This Girl Wins Three Hundred Million Dollars

Chapter 99: Sister Lin

Chapter 99

At noon, Yu Fanxing took Yu Shu out for a big meal. While Yu Fanxing went to the restroom, Yu Shu took a photo and sent it to Shen Youlin: [Having lunch~]

Shen Youlin: [Humph.jpg]

Then he sent back a photo of himself holding braised beef, with Dou'e beside him drooling over it. In the background was the 1987 TV series Legend of the Red Chamber playing on the TV.

Yu Shu: [Add an egg, cook some greens. Also open a can for the pup, can't let the child suffer.]

Shen Youlin sent an audio message, pinching his voice to mockingly imitate Lin Daiyu: "It was so kind of you to go through the trouble. I'm not fortunate enough to deserve such fine fish and meat. I'm merely a person made of grass and wood."

Yu Shu laughed till her stomach hurt, and acted out Jia Baoyu's part in response: "Who has upset you again? Why are you so angry over nothing? My dear sister Lin, don't be angry now."

"Bah! You despicable, rotten man! I fear I won't last the day, just waiting for you to come home vexes me."

Yu Shu coquettishly responded: "Oh dear, poor thing, brother feels your pain. I'll comfort you well tonight when I get home."

Shen Youlin immediately changed his tone, threatening fiercely: "Humph! Tonight? Come back before dinner, don't wander around shopping with that old lady! Or else... Or else..."

Shen Youlin lowered his voice menacingly: "Or else I'll tie you to the bed and ** you for a week!"

Yu Shu's cheeks flushed red, just then Yu Fanxing came back. Yu Shu hurriedly said "Got it" and put away her phone.

Yu Fanxing asked: "Why is your face so red?"

"Hot. The's too high."

Shen Youlin listlessly poked at his instant noodles, expressionlessly watching Lin Daiyu tossing palace flowers saying: "I knew it, no one else wants what's left over either."

Shen Youlin grabbed the fur on Dou'e's head and pulled hard, throwing it far away: "I knew it, accompanying the old lady shopping instead of staying home with me!"

Just then his phone on the coffee table rang, Dou'e picked it up in her mouth and brought it to him, the heartbreaking familiarity of the action.

Shen Youlin listlessly answered: "Hello, who's this?"

"It's me, Pei Heng. What are you up to?"

Shen Youlin slowly dragged out each word: "Home a-lone~"

"Where's your girlfriend? Let's go out to eat tonight, everyone wants to see what kind of character has tamed you."

"No thanks, I'm having a candlelight dinner at home with my wife, can't I? Gotta satisfy your curiosity? My angel is not someone the likes of you can simply meet!"

Pei Heng could smell the pungent sourness through the phone, feeling extremely nauseated. His curiosity towards Yu Shu grew, and he'd made a bet with his troublemaking friends to get Shen Youlin to bring his "demon tamer" out. So he spared no effort convincing Shen Youlin to come out and meet up that night.

After Pei Heng talked till his mouth went dry, Shen Youlin reluctantly agreed: "Fine, I'll ask my wife if she agrees."

Pei Heng shamelessly shot back: " nitpicker."

Shen Youlin took it as a compliment: "My ears are soft, not like you singles! No one wants your trash self~ "

When Yu Shu heard it was to meet Shen Youlin's friends, she agreed without a second thought.

At 5pm, Shen Youlin drove up in a top-tier luxury sports car, leaving a trail of fire and lightning. Under the envious gazes of onlookers, he made a beautiful skidding drift stop in front of Yu Shu.

A convertible Bugatti, minimum fifty million price tag.

Shen Youlin wore cool sunglasses, arm resting casually on the window, and let out a crisp whistle: "Beauty, where to?" Yu Shu held in her laugh and randomly named a place.

Shen Youlin put on an exaggerated act: "Fifty bucks, you in?"


Shen Youlin got out and opened the door for her. Looking at the huge bouquet of roses in the passenger seat, he dramatically exclaimed: "Oh dear, there's roses for my wife in the passenger seat, miss could you grab them for me?"

Without waiting for her reply, Shen Youlin stuffed them into her hands, and even stole a kiss on her cheek when buckling her seatbelt. Yu Shu caught him and returned a searing, lingering deep kiss.

"So sly."

"Hehe, just wanted to make you happy. Your happiness is my happiness."

Their actions attracted a lot of onlookers, with several girls barely suppressing their screams, nearly squeezing their friends' arms off.

Yu Shu felt no ripples in her heart from those envious gazes. She was filled with sweetness at Shen Youlin's actions and intentions.

She thought back to a year ago, when she met two girls who came to the hotel cafe to check-in. She had felt so smugly superior for being different from them.

How her heart and mindset had changed!

The restaurant they went to was a high-end club. Shen Youlin and Yu Shu's entrance was met with cheers, some ill-intended, some gloating, some just heckling for fun.

There were both men and women in the private room. Yu Shu immediately spotted Su Nianwei, sitting sullenly on a chair staring mournfully at her and Shen Youlin, sending chills down her spine.

Shen Youlin saw her too, and was about to flip the table and leave in anger, but was stopped by Yu Shu's look that clearly meant - Be good.

"We've been waiting forever for you! Sister-in-law, sit here."

Pei Heng very tactfully seated Yu Shu and Shen Youlin as far from Su Nianwei as possible. Seeing Shen Youlin's unpleasant expression, he quickly explained in a low voice: "I know you can't stand her, I didn't invite her. She's Xiangzi's fiancee, the third young miss of the Lu family, Lu Renyi brought her."

Shen Youlin: "That surname Su and her sister have their heads full of soap operas! And who the hell is this Lu person, which family?"

"The upstart coal mining Lu family."

"Don't know them."

Pei Heng: "You don't need to know them. No one here is richer than your family anyway."

"Alright, it's nothing. Just a meal." Yu Shu said softly.

Someone called for Shen Youlin to introduce Yu Shu.

Shen Youlin put his arm around her: "This is my girlfriend, future wife, Yu Shu."

Then reluctantly gesturing randomly: "Don't need to know them, no need to know them." He pointed at Pei Heng: "This guy, Pei Heng."

Pei Heng was honored: "Oh my, seems I'm special in young master Shen's eyes!"

Xiangzi poured oil on the fire: "You ought to thank sister-in-law for saving your and Shen's reputation. Otherwise I'd suspect you two were under Brokeback Mountain..."

"Screw you!" Shen Youlin threw a tissue box at him. "Even if I were gay, I still wouldn't look at the likes of you!"

Pei Heng retorted: "What do you mean the likes of me? What's wrong with me? I'm straight too, but I don't appreciate those words!"

After some playful banter, the servers came in with the dishes.

Looking at the crabs and gold-plated crab crackers, Shen Youlin started nitpicking: "What's good about crabs this season?"

"Try it, new farming techniques, super fat now!"

Seeing the elaborate gold-plated crackers, Yu Shu didn't know how to start, looking to see how others were handling them.

Lu Renyi snipped off a crab leg, lightly tapped the shell with a small hammer, and insinuatingly said: "Miss Yu has probably never seen such things before? It doesn't seem you two should have any connection, I wonder how you met?"

Yu Shu raised her brows, so she's here to pick a fight!

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