The War of Resistance: The Ten-Year-Old Warlord

Chapter 40

Chapter 40

But as long as good terrain is found, infantry can even kill tanks.

This is the charm of war, advanced weapons will of course have the advantage, but it is people who are really fighting, not weapons.

In certain places, an old-fashioned Hanyang-zuo can even exert great power.

In the European theater, there were also examples of a squad of soldiers guarding the bridgehead and killing more than a dozen German tanks in a row.

After Seishiro Itagaki calmed down, he felt that he had not completely lost.

As long as he can hold Taiyuan to the death, wait for Yan Laoxi to successfully launch a sneak attack in the rear, then he can still turn defeat into victory.

“Immediately notify all troops, retreat into the city, and start street fighting.”

Itagaki Seishiro ordered his opponents: “All troops, follow the orders of the Fifth Division.” ”

“Guys, we have lost all our heavy firepower. To win, there must be solidarity. Itagaki Seishiro looked at everyone: “Start fighting in the streets and hold every inch of land.” ”

“Hai!” All the devils yelled.

The Japanese units soon received orders and quickly retreated towards the city.

Taiyuan City was a very large city in this era.

The size of the city is so large that it is not a problem to hide 30,000 or 40,000 troops.

Soon, led by the Fifth Division, all the devils retreated into various houses and prepared to die.

Chen Fan had already arrived in Taiyuan at this time, and he set up his headquarters on the city wall.

“Want street fighting?” Chen Fan sneered: “The ghosts think very well, but can they fight?” ”

Street fighting has always been brutal, and soldiers on both sides may pay a terrible price for fighting for a house.

Even if the weapon is superior, if you want to break into a house, you will inevitably be exposed to a hail of bullets, which is why ordinary troops are reluctant to fight street battles.

However, Chen Fan was not very afraid, the weapons equipped by his troops could completely play a suppressive firepower in street battles.

“Let the tanks sweep the whole city first, and kill everything they can.” In addition, the troops are scattered, and I will give you a day. A day later, in Taiyuan City, I don’t want to see any more ghosts with weapons. ”

“Yes!” Xu Shaohua and the others straightened their waists and roared.

In a small building, about a squad of devils began to set up defensive lines at the windows and roof.

This squad has three crooked handles and a Type 92 heavy machine gun, which is very well equipped in the Japanese army.

“Everyone get ready, as soon as you see the Chi Na people, shoot.” The captain said coldly: “They are all beasts, you don’t need your subordinates to show mercy, just kill them.” ”


At this moment, two Panther tanks with two squads of soldiers arrived near the small building.

The infantryman had sharp eyes, just in time to see a devil lying on his stomach on the roof, and immediately yelled at the machine gunner on the tank.

“I’m worried I can’t find you, just showed up.” The machine gunner excitedly turned the muzzle.

The 12.7 mm machine gun was aimed at the roof, and the ghost lying upstairs watched this scene in horror and quickly climbed backwards in fear.

But the machine guns of both tanks had opened fire at the same time, and the bullets almost wiped off the entire roof.

The infantry following the tank also began to fire up and down the building, and the bullets smashed into the building like ice, shattering all the windows and doors.

“Grenade.” A class leader yelled.

His men immediately took out grenades and threw them collectively up the small building.

The devils were strafing from machine guns, and at this time they were lying on the ground, when they suddenly saw grenades flying in, screaming in fright.

“Boom boom”

In the next second, half of the small building was blown off, all the ghosts on the second floor were blown up, the ghosts on the first floor fell in the ruins, and all the soldiers who rushed in were stabbed to death with bayonets.

On another street, in a bank building, nearly a squadron of ghost soldiers guarded here.

They have already blown up two Panther tanks with mortars and killed almost a platoon of infantry.

The squadron leader roared arrogantly: “Zhi Na people, come on.” This is a place you can’t get over, how many kills you come. Hahaha, come on”

His call did not wait long, and soon a mortar platoon came.

Ten 100mm mortars were aimed at the bank building, and shells whizzed towards the building.

After five minutes of heavy bombardment, the entire building collapsed, and all the ghosts inside were crushed to death in the ruins.

This street battle was fought from afternoon to evening, and from night to the next morning.

All units fought steadily, and as long as they found that there were houses hiding ghosts, they immediately concentrated their firepower and hit them fiercely.

Street fighting is indeed beneficial to the defenders, but it also has the disadvantage of dispersing the troops.

The troops have already played experience, up to a hundred people can be hidden in one building, as long as they mobilize heavy firepower and fight fiercely, the devil is like climbing into the grave himself, and there is no chance to come out.

By noon the next day, Taiyuan had been two-thirds down.

No matter how brave the Fifth Division was, it was powerless to return to the sky at this time.

Itagaki Seishiro was also completely desperate, he had sent many telegrams to Yan Laoxi, but all of them were lost in the sea.

“Baga, Yan Laoxi, you bastard, you are too unreliable!” Itagaki Seishiro smashed the headquarters all in anger.

“Sir, we have run out of mountains and rivers, and there are only more than 10,000 troops left.” The chief of staff shouted sharply: “If we don’t withdraw, we won’t be able to leave.” ”

Itagaki Seishiro closed his eyes weakly, although he was extremely reluctant to admit it, but the fact at the moment was that he had lost.

“Break through, get out of here, we can still make a comeback!” Seishiro Itagaki said weakly.

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