This World Needs a Hero

Chapter 242


[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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The children, who were now faced with the members of the Dawn Knights as their daily instructors, looked refreshed, as if they had gone back to the beginning of the semester.

Excitement and enthusiasm filled the classroom.

And for good reason.

To the children, the members of the Dawn Knights were… realistic mentors.

To be honest, the hero, ‘Ted Redymer,’ was a daunting figure to aspire to be like.

No matter how gifted the children were, they couldn’t help but ask themselves, ‘Can I do it?’ rather than ‘I must do it someday!’ in the face of the hero’s brilliant achievements.

But the members of the Dawn Knights were different.

‘If you work hard, you can be like them.’

In a word, they were heroes who were within reach.

The children clung to them and bombarded them with enthusiastic questions, and the members did their best to meet their expectations and share their knowledge.

The lecture was first conducted in a way where the members would briefly demonstrate what they would each teach, and the children would choose what they wanted to learn.

This was the chosen method of lecture as each member excelled in different fields.

The place where the most children gathered was in front of White Sword Iira.

“With magic. You can create it. A fire that won’t go out. Infiltrate it like this. Manipulate it. Lower it. Flash point.”


“Monsters with strong regenerative abilities. We can’t take them on.”

White Sword Iira generously shared some of her secret techniques with the children.

Her secret technique was called ‘White Flame,’ which could not be extinguished even by pouring water on it, and once attached, the affected area had to be cut out to be extinguished.

According to her, it was a technique that was particularly effective against demons and monsters with strong regenerative abilities.

Despite her awkward speech, Iira continued to lecture diligently.

Gerald, who had been listening to the content, exclaimed in astonishment.

“Is it okay to teach such a precious technique?”

“…I want to. Leader.”

They were the disciples of the hero who had been tested.

Iira didn’t feel any sense of regret or insecurity.

And moreover…

‘…The Leader told me to prepare for his absence.’

A somber expression appeared on Iira’s tanned face.

Perhaps in a few years, these little ones might be standing on the front lines with her.

Who knows if teaching them this technique will save her own life and the lives of her comrades in the future?


She glanced at the hero standing at the back of the classroom, took another deep breath, and turned her head to Gerald and Ban, whose eyes were sparkling with excitement.

“I’ll show you. Again.”


“…Well, no. Don’t use it on people.”

Meanwhile, Evergreen and Karen were approaching Taylor to learn archery.

Taylor Hellingger.

Already known as a divine archer among the southern pirates even before joining the Dawn Knights, Taylor had reached a level of archery that no one could follow after joining the order.

Naturally, she was as famous as the hero among archers.

‘Wow, crazy. Taylor is going to teach us herself.’

‘Today, my archery will go to the next level!!’

Evergreen and Karen strained their ears to catch every word.

Taylor finally opened her mouth.

“All I’m going to teach you today is one thing. It’s a technique called the ‘Jumping Arrow’.”

Karen and Evergreen looked at each other without realizing it.

They looked very embarrassed.

Taylor’s eyebrows furrowed slightly.

“Why? Because of the smell of alcohol?”

Evergreen and Karen nodded after taking a cue.

Even in the broad daylight, the smell of strong rum wafted from Taylor’s mouth.

It was so thick that it seemed like they would get drunk just by being around her.

Taylor put his hand over her mouth and made a “huh?” sound, tilting her head.

“Is it a bit strong, but is it offensive?”

Karen waved her hands in fear.

“Oh, no! It’s fine! It smells good!”

Evergreen also hurriedly followed suit.

“N-no, I didn’t mean to offend you!”

Even Karen, who was famous for being spirited among the freshmen, cowered before Taylor’s one eye.

There was something very intense… about Taylor, who had spent her whole life living with rough pirates and bandits.

She was also a head taller than the girls…

Taylor reached out her calloused hand and patted their shoulders.

“You guys have to understand. I had a really lousy time recently.”

Her amber one-eye left the frozen girls and turned towards the back of the classroom.

It was where the hero was watching the members and the children.

“…Bad boy.”

Karen and Evergreen exchanged uneasy glances, frozen once again.

‘Is, is she talking about the professor?’

‘I, I think so?’

‘Bad boy?’

As the children were either confused or silent, Taylor shook her head from side to side and continued his explanation.

“At your level, it should be possible to leave the arrow demonstration and infuse it with mana to control it freely.”

“Yes! We can do it.”

“The technique of ‘Jumping Arrow’ is to maximize the amount of mana you put into the arrow, secure its stability and control, and then use the arrow as a moving platform.”

Evergreen and Karen’s heads tilted in surprise at the unexpected concept.

Taylor calmly explained the necessity of the ‘Jumping Arrow’.

Once you go deep into the Demonic Realm, there are no more environments where an archer can shoot arrows at ease.

This was because the terrain continued to deform in favor of the demons, and various tentacles and demonic energy-contaminated plants on the ground continued to threaten the archers.

“So you have to use the ‘Jumping Arrow’ to create the best position… a favorable space for yourself. A point where you can maximize your firepower. You can also use it to save your comrades in a crisis.”

