This Girl Wins Three Hundred Million Dollars

Chapter 100: A match of Men and Women

Chapter 100

"You don't have to overthink, I didn't mean anything else, I was just..." Lu Renyi's apologetic expression on her face was very perfunctory. She continued slowly, "I was just purely curious. After all, the Shen family isn't for someone like you who can reach it just by standing on tiptoes."

Xiangzi was signaling desperately with his eyes, but the silly woman didn't see any of it at all.

Yu Shu didn't say anything, just tilted her head to look at Shen Youlin. Shen Youlin was busy cracking crabs, and scoffed, "Where did this crazy old lady come from? Is Shen Qi also called by you?"

Lu Renyi's face turned pale as she pretended to stay calm, "Seventh Young Master, I didn't mean anything else, please don't misunderstand. I was just curious about your love story."

She didn't expect that Shen Youlin wouldn't follow the script. Usually women's battles of words, men would generally turn a blind eye. How could he butt in like this?

Shen Youlin let out a cold snort. Only incapable men would let women charge ahead unfettered.

"Whether you meant anything else or not, you know clearly in your heart. Do you think everyone here is a fool? And our story, how can you be curious about it? You want to have it as a dessert after dinner? What are you, some cookie?" Shen Youlin spat out viciously, but his hands kept busy, quickly peeling a crab clean. He put all the crab meat and crab roe back into the crab shell, poured ginger vinegar over it, and placed it on Yu Shu's plate. "This stuff is cold, eat less or else you'll get a stomachache again."

Yu Shu gave him a well-behaved and gentle smile, "Okay."

Shen Youlin's change in attitude shocked everyone at the table. If it weren't for the awkward atmosphere, they would have stood up and applauded him.

Lu Renyi looked pleadingly at her fiance Tan Xiang, but he only gave her a look of disgust before shifting his eyes away.

Under the table, Su Nianwei held her hand, frail but pretending to be strong, and gently advised, "Yiyi, don't say any more. Don't make Youlin resent you because of me."

As she spoke, two glistening teardrops instantly fell.

Seeing her tears, Lu Renyi instantly felt extremely distressed. Nianwei was so nice, and was childhood sweethearts with Shen Youlin, yet Yu Shu had stolen her love!

Amidst the distress, Lu Renyi suddenly felt endless courage and will to fight. Nianwei's non-contentious personality made her too easily bullied. She had to protect her well!

Seeing Su Nianwei cry irritated Shen Youlin, "What are you wailing for? What's with acting like some saintly white lotus here? Are we having a meal or a memorial service? Who the hell are you trying to piss off with putting on your sisterly love act?"

Yu Shu picked up a piece of fish for Shen Youlin with her chopsticks, "Alright, let's just eat."

"Lost my appetite. Can't eat," Shen Youlin instantly switched to an expectant expression, his entire face reading "Feed me!"

Yu Shu laughed and fed him the fish. Shen Youlin was instantly satisfied, blooming into a radiant smile.

This scene pierced Su Nianwei's heart when she saw it. She lowered her head as tears streamed down her face.

Lu Renyi said indignantly, "Yu Shu, I advise you not to be so smug. There's a saying, an outstanding hero gets an outstanding beauty. Just what do you amount to?"

Before Shen Youlin could speak, Tan Xiang couldn't hold back, "Did you get your brain jammed in a door? Saying the Su family matches the Shen family? You're comparing sesame seeds to watermelons and concluding they're the same size? What is the Su family? Just some relatives of Zhao Wenqian's who do a little business with the Shens. And you think you're on the same level?"

At this point, Tan Xiang almost spit blood from anger. His marriage with Lu Renyi was arranged by both families. He didn't have any opinions at first. Just marrying her and keeping her at home was fine. He could keep playing around outside however he liked. But he didn't expect Lu Renyi to be so stupid to be used by others as a weapon and not even realize it! Tan Xiang was really worried that Shen Youlin would resent him too.

