This World Needs a Hero

Chapter 239


[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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Even though they had exchanged communications several times, it had been a long time since he and Larze had actually met face-to-face.

Since leaving the demonic realm, it was the first time.

She seemed a bit more tired than before.

Her wrist under the robe sleeve was thin.

But her eyes were shining as brightly as ever, and the reason was obvious.

“How long I’ve waited for this moment.”


Behind Larze, the formula of “Memorize” emerged, emitting a blue light.

The hero smiled and returned to the lab with her.

“This memory should be interesting.”

“…I’m so excited because you said that.”

There was no reason to delay.

The hero immediately shared “Zero’s third memory” with Larze.

She had fought hard for humanity throughout the demonic realm.

The reward should have been given without a doubt.

‘I wonder what you’ll say after seeing it all.’

There was too much content in Zero’s third memory.

The ‘gate,’ the direct reason for the destruction of the first era.

The slaughter of Zero’s family.

The battle with the demon king and ‘him.’

And even the hero’s own origin.

The memories shared with Larze so far were on a different level.


Indeed, even after seeing all the memories, Larze remained silent for a while.

It was a face that couldn’t decide where to start.

She soon shrugged her shoulders and said unexpectedly.

“Hmm… Rosayln was originally supposed to be the name of Zero and Elaine’s child.”

“Yeah, if it was a daughter, they decided to give her that name.”

“What was the name of the friend made by Zero’s successor, the last homunculus mentioned before?”

“Izaro, I believe.”

Larze smiled faintly.

“Zero, Rosayln, Izaro… They all have ‘Ro’ in common. Did Zero also give you a name… Come to think of it, your name is…”

“Forget about the trivialities, I want to hear your thoughts.”

Larze chuckled and narrowed her eyes.

“It was interesting. Seeing the demon king and the seven demons of the beginning, and the secrets involving Zero’s family… It was very regrettable to see the magic city in ruins, but…”

Larze’s index finger poked the hero’s shoulder.

“Of course, the most profound impression was… your identity.”

“Yeah, I was equally surprised.”

“So you’re ultimately not a doppelganger but a homunculus created of a doppelganger?”

The hero nodded.

“I don’t know which is worse between the two.”

“It’s strange. I don’t sense the power that binds magical creatures from you.”

That was because the ‘transplant experiment’ had failed.

The hero briefly explained this.

Despite Depikio Lugo’s continued research to instill kindness and salvation into him he failed.

“But you naturally acquired those?”

“It was really fortunate for Zero.”

Larze silently laughed and looked at the hero intently.

“But it seems there aren’t many memories left.”

“Yeah, this is the last.”

A wicked smile returned.

“Hmm, so is our deal over here?”


The hero shrugged.

“If you propose an attractive new deal, I believe it will continue.”

“Hmm, I have a guess as to what it might be.”

Larze eagerly awaited the hero to speak of the ‘new deal.’

As expected, the hero uttered exactly what she had anticipated.

“I’ll introduce you to Izaro.”

“Hmm, isn’t it quite conscienceless to make meeting the unknown homunculus, a new condition for our deal?”

“But it’s a homunculus that you can never meet without me, the successor of Zero.”


The last homunculus created with Zero’s successor.

After learning about it, the hero immediately shared the fact with Larze.

Since there were no more ‘memories’ left to seek cooperation from Larze.

Larze naturally expressed great interest.

“This is ridiculous… Why didn’t I know such an existence existed? I’ve been chasing Zero’s traces all along. You’re not lying, are you?”

“He has been carrying out secret missions for a long time. I heard he doesn’t make contact with anyone.”

She couldn’t just pass by the homunculus who resembled Zero the most.

Convincing Larze was swift.

She stood up abruptly and shook herself.

“Then until that day, should I diligently serve humanity in the East?”

“Of course.”

“Okay, as long as I get paid, I’ll gladly do that.”

After finishing speaking, Larze drew a circle in the air with her hand.


A magic circle emerged behind her.

It was a spatial teleportation magic circle that had become quite familiar now.

Looking at the portal, the hero suddenly had this thought.

‘…She fits the description of the traitor perfectly. Powerful force to massacre me and my disciples, and the ability to teleport regardless of north or east.’

Of course, the probability of her being the traitor from the prophecy is very low.

If Larze were the traitor from the beginning, humanity would have been rapidly heading towards destruction.

She would also be on the run due to her true identity being exposed.

‘…But I can’t completely jump to conclusions.’

Anyway, it would be pointless to suspect her.

She already knows too much, is too powerful, and is a force that humanity cannot afford to lose.

Understanding the hero’s thoughts, Larze smirked.

“It’s a painful suspicion, secret friend. How much I value humanity.”


“Oh dear. That poker face of yours is truly impenetrable.”

Leaning forward, Larze brought her face close to the hero’s.

“As you know, I love the unknown.”

When the unknown unveils itself and reveals its secrets.

That’s when Larze feels the greatest happiness.

The hero also knows this fact.

“When I sided with the demons, the very obvious outcome… the destruction of humanity, doesn’t interest me at all. I’m with you.”

His crimson eyes narrowed like crescent moons.

The hero grasped her index finger, piercing his heart.

Larze widened her eyes, then chuckled softly.

“The immeasurably insignificant you, how exactly do you intend to save humanity from peril… I’m more curious about that process.”

It was a declaration that she wouldn’t betray.

The hero looked at her silently, then smirked.

“Yeah, watch me closely.”

“That’s the plan.”

