This World Needs a Hero

Chapter 236


[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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Returning to the dormitory for new students, Luke headed straight to his room and began to tidy up his belongings.

The date and place of the Dellum were decided by agreement one hour later, where the guild’s initiates and participants would gather.

Until then, the participants had to tidy up their belongings and move to the “participant’s lodging” before Dellum began, a tradition to prevent ambushes and various schemes.

‘…I should leave soon.’


There wasn’t much unnecessary luggage to begin with.

Unlike other mercenaries, Luke didn’t have luxury items.

Most of the allowance Ravias gave him was donated to the families of his executed comrades or to the areas affected by his commissions.

Thanks to this, there were no significant belongings in Luke’s room besides necessities.

If anything, there were only the pictures Leciel gave to her friends.

Scenes of sitting around a campfire and chatting after training.

Playing leisurely while swimming at the resort.

A few rough sketches were scattered on the desk.

Luke packed them into his bag one by one.


The boy’s face was expressionless, but his feelings were quite complex.

‘The win rate is about fifty-fifty.’

Actually, it was quite good.

Until he consulted with the Hero, he never even thought about winning.

Even now, after completing all the preparations, he couldn’t completely assure victory.

That’s how terrifying Ravias was to Luke.

Since the beginning of his memory, he had only shown a fierce and powerful figure, the tyrant.

Luke sighed as he opened his luggage.

‘There’s nothing much to tidy up.’

Once the luggage was packed, the next task was to write his will.

Luke, who had spread a blank sheet of paper on the desk, smiled as he began to write.

‘…A will.’

Originally, it wouldn’t be unfamiliar for a mercenary.

Usually, before embarking on a dangerous commission, a will was always written.

But Luke had never written a will before.

There were no words or sentiments he wanted to leave behind in the world… until now.

One, right now.

Luke realized that he had more to say than he thought as he stared at the ink pen on the inkwell.

‘First, to my friends….’


It was then that Gerald opened his door without knocking.

Behind him stood Ban with a sternexpression.

Both of them looked at Luke with the papers and ink pen on the desk.


Luke calmly put the paper into the drawer and faced his friends.

Gerald bared his teeth.



“Is that a will?”


Gerald pulled at his hair.

“Ugh! Why are you suddenly doing this! Dellum, that’s about the life and death of mercenaries, right? Why are you doing that with your father!?”

“It’s not sudden.”

“Well, what the hell is…?”

Ban grabbed Luke’s wrist with a grim face.

“Come out for a moment.”

“I’m busy.”

“Everyone’s waiting in the lounge. Even Evergreen.”


“You don’t just want to leave like this, do you? Am I wrong?”

After a brief glance around the dim room, Luke followed them to the lounge.

He held his bag in his hand.

In the lounge, his friends, including Evergreen, were waiting for him.

Surprisingly, even the classmates he didn’t think were close were standing awkwardly.

Even his long-lost enemym Deindart was looking at Luke with a complicated expression.

…The central seat seemed to be prepared for him.

Luke headed there.


A moment of silence.

Evergreen, with a new expression Luke had never seen before, stepped forward.

Although the other children seemed to have a lot to say, they seemed to yield the turn for her.


Luke’s favorite emerald eyes were on him.

But this time, he couldn’t match her gaze for a long time.

Evergreen’s tightly clenched fist was pale without blood.

“Why are you doing this?”


“I may not know all your circumstances… but do you really have to do it this way?”

Luke slowly nodded his head.

“Yes, I have to.”

“…It’s about life and death. You could die, couldn’t you?”

A moist voice.

Evergreen reached out and grabbed Luke’s shoulder.

“Do you have to?”

“…Dellum is inevitable.”

Even if it’s avoidable, he won’t avoid it.

Because Ravias could reach his claws at Evergreen at any moment like this.

Evergreen’s grip tightened.

“I also know what Dellum is. They say mercenaries who give up midway have to retire with disgrace worse than death.”

With her forehead buried in Luke’s chest, she shouted.

“Where in the world is more disgraceful than death? Are you worried that you won’t be able to live as a mercenary anymore? Then come to Solintail. I’ll double the guard’s salary for you. If it’s not enough, I’ll work harder to earn more money and give you even more! So, please, please….”

Luke slowly wiped away Evergreen’s tears.

Evergreen couldn’t continue speaking and choked up.

From that point on, the children’s protests poured out.

“You can’t just run away? This is insane, Luke.”

“No matter how strong you are, it’s impossible for you against your father! You know that better than anyone.”

“Or try asking the professor. Surely he won’t turn a blind eye, right?”

“We’ll talk to our parents too.”

Friends angry, crying, and pleading.

Luke silently looked at their faces.

He was truly sorry to his friends… but….

