The War of Resistance: The Ten-Year-Old Warlord

Chapter 215

Chapter 215

The first mountain was taken in only forty minutes, and more than 2,000 devils from the two brigades were annihilated.

After Chen Fan received the news, a reassuring smile appeared on his face.

It is simply a miracle that such a two-hundred-meter-high mountain, and even when the Japanese army set up a large number of pillboxes, took only forty minutes to take it, and the number of casualties was about three hundred.

From ancient times to the present, the attacking side will suffer more losses.

The enemy can hold strong fortifications, and even just a few people can kill and injure dozens of times the enemy.

Even if the attacking side has good weapons, it will suffer serious losses.

Germany, for example, did not dare to attack the Maginot Line, but detoured through the Ardennes.

For example, when the polar bear attacked the tiger head fortress, the “033” suffered heavy losses, and their light and heavy weapons were much better than the little devils.

But if they also have RPG suits like Tekken, the battle situation may be rewritten.

Chen Fan asked the Iron Fist Master to rest for the entire hour before continuing the attack.

Chen Fan told Li Yunlong that his next task was to pull out nails, mountain after mountain.

Disperse the troops, each regiment attacks a hill, giving the devil the illusion that there are many people attacking.

Anyway, the RPG devil suit has verified the strength, and a regiment attacking a mountain is simply more than enough.

“Generalissimo, the vanguard troops of the Stick Country have entered Dan City.” The monk suddenly came to report.

Chen Fan’s eyebrows raised slightly, and soon a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

In fact, he was very curious about what the army of the stick country was like.

“Monk, let the Air Force prepare a plane, and we will go see the army of the stick country.” Chen Fan said with a smile.

Within Shen Cheng, Nanjiro opened his mouth in shock: “Nani? It only took forty minutes for our mountain to be gone?”

The officer who reported nodded vigorously: “We just received a request for help from Hashimoto-kun, and by the time we contact him again, he has already broken the jade for His Majesty the Emperor.” ”

Nanjiro angrily slammed his punch on the table, “Hachiga, how many troops did the Shina people dispatch to take our mountain so quickly. Baga, it seems that the Shina people are going to fight us to the end. ”

The officer who reported asked, “Commander, please ask if we can support it with artillery fire.” ”

Nanjiro thought for a while, and finally shook his hand, “No, I can’t use it for the time being.” The enemy’s air fire is too powerful, and as soon as we are exposed, artillery positions will definitely suffer. ”


Nanjiro snorted coldly: “What are you afraid of, without artillery support, is our bunker vegetarian?” They took our mountain in forty minutes, and they must have suffered heavy losses. Let them continue to fight, I won’t believe it, when they die not many people, they dare to rush like this”

Just when Nanjiro was self-righteous, Chen Fan had already boarded a B52 bomber and headed for Dancheng.

This B52 bomber was changed to Chen Fan’s landline, just like the President of the United States’ Air One, and the communication facilities on the plane were complete and could receive information from all troops.

And this aircraft is more convenient than armored vehicles, and can go to any battlefield at any time to direct the battle.

The only bad thing is that it stays in the air for a short time, unlike armored vehicles, which can stop as long as you want on the ground.

Soon, the plane came to the sky around Dancheng.

Chen Fan looked down from the plane, and a large number of troops appeared from the direction of the country of sticks.

They wore the devil’s khaki military uniforms and looked like countless ants. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“It’s really arrogant, a large group of infantry, and lack of heavy firepower, actually dares to enter our territory with such swagger, it is simply looking for death,” Ye Shan, who followed Chen Fan, snorted coldly.

Meng Sanjin sneered: “The guys in the country of sticks just don’t know whether they are dead or alive, they think that the boss of the ghosts, they are the second oldest.” After being ruled by devils for decades, I thought I could fight the Chinese people?

They also don’t want to think about it, back then, our Huaxia was their suzerainty, they had a fart to come to beg us, and now that they have a new father, they dare to make a move on the old father…”

Chen Fan waved his hand: “It’s useless to say this, who calls Qianqing so weak, can’t protect people, can only let the island country slaughter.” ”

Chen Fan sighed: “Changtang Huaxia should have offended my strong man, although it is far from being punished.” But when it comes to the former Qing, those who dare to violate my great Qing will have the soil and will be cut, although they will be paid far away. The faces of our ancestors were all lost by these bastards. This cannot be blamed on outsiders, only on our lack of contention in the past. ”

The staff officers in the cabin clenched their fists angrily.

Now if that Qingge is here, it is estimated that he can be killed by this group of angry staff officers.

A smile suddenly appeared at the corner of Chen Fan’s mouth: “But now it’s different, who dares to say that our Huaxia troops are weak?” Inform Chu Yunfei that I am watching over his head. Give me a good fight, teach these people in the stick country, who is their own father. ”

On the banks of the Green River, a large number of puppet troops of the Stick Country are entering the area of Huaxia.

Commanding the battle was General Li Xiaoguo, commander of the Second Front of the Japanese Puppet Army of the Stick Country, and one of the famous lackeys of the Stick Country.

The 150,000 puppet troops he brought with him were all “elites” of the stick country that had been trained by the Japanese army for many years.

According to the kimchi sentiment of the stick country to 3.7, the combat effectiveness of their troops has been infinitely close to that of the Japanese army.

It’s no problem to go anywhere in the world to fight, and hit the Chinese people, that’s even more important.

Li Xiaoguo was sitting in a Japanese-style military vehicle at this time, staggering along the main road.

One of his subordinates reported that the forward troops had penetrated deep into Dan City and had not yet encountered any Chinese troops.

Li Xiaoguo smiled coldly: “The people of China must have received the news of the arrival of our army, so they fled in advance.” Order the troops to pursue the whole line, Zhang Xia Dancheng, and then march on Shencheng. None of these people want to run! Li Xiaoguo

Li Xiaoguo did not know that his forward troops had entered Chu Yunfei’s encirclement, and countless muzzles had been aimed at them.

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