The War of Resistance: The Ten-Year-Old Warlord

Chapter 211

Chapter 211

Xu Shaohua sat in an armored car, a map tiled in front of him.

The sky had just dawned, and the bombing on Shencheng’s side was still continuing.

Xu Shaohua’s steel army had just broken through the Japanese defense line and was rushing towards Benxi-Dai.

As long as Benxi is taken, the armored forces can be divided into two ways.

All the way directly north to take the big city Tieling, all the way south to occupy Dan City, the plan to surround Shen City is fully completed.

“Report to the commander, the reconnaissance plane has sent a report that all the Japanese troops in Benxi are stationed in the area of the railway station, about the strength of one wing.”

Xu Shaohua listened to the report on the portable radio, and his eyes revealed a trace of coldness.

“The forward troops attack the railway station, there is no need to keep there, completely destroy.”

Keeping the train station, no one knows if the devil’s train will come over, if there is a train cannon coming, then the 16 defenders will suffer heavy losses.

Therefore, destroying the railway station so that the trains of the Kwantung Army cannot approach, this is king.

After receiving the order, the forward troops immediately rushed towards the Benxi Railway Station.

The Japanese army in Benxi was defenseless, and many devils even went to the city for a vacation.

Although it was known that the Huaxia army was attacking the northeast, the commander received news that the Huaxia army had gone to Shencheng and was preparing to fight hard with the main forces of the Kwantung Army in Shencheng.

No one would have thought that if the Huaxia army did not go to fight with the main force of Shencheng, how could it suddenly run to Benxi.

So when armored troops appeared in the area of the railway station, all the devils were dumbfounded.

The commander quickly ran out of the headquarters, and before he could see how many enemies were coming, rows of shells had exploded.


The train station was instantly bombarded.

The simple positions of the garrison were all scrapped in less than ten minutes, and the Panther tanks drove straight in. Just like the bulldozer brigade, they rushed over when they saw a building, and then quickly left after a burst of crushing.

“Hey, hey, is it Shen Cheng? This is Benxi, I am the commander of the city defense, the people of China who came to us, they hit…”

Suddenly, a bomb fell from the sky and shattered the entire headquarters together.

The battle lasted for an hour and ended, not that the Japanese army was completely annihilated without resistance.

Rather, there were more tanks rushing over.

For an hour, there were tanks that rushed through the entire train station like flowing water.

It’s like an iron brush, brushing it over and taking away a layer of meat from the Japanese army, but when this iron brush doesn’t stop, it’s just brushed from here, even the iron man can’t stand it.

After more than seven hundred tanks rushed over the train station, the last troops of the devils collapsed and fled, and none of them remained.

Benxi was taken by Xu Shaohua’s troops, who immediately ordered the troops to split in two and quickly advance towards Tieling and Dancheng, striving to capture these two places in one day.

At the same time, Shen Cheng’s side was still fighting fiercely.

After a night of bombing, B29 bombers were replaced by B29 bombers during the day.

Standing on any high ground in Shencheng, Nanjiro and his men could see the fire in all directions outside the city.

The sky is full of planes, and more than 700 B29 Super Flying Fortresses are being cleared of Japanese positions outside Shencheng.

“Sir, the Chinese people have no intention of letting the infantry attack.” One of his subordinates said worriedly: “If they blow up like this, even the real Maginot Line will be blown up.” ”

Another major general also nodded: “The intensity of this bombing is also too fierce, since last night until now, it has not stopped at all.” Our casualty ratio has also increased, with more than 10,000 killed and many fortifications damaged. ”

Nanjiro said in a deep voice: “Then what can we do, our anti-aircraft fire is concentrated in Shencheng City, and there is no way to support the troops on the periphery.” Are we going to let all our men withdraw and give up our positions to the Chi Na people?”

Everyone stopped talking, and if they really gave up their positions, it was no different from suicide.

Nanjiro let out a fierce sigh, “The only way now is to endure, I don’t believe it, the cannonballs of the Shina people can be so many, they will always run out.” ”

Nanjiro didn’t know it, just when he was focusing all his attention on the periphery of Shencheng.

Xu Shaohua’s two armored corps had broken through the defenses of the Kwantung Army and advanced to the depths of Tieling and Dancheng.630

The Japanese puppet army stationed there desperately asked Shen Cheng for help.

After all, with their existing strength, in the face of Huaxia’s tank army, let alone block, even self-preservation is a problem.

But no matter how many distress telegrams were sent, they were all like stones in the sea, and they were useless.

The little devils did not know that their radio signals were all intercepted by Huaxia’s interference signals.

Many tanks are equipped with a small radio scrambler, which forms a magnetic field whenever they reach.

A day has passed, and most of the milling order has been taken, and the Dan City side has almost reached the edge of the Green River.

Early the next morning, all cities in Liao Province except Shencheng were recaptured by the Chinese army.

Until this time, Shen Cheng’s ghosts were still kept in the dark, and they thought that all the Chinese troops were pinned down in Shen Cheng by them.

At the same time, the news of the great victory in Liao Province quickly spread back to Guannei, and the whole country was excited by this exciting news.

The great victory in Liao Province, the crushing defeat of the Japanese army, appeared on the front page of every newspaper.

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