This World Needs a Hero

Chapter 216


[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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The message had arrived a few hours ago.

[I’ll call at midnight.]

The Hero cleared his surroundings and prepared for communication.


The moonlit crystal bead shimmered brightly.

The Hero’s eyes followed the hands of the wall clock.

‘5 minutes left.’

It had been a long time since their last communication.

Until she left for the demonic realm, they had been exchanging messages at least once a week.

Sharing each other’s updates and achievements, discussing future plans, that time now felt like a distant memory.


The communication bead started flickering.

Greetings were exchanged simultaneously.

“Long time no see.”

[…How have you been?]

It felt as if the moonlight outside was pouring into the bead.

Silver hair and golden eyes.

The Hero faced a tidy countenance.

For a moment, the Hero observed her silently.

Perhaps due to months of fieldwork, the emperor seemed a bit weary.

But the Hero couldn’t help but say this.

“You look the same.”

She wasn’t as flamboyant or elegant as when she was in the palace.

But her majesty remained unchanged in her dignity.

An emperor burdened with heavier duties and responsibilities than anyone else.

And the first accomplice.

The Hero was perhaps the only person in front of whom she could loosen up a bit.

Likewise, as the emperor observed the Hero, she smiled faintly.

[You too.]

“You’ve worked hard.”

[…Yes, it was hard.]

It was then that the Hero took a breath.

A recent scar near the emperor’s jawline caught the Hero’s eye as she turned her head and smiled.

Had she sustained it in battle?

The wound was too significant and deep for the emperor’s face.


Euphemia, noticing the Hero’s gaze, let her hair fall again.

A brief sigh escaped the Hero’s lips.

‘…There’s one more reason to gather the Holy stones quickly.’

Eastern expedition.

It was indeed too risky for the emperor to participate directly.

Some argued it was too hasty.

But there was a reason she had to step forward.

It was necessary for boosting the morale of the imperial citizens and the allied forces.

It was also to silence some noble factions opposing the conquest.

…Of course, the decisive reason was the Hero’s absence.

It was an emblem of humanity’s counterattack.

Neither the Hero nor the emperor could abstain from participating.

‘Euphemia may not be as popular as Ted, but she has garnered tremendous interest and support from the imperial citizens.’

As a sacred army that ended the corruption of the royal family and cared for the people’s livelihood, they laid the foundation for humanity’s salvation since the Hero’s and academy days, attracting an unprecedented level of popularity for an emperor.

Therefore, it was decided she would step onto the dangerous battlefield as a mascot.

‘It’s also an attempt to delay the return of the Demon King as much as possible.’

…The Hero couldn’t help but feel a considerable burden.

Euphemia, who couldn’t fail to notice this, spoke.

[Get rid of useless thoughts]


[I’ve been regularly briefed on your whereabouts. You did your best in your position, and I did mine in mine. There were some close calls, it seems…]

Euphemia nodded.

[You’ve done well. Even better than expected.]

The Hero couldn’t help but smile at those words.


Euphemia poured wine into a glass across the communication bead.

[By the way, there must be a lot you’re curious about.]

The Hero nodded.

“…Information has been limited for a while.”

[To cut to the chase, humanity has completely repelled the first surge of the Demon King’s army. They’ve all retreated, and the stakes are crumbling under the army’s feet.]

Euphemia then went on to discuss various aspects of the Eastern expedition situation.

Rough estimates of casualties, achievements of the Heroes, the well-being of their comrades, and so on.

[Enoch was killed, and a new legion commander emerged. His name was ‘Passion.’ Killing him was my most significant achievement.]

The legion commander always remained seven.

If there was a vacancy, the Demon King or his deputy, the ‘First Demon Trio,’ would breathe demonic energy into a successor to elevate their status.

Originally, it was supposed to be Kalende who would take the position of legion commander, but thanks to the Hero’s actions, it seemed they hastily filled the vacancy with another demon.

‘…But even that fell into Eastern expedition’s hands.’

Losing legion commanders successively, the loss of demonic power must be severe.

It was quite a grim piece of news.

The Hero spoke.

“I heard that the ‘Old Trio’ also showed up.”

The Queen of Agony, Malekia.

The Elder of Loss, Theo.

The Knight of Death, Yol.

Hundreds of years ago, there were only three remaining of the original seven demons that haunted this world along with the Demon King.

They were also the greatest power of the Demon King’s army.

When they were mentioned, the Emperor’s eyes sank deeply.

[Malekia and Theo appeared. Right in front of the stakes… At the moment when the battle was most intense.]

“What about Yol?”

[…If that bastard had shown up, this communication probably wouldn’t be happening.]

For a moment, the unwavering gaze of the Emperor wavered.


The wine glass of Euphemia was refilled.

[Ariston and Borges are dead. Felson and Dante are injured. They will be sent to the rear tomorrow.]

Ariston, the Sword of Water, and Borges, the Mage of Infinity.

Both were famous members of the Dawn Knights.

They were also veterans who survived the last major battle.

The hero, lost in thought, spoke up.

“…What about Larze? Is she unharmed?”

[Exhausted. She’ll wake up in a few days. She collapsed from using too much magic.]

It was an unexpected answer.

“Larze collapsed from exhaustion?”

[Since she held out against Theo alone while we were driving out Malekia, it’s fortunate that it ended with exhaustion.]

