This Bastard is Too Competent

Chapter 120: Why Did You Do That To Me

Anger flashed across King Eloin’s countenance after hearing the chamberlain’s words. 

It was inevitable. 

“What? He can’t come?”

The refusal of the Fifth Prince, who became cardinal, to enter.

More precisely, he declared that he would not listen to the order until the king granted his proposal. 

Faced with the king’s enraged expression, the chamberlain, who also served as the messenger, explained while breaking into a cold sweat.


“That’s not it, Your Majesty. There are still many of your sick subjects, so please give His Highness a little time…”

“It means the same thing, doesn’t it?”

“But that’s…”

The chamberlain sweated profusely under the king’s cold gaze.

Because he had no excuse.

It was no wonder.

The current status of the Fifth Prince was cardinal of the Holy Empire.

‘Things will turn sour if we get into trouble with the Holy Empire for no reason…’

Furthermore, the cardinal couldn’t come for no other reason than to heal the people. 

There was not even enough justification to stop it. 

Seeing the chamberlain in a fluster, the ministers stepped forward.

“Please understand the chamberlain’s situation, Your Majesty. We cannot simply disregard the Holy Empire.”


King Eloin was also well aware of this. 

His anger was merely a temporary reaction to his child’s obvious scheme. 

He understood very well what the Holy Empire represented. 

While it might be considered a realm rather than a sovereign kingdom, it held a status that surpassed any other kingdom on the continent. 

The reason was simple.

“As Your Majesty knows, the Holy Empire was founded by a priest who defeated demons in the past. They have no interest in continental interests or hegemony.”

“That’s right. As an empire that solely focuses on demons and people suffering, it is an empire recognized by all the nations on the continent.” 

“If Your Majesty goes against the significance of the Holy Empire, you could become a public enemy of the whole continent.”

King Eloin had one thing troubling him.

‘Even if he is my son, to have the cardinal of the Holy Empire refuse to enter the palace and stay by the people…’

They would have no choice but to let words about his refusal to enter the palace circulate.

One misstep, and rumors that Kaistein had given a cardinal of the Holy Empire poor hospitality might spread. 

But they were truly in a bind. 

“No, what if we send a servant and he refuses, and we send a soldier and he refuses yet again?”

“I don’t think he will ever enter the palace until His Majesty accepts the proposal.”

“But that doesn’t mean His Majesty can step forward in person.”

“That’s right. Even though he became a cardinal of the Holy Empire, the Fifth Prince is His Majesty’s child. That’s crossing the line.”

If King Eloin stepped forward himself, the Fifth Prince would no longer be able to refuse to enter the palace, even with his status as a cardinal. 

The king was not the pope of the Holy Empire, yet he was involved in the affairs of a mere cardinal.

Consequently, the king’s dignity would fall. 

This was why the ministers were clutching their heads in dilemma. 

“However, if the Holy Empire raises an issue about this, the problem may grow bigger.”

“Isn’t there a country that was destroyed due to a similar incident in the past? Your Majesty, wouldn’t it be advisable to send another envoy urging him to quickly enter the palace?”

It could affect the upcoming victory ceremony. 

Even Marquis Adelas spoke up with a grim expression. 

“Your Majesty, at this rate, all eyes may be on the Fifth Prince instead of the victory ceremony.”

The victory ceremony was a national event. Moreover, it was a grand day to celebrate their victory on the Northern Expedition.

On this day, more than anything else, it was of utmost importance to boost the people’s pride and show that the royal family was standing upright.

However, if the cardinal did not enter the palace, problems might arise during the victory ceremony due to the uproar of the people.

King Eloin’s concerns were understandable.

‘The youngest made trouble, but it’s nothing compared to the Fifth Prince.’

Even though Ian caused trouble to the nobles, he did not compromise the king’s dignity. No, on the contrary, it resulted in raising the status of the king and royal family.

But the actions of the Fifth Prince, the cardinal, were different. 