Larze turned around and waved her hand.

A blue portal shimmered above the magic circle.

She bid farewell as if she would return tomorrow.


…Their reunion would happen in a completely different way than they expected, a little later.

* * *


Under the intense autumn sunlight.

Several carriages were leisurely moving along the road leading to Rosenstark.

Since they were modified for patient escort, their appearance was quite different from ordinary carriages, attracting the attention of passersby.

“Even though the stares are uncomfortable, endure.”

A man sitting at the back of the carriage, looking out of the window, narrowed his eyes at his companion.

“The nobles from the west just can’t take their eyes off me during this body’s F/W collection.”

“…Again. Ridiculous.”

There was a pair of a man and a woman riding the carriage.

It was easy to see why the woman was riding a patient carriage; her condition was a mess, with her body covered in bandages and splints.

But the man seemed perfectly fine, with no sign of any pain.

“Ugh, why is there so much dust flying around?”

His name was Dante.

He was a man also known as Fantasia, the delusional painter.

Dante’s trademark was his extremely flamboyant attire.

Top and bottom adorned with elaborate embroidery and lace.

Excessive jewelry that would seem overdone even on a woman.

His androgynous face under the wide-brimmed hat exuded a strange charm.


[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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Dante waved his fan.

“Glendor should really pave the roads if they have so much money. Look at the mess our little ones are in. It breaks my heart.”

“Please! Shut up!”

The woman, named Iira, who had risen to her feet to scold him, was the unfortunate woman who ended up riding the carriage with Dante due to losing a game of rock-paper-scissors.

She was also known for her remarkable swordsmanship skills, called White Sword.

As Iira scolded Dante, the passersby outside the window murmured.

“Oh, foreigners.”

“Where on earth did they come from? I’ve never seen such skin color even in port cities.”

“Maybe they’re mixed race?”

“…Hmm, they look familiar somehow.”

Of course, they were not mixed race, but rather somewhat special foreigners.

Their skin was dark tan.

Their eyes were large and purple.

They hailed from the Great Mountain Range like the Ivar.

The crucial difference was that their tribe successfully immigrated to imperial territory.

“Hand it over.”

Iira snatched the fan from Dante’s hand.

“It’s hot, really.”

Despite the refreshing autumn weather.

The sky was clear without moisture, and the wind was cool.

But strangely, Iira was sweating profusely.

Dante looked at her and chuckled softly.

“The more I see your energy technique, the more amusing it becomes. The higher the realm, the more sensitive you become to heat. What kind of perverted art is this?”

“Do you have it? Ability?”

“Sure! Your precious companion is wilting like this, so I’ll use it or not.”

Iira hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

“…Don’t overdo it. Especially when your body isn’t well.”

“Oh, this much is fine. Just wait.”

The man slowly raised his hand.

The slender index finger, as if it were a brush, swept through the air.

Ts, ts, ts, ts, ts.

Simultaneously, the mana drifting in the air spiraled and was sucked into the path the finger moved.

Gradually, a picture drawn with light emerged in the empty space.

“Fascinating. Even though I see it all the time.”

Though it may appear to be magic at first glance, it isn’t.

It’s an ability called Delusion.

Dante possessed a powerful ability that brought “what he drew” into reality, earning him the title of Fantasia.

Of course, it had clear limitations, and overuse could shorten his life, but still.


Meanwhile, Iira’s eyes narrowed as she looked at the picture drawn in the air.

“…A bucket?”

“Ding dong.”

The man chuckled and drew the final stroke.

A dazzling light exploded in the air.

“It’ll be refreshing.”

At the same time, a real bucket suddenly appeared in the air.

A bucket filled with ice…



With a piercing scream, Iira’s forehead and bedding were covered in thick ice.

Dante laughed as his nose bled.

“Pfft, oops.”


After wiping the moisture off her face and body calmly, Iira drew her sword.

A blazing sword.


Intense heat surged, turning the surrounding ice into water, and then quickly into steam.

Iira laughed in disbelief.

‘To use abilities recklessly and reveal oneself in a fight.’

Rather than wasting his remaining life force on such childish pranks, it wouldn’t be bad to just end his miserable existence.

“Let’s settle this. Life or death.”


What saved Dante from Iira’s sword was the sudden stop of the carriage.

Without caring about the threatening aura, he grinned and spun around.

“Are we here yet?”

Suddenly, they were in front of the academy entrance.

Their comrades began to disembark from the carriage one by one.

After a few weeks of rest, they had all recovered enough to walk.

There it was, the checkpoint right in front of the academy.

With its familiar silhouette slightly askew, it looked down at them.

“Hey, still wearing that fierce expression.”

With his long arms waving, Dante greeted Yussi.

“Hey there! Yussi! The new prosthetic looks pretty cool!”

Yussi chuckled.

“Your information is still as fast as ever. And your dress sense is still as shabby as ever.”

Finally, Iira also raised her hand in greeting.

“Long time no see. Yussi.”

“Why haven’t you changed at all? Imperial language.”

Iira’s expression twisted abruptly.

“Enough. Argument. Where’s the leader?”

“He’s still waiting inside like usual.”

“What do you have to say?”

“…Anyway, since the leader is waiting inside, let’s go in for now.”

At Yussi’s gesture, the iron gates of the checkpoint opened smoothly without a sound.

Dante the Fantasia.

Iira the White Sword.

And about ten other members of the Dawn Knights entered the academy with eager faces.

Their beloved leader awaited them.


[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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