‘I’m more determined now.’

He felt that he had to win no matter what.

Luke hugged Evergreen silently once and then looked at his friends.

He left the dormitory.




Shortly after, the guild initiator and adjutants gathered at the guild to negotiate the date and location.

Luke laid down his conditions first.

“I want it to be private.”

The expression of the initiates subtly changed at his words.

Usually, participants wanted Dellum to be as grand as possible.

It was in front of numerous spectators.

It was partly because they wanted the victory to shine more brightly, and partly because they hoped that any potential defeat… wouldn’t be too lonely.

‘…Because I don’t want my friends to see.’

In private, only guild officials (broadcasting through video beads) and the audience invited by the participants could enter.

Surprisingly, Ravias also agreed to Luke’s conditions without any objection.

‘I can’t afford to show my stepson being killed in front of the parents.’

There was no reason for him to gather people.

Quietly and swiftly.

The fact that the rebellious stepson and member died in Dellum was enough.

‘But… a little mischief should be fine.’

As always, Luke would bid farewell to his ‘precious ones’ before his eyes.

‘The difference this time is that the scoundrel is decisively leaving.’

After finishing his thought, Ravias smiled at the staff.

“I accept. However, I have one more condition to add.”

“Yes. Please tell me.”

“Because my body is so fragile. I hope Dellum will be held by tomorrow.”

The employee looked a bit awkward.

Of course, it was almost held on the spot earlier, but Dellum, being a duel to the death, usually required quite a long period of preparation.

“Mercenary Luke, are you okay with that?”

Luke looked Ravias in the eye.

“I don’t plan to drag it out either.”


It was a moment when their stamps were stamped on the contract of Dellum.

The time was tomorrow afternoon at eleven o’clock.

The place was the abandoned training ground on the outskirts of Rosenstark.

It was a place where no one could accidentally find.

* * *


A few unwelcome guests sneaked in silently to the place where no one could accidentally find about ten minutes before Dellum began.

Whispered voices resounded through the thickets.

“Is this the place?”

“…Shh, lower your voice.”

“But is this really the place? I don’t see anyone.”

“Geez, I’m also here for the first time, how would I know? Shut up, Gerald!”

“Karen, you’re the one being too loud.”

“That’s mean, Leciel!”

The last sigh was shared by Ban and Evergreen.

Currently, they were located on the outskirts of the Rosenstark estate.

It was a place where abandoned facilities were located.

‘Ugh, I don’t know the way.’

Rosenstark was larger than the estates of most noble families.

Moreover, this area was so overgrown due to long neglect that it was very difficult to find a way.

Gerald, nervously taking out his pocket watch, raised his voice again.

“No, wasn’t that note sent by Luke? What if it’s a joke…?”

This morning.

A note arrived at the dormitory.

Tomorrow afternoon at eleven o’clock.

Old practice room B in Rosenstark.

Private Dellum scheduled.

The children panicked and came here on time.

“Stop fidgeting. He’ll tell us if it’s true or not.”

Karen cautiously pulled on the leash she held in her hand.


Shadow followed quietly.

When Karen brought the cloth she held in her hand close to her nose, the creature wagged its tail and started to lead again.

“Is this the place?”

“Then is that building over there?”

One old building revealed itself through the bushes.

The children intuitively realized that was their destination and hurried their steps.

…No, they tried to.

“Jo, good evening, Professor. Ahahaha.”

The children, who found the Hero leaning against the entrance, froze as if turned into ice.


But the Hero’s actions were unexpected by all of them.


A brief sigh followed.



[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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The Hero stepped aside and gestured for them to enter.

“…If you go back, there’s a place where you can watch Dellum without being noticed.”

He even gave them such a tip.

While the children stood dumbfounded.

The Hero vanished into the building with a swift turn.

They looked at each other with incomprehensible expressions…

“It’s already 10:58! Hurry!”

Immediately, they started running along the path the Hero had shown them.


The loud noise struck the children’s ears.

…It was a little later that they found their friend, battered and bruised.




Following the Hero’s advice, they found a place along the side road where they could overlook the location of Dellum.

Although the distance was quite far, it was no problem for the children who could enhance their vision with mana.

But the children were not happy at all.

Gerald’s muffled sigh echoed.

“…What is that.”

Evergreen couldn’t even speak.

Just watched ‘Dellum’ with eyes full of anger.


At the same time, Ravias’s whip hit Luke’s back.


As blood spurted from the boy’s mouth, Karen turned back, covering her eyes.

The current time was three minutes past eleven.

Only three minutes had passed since Dellum began, but Luke was already soaked in blood and cornered.

Karen murmured in despair.

“…Seeing Luke like this… ”

It was Luke who had one of the greatest skills at the extreme.

