City in an armored car.

The Japanese troops here have all fled. Along the way, it can be seen that they are in a hurry, losing their armor and abandoning their armor, and even many supplies are too late to take away, all neatly left in the warehouse.

The battle on this day was very smooth, and Yingkou Anshan and Jincheng all fell into Chen Fan’s hands.

But Chen Fan’s brows were still locked. Although they got so much territory, in fact, not many Japanese troops were eliminated.

According to the statistics of the troops, the devils were eliminated by more than 20,000 in total.

With such a long front, Chen Fan originally conservatively estimated that he would eliminate more than 40,000 devils.

But now it’s only half as expected, and apparently most of the devils have fled.

At this time, the reconnaissance unit of the Air Force sent a report.

It is claimed that the Kwantung Army is gathering in the area of Shencheng and that a large number of Japanese troops are fleeing from the Anshan area towards Shencheng.

The Air Force also said that the Japanese had built a strong defensive line in the front of Shenyang.

On some hills, you can also see the shadow of fortified fortresses.

These fortresses cover a large area, all of which are large works made of reinforced concrete, and it is obvious that the devils have laid blood for the defense line.

The intention of the Kwantung Army was already obvious, that is, to block them with the strong fortifications around Shencheng.

Chen Fan thought for a moment, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

If he follows the devil’s intentions, then the two sides will form a frontal battlefield hard slash situation.

At that time, the armored forces on the Chinese side will lose their mobility, and their combat effectiveness will be greatly weakened, and all of them will be reduced to appendages to help the infantry attack the defensive line.

Moreover, it fought with the Kwantung Army to the death, and in the end, both sides were defeated, which was also something that Chen Fan did not want to see.

After thinking for a moment, he immediately gave orders to Xu Shaohua and the generals.

He ordered Xu Shaohua’s armored forces not to attack Shencheng anymore, but to bypass Shencheng and attack the rest of Liao Province, and then cut off all contact with Ji Province.

Half of the infantry unit was divided to cooperate with the armored forces, and the rest, with air assistance, launched a feint attack on Shenyang to attract the attention of the devil.

This trick was actually used by Chen Fan when attacking the northeast before, but this time it was to make more in-depth use of the mobility of the armored forces.

First occupy the entire Liao Province, and then concentrate on destroying the Japanese army entrenched in Shencheng.

“Since you want to hide, I will catch turtles in the poultry urn and break your king’s eight shells!”

Chen Fan slammed his fist on the table.

Inside Shen City, it was already a mess at this time

Everywhere were rushing Japanese troops, all kinds of tanks, artillery constantly crushed from the city, quickly transported to their respective positions.

And the Shencheng headquarters, Minamijiro is on the phone with the commander of the Kwantung Army, Umezu Mijiro.

“I have completely contracted the defensive line, and now there are 300,000 troops concentrated around Shencheng. If the people of China dare to come, this will be their hell. ”

Umezu Mijiro praised: “Seniors are really masters of defensive warfare, I really admire them too much.” With you guarding Shencheng, Liao Province will definitely be able to keep it. ”

Nanjiro asked, “Although I can hold Shencheng, this is not a long-term solution. What are you going to do next?”

Umezu Mijiro sneered: “The Shina people think they are very powerful, but I have already contacted the commander of the garrison of the Stick Country. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

They would send five divisions from the country of sticks to kill them from the rear of the Chinese and catch them by surprise. ”

“In addition, I have organized 100,000 troops, as long as the Chinese people stick to you, I will order them to go around the back of the Chinese people from the Fucheng area and give them a heavy blow.”

“At that time, the Chi Na people fell into our trap. No matter how strong their troops are, they will be completely destroyed, and no one can save them! ”

Nanjiro said excitedly; “Yossi! This combat scheme is good. It’s Umezu-kun.”

“Senior has passed the prize” Umezu Mijiro smiled: “I still need a lot of cooperation from seniors to succeed in my plan…”

Nanjiro said fiercely, “Don’t worry! I have decreed that everyone must stay dead. Manchukuo belongs to the Kwantung Army, and no one wants to snatch it from us. ”

After ending the call, Nanjiro immediately called his men for another emergency meeting.

Halfway through the meeting, there was a sudden rumbling explosion outside.

It turned out that the Huaxia side sent an aircraft formation composed of owls and black widows to bombard the Japanese positions outside Shencheng.

Although these two night aircraft are fighters, they can be attached to the bomb bay.

This time, in order to create an effect, the Air Force sent thousands of aircraft at one time to bomb the area around Shencheng at night.

The bombing lasted an hour before ending.

Thousands of planes began to frantically pour bullets on the ground.

Nanjiro received news that their defensive positions were basically intact and suffered no losses.

There were not even a thousand soldiers killed, which was completely negligible for the Japanese army of more than 300,000 troops.

Nanjiro laughed proudly, “Shencheng is a heavy industrial city, and the outer defense line was built during Master Zhang’s time.

After being reinforced by our Kwantung Army, it can be completely compared with the Maginot Line in the west. This kind of ordinary bombing can only blow up a few 0.5 corners of the fortress at most!

Chi Na people, too naïve. ”

A subordinate said with trepidation, “But the people of China really sent a lot of planes, if they also sent so many planes when the fight broke out…”

Nanjiro snorted coldly: “We are hiding in the fortifications, what are we afraid of”

He shouted at a few henchmen: “Order the troops, all of them are hidden in the bunker fortifications for me.” If my guess is correct, the infantry of the Chinese people is about to arrive, and we will fight them to the death in Shencheng. ”

But Nanjiro didn’t know that in the dark night, Xu Shaohua was directing the armored troops to quickly bypass Shencheng, like a wolf pack towards the rest of Liao Province.

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