If he didn’t grant the proposal as the Fifth Prince wanted, he, the king, would have to take matters into his own hands.

That could bring down the status of the Kaistein royal family to the ground.

At that time, other ministers came forward.

“That doesn’t mean we can allow him to meet with Duke Garcia!”

“Even though he has not been convicted yet, he is a sinner. There is no country that allows sinners to be in contact with the key figure of another country!”

“But we can’t leave it as it is. Let’s just let them meet.”

“What kind of nonsense is that!”

The ministers began to split into opposing sides and bicker with each other. 

The only way suggested by the Fifth Prince.

The problem with that was that he wished to meet Duke Garcia as a cardinal of the Holy Empire. 

But neither the king nor the royal faction could ever allow it. 

‘I won’t play along with such an obvious ploy.’

Because the Fifth Prince’s aim was as clear as daylight.

It was the wealth and power of the Garcia family.

He was undoubtedly trying to contact him by any means and have the Holy Empire exonerate him.

Imagine if, in exchange for Garcia’s vast fortune, a verdict was given that he was not the demon’s pawn.

This would result in Kaistein’s wealth flowing to the Holy Empire.

“What are you going to do if Duke Garcia falls into the hands of the Holy Empire! It’s not just a matter of having our national wealth leaked!”

“But will the cardinal come if we stay like this?! What if we get into trouble for persecuting the Holy Empire?”

“Enough, all of you! His Majesty is here!”

The ministers shut up after seeing King Eloin’s grim look. 

The atmosphere surrounding him had turned more grave. 

The king had to make a decision. 


‘This is an opportunity to bring back at least a portion of the Garcia family’s bottomless wealth. Additionally, it is an opportunity to ascertain the ambition he has.’

Therefore, the Fifth Prince’s proposal was rejected.

The wisest move to do was to show the utmost courtesy to him as a member of the Kaistein royal family.

At the same time, it was to create a situation in which he had no other choice but to enter the palace.

‘It would be best to send one of the successors.’

Even if the Fifth Prince was a cardinal, he could not refuse the hospitality of other successors to the throne.

As such, it could be said that the Kaistein royal family had done enough.

Of course, the most fitting among them was the youngest.

Even though Bahara was a vassal state, it was quite an honor to have the king of a country personally escorting him.

Anyone seeing this would certainly be able to tell that Kaistein saved the cardinal’s face.

But there was a problem.

‘There’s no way he would meekly say yes.’

The Ian of today was not the same as he was in the past.

He was no longer a boy who tried to join the royal family as a serf in the beginning.

Not only had he proved his abilities and talent, but he had also earned respect as the king of a country.

Considering how strong he came out during the audience in the palace a few days back, asking him to do this was practically out the window.

In any case, this was a matter of whether he was willing to bow down to his brother, who was a cardinal.

As the king mulled over in worry.

“Your Majesty! His Highness Ian, the Seventh Prince—no, the king of Bahara is asking for an audience!”


Everyone, including the king, looked at each other questioningly at Ian’s arrival.

“His Majesty Ian? What else is going on?”

“I thought he would stay quiet until the victory ceremony.”

Everyone’s unease was inevitable. 

After all, ever since he arrived at the royal family, Ian’s actions had been a series of surprises. Anxiety hung in the air, nobody knowing what else would transpire next. 

To the ministers’ eyes, Ian was even more frightening than the Fifth Prince. 

However, Ian smiled as soon as he arrived. 

Then, he brought up something that caught everyone off guard.

“I heard you are troubled with something.”


“Allow me to help you.”

His eyes glinted knowingly as if he knew what King Eloin and the ministers needed right now.

It also implied that he would come forward in person if the king wished for it.

But what followed next was as expected.

“In return, I have a condition.”

“What is it?”

“Is anything possible?”


The damn youngest bastard’s lips curled up into a smile.


Duke Garcia gazed down at the palace with cold eyes. 

