The War of Resistance: The Ten-Year-Old Warlord

Chapter 216

Chapter 216

It was not only the puppet army of the Stick Country who came to the rescue of Shen Cheng.

In the area of the junction of the iron collar, a large number of regular troops of the Kwantung Army appeared from the direction of Yoshi Province.

This is an elite unit of the Kwantung Army with four divisions and a total of 100,000 people, and the commander is also the famous Lieutenant General Hishita Ii in the Kwantung Army.

This time, he was ordered to rescue Shen Cheng and open a life channel at all costs.

Whether it was rescuing Shen Cheng’s troops or opening a transportation channel, he only had three days to complete this task.

“Sir, the reconnaissance force has already probed, and no Chinese people have been found ahead.” The chief of staff came to Hixia Well and reported: “The Chinese people should concentrate their forces to surround Shencheng. After all, Shencheng has more than 300,000 of us. ”

Hishita wrinkled 16 brows and fell into a state of deep thought.

Originally, he wanted to kill Shen Cheng directly from the iron leader, but now he was a little hesitant, if he was so reckless, would he encounter the stubborn resistance of the Huaxia army?

Wouldn’t that three days be enough?

This time it was a military order issued by the military department, and if it was not completed, the consequences would be unimaginable.

And if Shen Cheng’s army has any three strengths and two weaknesses, he can’t afford this responsibility.

After thinking about it again, Hishita decided to change the route of the march and bypass the iron leader and enter Shencheng, so that the distance would increase, but it was safer.

The most important thing is that there will not be too many Chinese troops on this road.

Even if he encounters it, he estimates that it is a small group of Huaxia troops, and it is not difficult to fight over.

“Do as I command immediately!” Hishita said self-righteously, “We are now racing against time with the Shina people, we must hurry up and hurry.”

The 100,000 Japanese troops moved quickly and rushed in the direction of tens of kilometers away.

But Hinata did not know that his troops had just left, and they had already been seen by the plane in charge of reconnaissance in the sky.

These reconnaissance aircraft are all modified and can fly at high altitudes, which are difficult for ground forces to detect.

The aircraft has radar devices and cameras that can clearly capture changes on the ground.

The news of the change of direction of the Japanese army quickly reached Kong Jie and Ding Wei.

They were responsible for intercepting the Kwantung Army, and the strength of the Panzer Division was only responsible for cooperating with them.

After receiving the information, the two immediately ordered the troops to transfer and go to the Kwantung Army in advance to ambush on the necessary road.

The troops of the Kwantung Army basically still walked on two feet, and even motorization was not popularized.

But Kong Jie and Ding Wei’s troops were already mechanized transportation, and their speed was more than ten times faster than the two legs of the devil.

While the troops were transferred, Kong Jie and Ding Wei analyzed where the Japanese army would go from.

In the end, they chose a relatively hidden stretch of road.

They decided that since the devils had taken a detour to avoid the massive firefight, they would definitely advance from this area.

A few hours later, troops and armored units from two divisions were the first to reach the ambush road.

Two infantry divisions immediately launched ambushes on both sides of the road, and the armored units were ordered to retreat more than a dozen kilometers so that they could not be easily detected by the Japanese.

Taking advantage of the fact that the devil was not coming, the infantry division quickly dug trenches and built improvised fortifications.

Although this is an ambush circle, if the devil breaks through, the ambushed infantry will be seriously impacted. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

If there are no good protective fortifications, only serious casualties will occur.

“Lao Kong, did the body armor that the Generalissimo issued to us also be worn by the soldiers?” Ding Wei suggested: “But I heard that Lao Li’s kid was mighty outside Shencheng, relying on body armor, which can basically block the bullets of the devil.” ”

Kong Jie’s eyes lit up: “Really fake? ”

Ding Wei smiled and said, “What I said can still be false?” Lao Li’s kid still wanted to hide it, and I asked him if he didn’t say anything. Or asked the people around the generalissimo, after they learned about it. ”

Kong Jie laughed: “Lao Li, this rabbit cub, will swallow it alone when there is a good thing.” However, the body armor is a bit bulky, and I didn’t plan to let the soldiers wear it before, which affects the hand-to-hand combat with the devil. But since it can block bullets, then wear it, reducing casualties is only 410 is the most important. ”

The two immediately ordered all soldiers to put on body armor and put on bulletproof helmets.

Although the order was given, the soldiers below still resisted.

Because Chen Fan’s body armor belongs to the product of the seventies, its own weight is very heavy, which is equivalent to increasing the burden of infantry.

It’s okay to stay where you are, but if you run, it’s very uncomfortable.

But since it was an order, the soldiers also had to wear it.

Little did they know that in the near future, this body armor and the helmet on their heads would save most of them.

Time passed quickly, and the devil’s forward troops arrived a few days later.

At this time, the positions of the two infantry divisions had been fully constructed, and even many machine-gun fortresses had been built.

Reconnaissance aircraft in the air reported that the Japanese forward units were only ten kilometers away from them.

Kong Jie and Ding Wei immediately ordered to wait until all the Japanese troops entered the encirclement before firing.

If you don’t fight, it’s already, if you want to fight, it’s total annihilation! .

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