This Girl Wins Three Hundred Million Dollars

Chapter 106: Inhumanity in the Trenches

Chapter 106

After finishing the police statement, Shen Chaowen took Yu Shu and Shen Youlin away, leaving Shen Yuxiao to assist the police with the investigation.

With such a big incident occurring, Shen Chaowen certainly wouldn't let them continue living alone outside. He brought the two of them and two cars of bodyguards back to pack up their things and move in with him and Yu Fanxing first.

Two cars of bodyguards escorted Shen Chaowen's Maybach, one in front and one behind, with motorcycles clearing the way on both sides. Yu Shu had only seen such a scene in the idol drama "Princess Sister." She couldn't help but cover her face again, feeling it was just too overdramatic.

Shen Youlin whispered to her, "We should still go to the hospital and get checked out. You vomited so badly just now, it really seems like you might be preg—"

Yu Shu quickly covered his mouth with her hand, glaring at him with wide eyes — Shen Chaowen was still in the car! What was he saying!

The usual calmness in Shen Chaowen's eyes was tinged with some laughter. He had been by their side while they were giving their statements to the police, so he was also clear about how they had narrowly escaped danger.

"Go to the hospital for an examination, to see if you've suffered any injuries. It's our family hospital, it won't take too long."

Since Shen Chaowen had spoken, Yu Shu obediently agreed.

Snarky Shen Youlin made another appearance. "It's just as well you actually listen to him. I usually say things to you that go in one ear and out the other. How is it that when he says something, you listen faster than if it were an imperial edict?"

Yu Shu covered her face. "You just don't know that your temper makes people uncomfortable."

Shen Youlin let out a petulant humph.

As it turned out, their "family" hospital was indeed very fast. Their test results came out quickly. Other than having slightly abnormal mental faculties, Shen Youlin had no health issues found from head to toe. Yu Shu had some minor stomach problems and slight iron deficiency anemia, but was otherwise fine as well.

Shen Youlin heaved a long sigh, looking quite disappointed — he'd thought he could gain status by depending on his wife's connections, like Bai Xuan'an. But in the end, he had gambled wrong.

The two of them didn't go to stay at Shen Chaowen's place. Halfway there, they received a call from the Old Madam ordering them to return and stay at the Shen family manor.

The Old Madam scolded her eldest son fiercely over the phone. They now looked down on her for being old and useless, keeping even big things hidden from her! If the police leadership hadn't called her, she would still be completely in the dark.

No matter how big of a boss he was outside, no matter how powerful a figure, when facing his own mother at home, a son could only bow his head and admit wrongdoings.

Seeing this, Yu Shu suddenly felt her scalp tingle — the Old Madam wouldn't blame her too, right? Even the great Shen boss couldn't withstand it, let alone a small, insignificant quail like her!

Upon hearing they would be returning to the old manor, Shen Youlin immediately became excited. "Send a helicopter! It'll take at least seven or eight hours by car! I'm not going!"

Ordering around his father while in front of his father, what a model filial son.

Shen Chaowen was completely unfazed and used to it. He turned to instruct his staff to prepare accordingly.

Next, Yu Shu's horizons were repeatedly broadened, and she realized what was meant by "the profligacy of the wealthy." Forget being profligate, they were simply profligate to the point of having no humanity at all!

"Princess Sister" had depicted things in a rather conservative manner!

Looking down from the helicopter, one could see villas built on the hillsides and along a lake below, with a palace-like mansion situated in the center. Having traveled Europe before, Yu Shu had seen many European palaces. Judging by its scale and size, this one was comparable. That could be excused since it was just a slightly more luxurious house. But what made Yu Shu gape in shock was also spotting a zoo, with peacocks, African lions, jaguars... Practically every flying and running beast that could be legally owned seemed to be here!

Shen Youlin moved closer to explain to her, "My dear, everything you're currently seeing, including every hilltop, is within my family's boundaries."

Yu Shu covered her face. "It seems I'm the one lacking in experience. If you told me your family had dinosaurs now, I'd believe it."

"There really are dinosaurs." Shen Youlin pointed to one of the buildings for her to see. "That one there, the specimen hall. It has two dinosaur specimens inside. I'll take you to see them later."