Lu Renyi's face turned red from humiliation at being publicly shamed by her fiancé.

"Stop fighting... don't keep fighting because of me..." Su Nianwei cried pitifully, but no one felt sympathy for her.

Among wealthy people, few were actually stupid. Guys with eccentric tastes like Shen Youlin's older brother Shen Yuxiao were truly hard to find a second of in their social circle. For women they married, they could be poor, or silly, but not both poor and silly.

Seeing her cry just gave Shen Youlin a headache. There was no reasoning with someone whose mind lacked clarity. "Can we still eat this meal or not? I almost feel like throwing up already. Can we toss these two who seem to have nothing in their heads outside?"

With Shen Youlin's words, the others finally found a direction to take. The gentlemen couldn't use force, but the young misses wasted no time in half dragging, half carrying Lu Renyi and Su Nianwei out. They handed the two dizzy ladies off to the service staff outside to send them home since they apparently weren't feeling well.

"Peace and quiet at last. My damn allergy was almost triggered!" Qiao Xi clutched her chest emotionally. "You don't know, watching Su Nianwei's behavior was making my goosebumps rise."

Qiao Xi raised her wine glass, "Sister-in-law, come come, I'll drink to you. I just love beauties the most. Let's take one."

Yu Shu clinked glasses with her, "You're so gorgeous too! Your manicure is so delicate and unique!"

"Really?!" Qiao Xi's eyes lit up excitedly. She changed seats to sit next to Yu Shu and show her her custom designed manicure up close.

The other girls also started talking about manicures and recommending nail technicians.

Women's friendships were just so strange. Because of some small nails, they instantly became fast friends.

Tan Xiang drank three cups in a row to apologize to Shen Youlin. Shen Youlin knew what kind of person he was, so didn't blame him. He drank a cup along with him.

Shen Youlin asked, "I wanna know, are you really marrying that woman?"

Tan Xiang gave a wry smile, "Previously I really didn't know she was such a dumb woman. I thought she looked decent enough, just marry whoever. But after tonight..."

Tan Xiang shook his head and sighed. He already had made up his mind.

Just based on what happened tonight, when he went home and told them about it, there was an 80 percent chance the engagement would be called off.

The guests had their fill of enjoyment. Yu Shu got to know many girlfriends. The girls all liked her candid and easygoing personality. If Shen Youlin didn't object, they all wanted to party through the night with her.

People gradually left one by one, picked up by their drivers. While waiting for her driver, Yu Shu went to the restroom again. Shen Youlin stood waiting at the club entrance, carefully holding her bag and coat, extremely well-behaved.

When Yu Shu came out from the restroom, there was an elderly lady at the sink washing her hands who looked to be in her sixties. She was well-dressed, but the fine makeup on her face didn't hide the wrinkles and wear. Her thin lips were pursed tight, the corners of her mouth downturned, making her look strict and mean.

She was sizing up Yu Shu through the mirror, her murky eyes fixed intensely on her in the reflection.

This kind of stare was very rude.

Yu Shu spoke up, "Madam, why are you looking at me like that?"

The old woman didn't reply, just lowered her eyes to scrub her soapy hands.

How baffling.

Yu Shu was too lazy to bother with her further and left after washing her hands.

The old woman gave an ominous, bizarre laugh, then tidied up her hair after a while and put on a gentle, kindly mask before entering a private room. There were two young women inside.

"Mom, why were you gone so long before coming back?" the young woman helped her sit down, "Mom, this is who I told you about, the eldest daughter-in-law of the Shen family that I know, Wenqian."

"Wenqian, this is my mother."

Zhao Wenqian greeted the elderly politely, her manner even somewhat fawning.

The other young woman saw Zhao Wenqian's attitude and concealed her scorn very well. Hidden behind her teacup, she soundlessly cursed "Fool" at her.

Her current name was Mei Li. She was the newly married young wife of the Qin family from a few months ago.

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