He was currently imprisoned in a remote tower in the royal palace.

Of course, there was a criminal charge, but he was Garcia of Gold. 

He had already bribed the royal knights and soldiers guarding him with money.


“Your Excellency, I have brought the wine you asked for.”

“Here’s an appetizer to go with it.”

From invaluable wine to expensive imperial food that was not even served to the royal family, let alone to ordinary nobles.

Garcia even used the place where he was confined as if it were his own bedroom.

In spite of this, however, Duke Garcia’s face remained crumpled.

‘The patriarch of the great Garcia family is imprisoned by the royal family.’

Among all Garcias in history, only a handful suffered such humiliation.

But this wasn’t the end yet.

‘There are allegations but no evidence. They couldn’t keep me tied up like this for long anyway.’

This was because Ceres, his eldest son and the alleged demon’s pawn, had thoroughly covered all tracks.

All the remaining servants in the family were under inspection by the king, but there was no evidence pointing to them being the demon’s pawn. 

If things proceeded as it was, he would be released in no time. 

But a problem occurred. 

“Your Excellency, it looks like the family’s secret warehouses have been robbed.”

“How much was stolen?”

“That’s… about one-third…”


Nearly half of the secret warehouses had been robbed. 

It was one of the family secrets Garcia had piled up throughout the years.

It was only natural for Duke Garcia’s eyes to blaze with wrath.

“How come it wasn’t stopped? Weren’t there soldiers assigned for that purpose?”

“Someone used the authority of Second Young Master Heinley. They took it effortlessly.”

Duke Garcia could immediately tell. 

‘The Seventh Prince Ian Kaistein. It’s him.’

The person who made him this way. 

He was the only one who had Heinley with him until now, after all.

But the Duke wouldn’t take it lying down as it was. 

“Suspend Heinley’s authority immediately and change the location of the secret warehouses.”

While the family’s wealth was moved to a secure place…

“If anyone brings Heinley’s letter, kill them all.”

With a cold-blooded expression, the order fell.

He had also ordered traps to be dug so that regardless of how great the individual who came, they could be killed.

Duke Garcia quickly regained his composure.

‘Garcia will not collapse just because a few warehouses were robbed.’

But a problem remained.

‘The Fifth Prince is back.’

It took a lot of effort to oust him out of Kaistein.

The Fifth Prince, who returned due to his family matter, would inevitably give him another headache.

And now he requested to meet with him?

‘It’s suspicious. Did he notice that it was my doing that he was driven out?’

In any case, he couldn’t let his guard down.

Actually, assuming the Fifth Prince didn’t know that fact, this could have been a boon. 

‘It’s possible to ask for exoneration in exchange for my wealth.’

That was a given.

There was no one who did not covet Garcia’s wealth to date.

The same was true for the noble Holy Empire.

Wasn’t it apparent from how much wealth had been invested in them so far?

But one thing was certain. 

“This is going to be fun.”

Be it the Fifth Prince, who became a cardinal of the Holy Empire.

Be it Prince Ian, the Seventh Prince who was now the king of Bahara.

No one could walk all over him with the power and wealth he possessed. 

Rather, they could only tremble helplessly at his impending revenge.

‘I will definitely have my revenge on you, Kaistein, even if it means using all the power I have hidden in my family.’

Right at that moment. 

“Your Excellency, someone has requested a meeting with you.”

“A meeting with me? Pretty sure the king has ordered not to allow anyone to approach—”


Someone kicked open the door with their feet.

He was… 

“It’s nice to see you again like this, Duke.”

Ian Kaistein, who made him in this state. 

However, he didn’t come with empty hands. 

‘Impossible. How could that thing…’

In his hand was a green scented candle.

The same scented candle that attempted to erase Ian’s swordsmanship talent in the past.

With a cold face, Ian asked the Duke.

“Before we get down to business, let me ask you one thing first. Why did you do that to me?”

No, he was unmistakably smiling.

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