Lakes, farms, golf courses, paddy fields, vegetable gardens, orchards, forests...

If it was legally permissible, then the Shens likely had it.

Because the grounds were so vast and there were so many structures, with two airports — one large, one small — located to the northwest and southeast directions respectively.

After disembarking from the helicopter and taking another car towards the main residence, when they passed through the villa clusters, Yu Shu noticed that each small villa had its own unique style, whether Chinese, European, American... Various styles were represented.

Shen Chaowen explained to her, "Some of the younger generation find it inconvenient staying in the main residence, so the Old Madam had a few small houses constructed. Those who wish to may choose one to reside in."

"A few" "small houses." For tycoons, even Versailles was simply the bare minimum.

Shen Youlin had his arm around her shoulder. "Come on, let's also pick one later to make our bridal suite."

Yu Shu: "..."

She felt numb and didn't want to speak, also not knowing what to say.

Finally making it into the main residence, the decoration here wasn't as lavishly luxurious as Yu Shu had imagined. Instead, it was antique and dignified throughout, with restrained opulence. Many pieces of furniture and decor seemed to have history behind them, giving off an impression of "half old."

This was the look of extreme wealth.

The wait for the Old Madam had been very long. Although her previous injury hadn't been serious, recovering was slow at her age. She still had difficulty walking and needed a wheelchair to get around.

Upon seeing them, the Old Madam immediately smiled kindly. Yu Shu took her hand and sat down beside her, saying, "Let Grandma take a look. We've really suffered greatly today."

Shen Youlin pointed at himself. "Your grandson is right here!"

The Old Madam completely ignored him, her attention focused entirely on Yu Shu. She already understood clearly what had happened today. If Yu Shu hadn't been there, her unfortunate grandson would be accompanying King Yama for tea right now!

"I'm fine. Everything is good." Yu Shu answered obediently and also presented the gift she had prepared for the Old Madam. It was a pine and crane engraved jade display wishing for longevity. She had asked Zhou Zhengan to custom make it using the best grade jade available.

As soon as the Old Madam saw the superior quality of the jade, she knew Yu Shu had put her heart into it. Her smile widened even more as she took off a pair of imperial green jade bangles from her wrist to put on Yu Shu's.

Yu Shu declined, "I cannot accept this, Old Madam."

Imperial green jade! How much imperial green jade could there be in the world? This pair of bangles was worth more than a dozen of her pine and crane carvings!

The Shen Old Madam pretended to become angry. "Call me Grandma! If you acknowledge this old woman as kin, don't stand on ceremony with me!"

"That's right!" Shen Youlin echoed supportively. "Don't be polite with our Grandma. Her jade will be ours sooner or later anyway."

The Old Madam rapped him with her cane. "Wretched boy, you have so many uncles and brothers. How is everything yours?"

Shen Youlin spoke matter-of-factly. "Because I'm lovable!"

"It looks to me like you're asking for a beating!"

The Old Madam swung her cane at him again. Shen Youlin cried out in pain as he fled behind Yu Shu for shelter.

After a round of joking and laughter, the bangles were eventually worn on Yu Shu's wrists.

Some time later, Uncle Wei came to announce dinner was ready. The Old Madam handed the pine and crane longevity display to him, asking Uncle Wei to place it in a prominent spot in her room. Seeing it everyday would make her happy and add years onto her life.

During the meal, Shen Youlin asked where he and Yu Shu would be staying.

Uncle Wei replied, "Miss Yu will stay in the guest room. Young master, you will stay in your original room."

"Alright then." Shen Youlin lowered his head to sip his soup.

Just when Yu Shu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, she heard him ask again, "Which building and floor is she staying on? Will it be convenient to set up a ladder and sneak into her window in the dead of night?"

Yu Shu was both embarrassed and angry. She kicked him fiercely under the table.

Uncle Wei's expression remained unchanged. "Very convenient."

Satisfied, Shen Youlin used his chopsticks to grab some deer meat for Yu Shu. Yu Shu's cheeks were flushed red-hot with humiliation.

The rest of the people at the table feigned deafness and blindness — when one was older in years, one had to learn to turn a blind eye and deaf ear, or else invite the young folk's disdain.

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