It was a passage that hinted at how rough the battle was in Sector 1.

…Anyway, the Allied Forces won the battle.

Since the pillar that converts the mana of the atmosphere into demonic energy collapsed, Sector 1 would no longer be a Sector of demonic energy.

[It should return to normal land before the end of this month.]


[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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“…It’s a historic moment when humanity’s front line is renewed.”

[Sector 1 will function as a defensive line and a forward base. Our task is to protect this place and gradually conquer the surrounding Sectors.]

Euphemia’s story came to an end with that.

Now it was the Hero’s turn.

The emperor, as if prompting him to speak, raised his glass towards him.

‘I can’t tell you everything, but…’

Depikio Lugo, Homunculus, Laplace, Zero, and the visage of ‘him’ cannot be mentioned.

But just the events that took place in the north would be enough material to talk about.

The Hero organized the contents in his mind and then spoke.

Starting from the point where Dorempa died due to the combined attack of Ivar and Kalende.

Until the end where Kalende was killed, and Cuculli received the baptism unharmed.

Euphemia listened without interrupting.

Only after all the stories were finished did her tightly closed mouth open.

[…But will it really end like this?]

The plans of those who sought to remove Dorempa and engulf the north.

That might not be all.

The emperor had said so… and the Hero somewhat agreed.

“They’re not the type to sit still. The absence of Yol is suspicious, and above all…”


“…Yes, Ivar.”

Both the emperor’s and the Hero’s lips hardened simultaneously.

The giant who was once called the vanguard of humanity eventually revealed himself as a traitor.

The worst collaborator in history who leaked secrets and lured the Hero and his comrades to death with traps.

From their perspectives, he might be even more detestable than the Demon King.

[I’m investigating Ivar’s actions and the exact reason for his betrayal since the north.]

The Hero nodded.

“He’s probably still on the mainland.”

[How can you be sure?]

“Cuculli told me.”

She accepted the memories of her ancestors through baptism.

Among those memories were also Dorempa’s.

Cuculli revisited the memories of when Dorempa died and then told the Hero one crucial fact.

“When the cult leader and the traitor ambushed her father… the traitor also suffered serious injuries. So, I think that’s why he was missing in this northern assault too.”

Upon hearing this, the emperor blinked slowly.

[In that case…]

“He probably didn’t head towards the demonic realm in his current state of being constantly wary. Perhaps…”

The Hero’s gaze moved away from the communication bead to the wide-open window.

At the same time, the emperor murmured.

[The south, then.]

“That’s also highly likely. When his tribe was wiped out, he hid there.”


The emperor’s glass didn’t empty.

She sighed deeply and ruffled her hair.

[It’ll be quite troublesome if it’s the south.]

In the territory of the fairies, losing power was inevitable even for the world’s strongest.

Because it was fundamentally an exclusive place for them.

Even if the agents worked hard, there were few constraints.


It was then that the Hero took out some documents.

Euphemia’s gaze was drawn to the top of the paper.

[Unresolved requests?]

“It’s a contract made while pushing for cooperation with a mercenary group in Rosenstark.”

Euphemia chuckled.

[I didn’t know you were a mercenary in the meantime. You have many professions. A Hero, a professor…]


The Hero turned a few pages of the document.

“Interestingly, there are quite a few unresolved requests in the south.”

…That’s quite understandable.

Euphemia nodded.

[Even mercenaries who would do anything for money might hesitate to venture into the south.]

“So, whenever I have time, I plan to personally visit the south. While resolving unresolved requests, I might find clues about Ivar’s whereabouts.”

[That’s a good idea. Can I help?]

The Hero’s eyes sparkled.

In fact, bringing up this topic was not only to share the schedule but also to make one request.

“As you know, chasing Ivar can also be seen as our top priority.”


“I want to accompany the most capable agent of the Bureau of Shadows in this endeavor.”

Euphemia tilted her head with a smirk.

[You want me to send Mother Ghost to the south?]

“Well, there’s not much work in the center right now, is there? When you have free time, it’s natural to divert energy to unnecessary tasks.”

The emperor’s pondering was brief.

[Well, it shouldn’t be too difficult. I’ll take care of it.]


The Hero felt satisfied that the first button of his plan had fallen into place and smiled.

‘Yes, even if you’re the head of the Bureau, you can’t refuse orders from above.’

On the other hand, the emperor wore a slightly worried expression.

[It will be quite a harsh schedule. Even with two bodies, it might not be enough.]

The Hero had many tasks besides the unresolved requests.

But he shook his head as if it didn’t matter.

Seeing this, the emperor muttered softly.

[I hope you don’t become the first doppelganger to die from overwork.]

The Hero’s eyebrows twitched slightly.

“…That’s not a funny joke.”


The emperor’s cheeks flushed slightly.

[It’s noisy.]


The communication was abruptly cut off.

The Hero shrugged.

One human world common sense.

The sense of humor among high-ranking officials is somehow off.

* * *

…Yet, he couldn’t immediately head to the south.

He had lectures to prepare, and there was a large-scale school event coming up soon.

It was also important to decide which unresolved requests to accept.

‘It would be good if I could cover as wide a range as possible…’

…The Hero’s eyes blinked as he looked over the list of transferred requests.

“Let’s go with this one.”

Pia, who was watching from the side, blinked.

“…Are you serious?”


[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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