He had shown himself capable of handling any difficult task or training with ease, so much so that there were quite a few juniors who considered him even more impressive than Leciel.

“If you follow orders well, I’ll somehow solve it. So, trust me and follow me.”

How much his attitude had been a source of strength.

He had endured against powerful demons even in the north, creating a stepping stone for the children to turn the tide.

Therefore, his current helpless state came as a huge shock to the children.

Naturally, they expected it would be difficult to defeat Ravias.

But, they never imagined he would be so overwhelmed.

“Why, why are you just taking it!”

…To describe their fighting in one word would be like looking in a mirror.

The weapons they used.

The form of swinging the weapon.

The force put into the ground and the rotating torso.

Even the way mana manifested power in their movements.

Everything was exactly the same.

…Except for one thing.

The strength.

In other words, the destructive power was different.

Every time Luke exchanged blows with Ravias, he was being shredded by overwhelming force.

“It’s too late to regret it!”


As Ravias’s eyes gleamed with madness, they illuminated the midnight darkness.

The attack power and destructive power were maximized by the soaring madness.


The sound of bones breaking echoed from Luke’s left shoulder.


The children, afraid of being noticed, couldn’t even scream and silently cried out.

As the adopted son, they had long hoped he would show some leniency… But that expectation had long been shattered.

Life and death, that moment pierced the children’s hearts like a knife.


Another clash.

Another wound appeared on Luke’s body.

At that moment, Ban, who had been silent all along, spoke for the first time.

“…Why is he fighting like that?”

There was no answer as everyone was focused on the fight.

Only Leciel looked at him with a puzzled expression.

But Ban, lost in thought, continued to murmur.

“It’s too strange.”

The Luke he knows is a fighting genius.

How many times had he been amazed while conducting classes and practical training together?

In short, the student with the highest combat intelligence in the extreme.

Luke’s specialty was deriving the best results through rational and cool-headed judgment even in extremely unfavorable situations.

‘That Luke is planning a counterattack using the same training method and fighting style as Ravias?’

The brown-eyed pupil slowly shook off the worry.

After calming his mind, Ban looked at the battlefield where Luke and Ravias collided.

Luke was still swinging his whip desperately, facing Ravias.


‘Those eyes.’

Although Luke’s dark eyes seemed to be swept away by madness at first glance….

‘It’s fake.’

There was no madness, pain, anxiety, or confusion inside them.

Deep in his gaze, there seemed to be only cold calculation without any residue of emotion.

Those were eyes aiming for something.

Ban unknowingly clenched his fist.


In the midst of that earnest gaze.

Ravias, seeming to finish off the injured Luke, intensified his attack and rushed forward.


Suddenly, Leciel widened his eyes as if he couldn’t believe it.

“The Severance…? No, that can’t be.”

While Ban was shaking his head.


The fiercely charging Ravias had already reached Luke’s nose.

Approaching the injured left shoulder, Ravias.


Due to the subtle angle, it was difficult for Luke to respond.

In a desperate situation, the children forgot they should hide and screamed out, each in their own way.

Some even turned their backs.

Only Ban and Leciel kept their eyes wide open.


Finally, spurting blood shot up.

The sound of blood splattering on the battlefield filled the air.




Everyone fell silent.

In the silence, the only sound was Ravias’s severed left wrist.


As the terrible scream echoed, blood slid down the invisible blade.


The ability to manifest the conceptual power of ‘cutting off.’

Even with his injured shoulder, Luke was able to wield it with all his might.

Luke alternated between looking at the severed wrist and the howling Ravias lying on the ground like a beast.


His vision blurred and his breath became heavy.

Having endured Ravias’s blows and wielding the Severance with all his might, his physical condition was at its worst.


‘I must not fall yet.’


Ravias raised his mana and shook the severed edge of his wrist.

Luke facing the ferocious eyes with nothing but murderous intent left in them… unexpectedly smiled.

“…I’ve wanted to sever this for a long time.”

Even the hand that cruelly struck his body.

Even this annoying fate.

Even the shackles of a mercenary.


At the same time, the sword fell from Luke’s hand.

“What, what’s going on?”

“Hasn’t the fight ended yet?”

“Are you giving up?”

In the midst of the spectators’ confusion.

Something heavy flew from the stands and stuck into the ground of the battlefield.


A weapon very familiar to the children.

Ravias’s face contorted in shock.


The giant sword was surrounded by earth and moonlight, vibrating roughly.


Luke reached out his right hand and grasped the handle of the Black Hope.

In his left hand was the power of Severance.

Facing Ravias, who had come close enough to touch his nose, he murmured slowly.

“It’s time for Severance.”

[TL/N: Nah this is peak!!!]

[PR/N: It’s Severing time!!]


[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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