A technique that involves shooting an arrow and then controlling it to use it as a moving platform.

It was a technique that Taylor had realized and implemented while fighting on a swaying ship.

The confidence gradually disappeared from Evergreen and Karen’s faces.

“Well, I don’t know, but it seems like it’s going to be really hard.”

“Ri, right? This is my first time trying this kind of technique….”

Taylor shook her crimson hair and chuckled.

“Of course it’s freaking hard.”


“If you try to learn it on your own.”

The girls’ faces brightened again.

Taylor also put aside her worries for a while and began to teach the technique diligently.




Such teachings were taking place all over the spacious classroom.

Perhaps because of the concern for ‘Ted’s’ absence in a few years.

All kinds of precious secrets were being taught without hesitation.

‘Very good.’

The hero looked at the scene of the heated education with a very satisfied expression and the comments that appeared on the side of his field of vision.

The flames of the logs spread and caught on fire.

This was also the case with Nyhill and Luke, and the progress was gradually increasing in the academy as well.

‘…Inviting the members as daily professors was a good thing, even when I think about it now.’

He had also thought about just isolating them from his disciples because of the fear of the traitor’s existence.


‘I can’t take away such a good opportunity like this.’

Even if ‘Ted’ was proficient in most weapon techniques, he was not superior to the members in all fields.

The members’ teachings were well-improving the blind spots that he had not even noticed.

And the growth of the children would surely become his power through replication.

Maybe the combination of the members’ secrets would reveal the clues to the infinite formula 2.

It was truly killing two birds with one stone.

The hero couldn’t help but feel good.

‘…I still don’t know who the traitor is.’

A few days had passed since he had told them the news of the time limit.

If the traitor had tipped off the demon side, the demon army would have made some unusual moves.

But there was no sign of that yet.

‘It’s either one of these two.’

Either there was no traitor among them, or they were aware of the strict surveillance and were trying to save their lives.

The hero watched the members who were engrossed in teaching with narrowed eyes.

‘Actually, it wouldn’t be strange if it wasn’t one of them.’

They are all wounded.

They were all seriously wounded to the point that even they were sent to the rear, in the midst of a manpower shortage.


[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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There was even a member who had burned his life force like ‘Ted’ and brought forward his death.


The hero’s gaze turned to the flamboyant man standing idly in a corner of the classroom.

He was watching the children with his characteristic leisurely air.

A kind smile lingered on his lips.

But his pale face was clearly sickly.

Unlike the other members, he had no external injuries, but his internal condition was so serious that he was diagnosed as needing long-term rest.

‘I heard he used his abilities excessively to save the members who were in danger during the operation.’

If it hadn’t been for Dante, there would have been two more casualties in the order.

“…Hmm hmm.”

He was leisurely sightseeing around the classroom among the busy members.

In the first place, Dante’s ability, ‘Fantasia,’ is a wish.

It was not an ability that could be taught to anyone, so the children did not ask him for instruction.


…Except for one.

The hero tilted his head as he saw one of his disciples approaching Dante hesitantly.


The hero soon realized the situation.

‘Ah… painting.’

A delusional painter.

As one could guess from his alias, Dante was an exceptional painter who realized his wish in the form of a ‘painting.’

‘He was famous in the art world in the first place.’

For Leciel, who had a love for art, it would be a connection that would be too precious to let go of.

Of course, it wasn’t the kind of learning he had expected, but…

‘It will have a positive influence on Leciel.’

He still hasn’t heard the news of Zion’s rematch.

To be honest, even as the hero, he had no idea how Leciel would react to the news.

‘Hopefully it will be good in the end, but she’ll be confused in the meantime.’

Painting is a good hobby that brings stability to Leciel’s mind and body.

It would be nice if she could immerse himself in painting before another storm hits.

The hero took his eyes off Leciel and Dante and looked out the window.

It was in the direction of the training ground.

‘I wonder when Zion will decide on a date for the rematch?’

It had been a few weeks since they agreed to a rematch.

During that time, Zion had spent almost all of her time in the training ground.

Surprisingly, she had not had much contact with Leciel either.

Only training.

The hero became a little anxious.

‘How much is she trying to regain her strength?’

Since Ted had fought her before, Zion Hiyashin was naturally on the list of possible opponents for avatar training.

‘That was about 10 years ago, Zion Hiyashin in her prime.’

However, the hero had not conducted avatar training with Zion until recently before the rematch was decided.

‘It was meaningless.’

The difference in skill level was too great until he acquired Ritual 5.

The training ended after a few exchanges without even being able to properly engage in offense and defense.

‘It was hard to get any enlightenment.’

However, the hero has been pouring all of his free time into avatar training with Zion lately.

The swordsmanship he experienced from Zion was in a word…

‘Splendor itself.’

The Hiyashin family, as expected of a prestigious swordsmanship family, does not have a single representative swordsmanship.


Because she was proficient in all swordsmanship, literally.

It wasn’t for nothing that the Shape Shifter, who can take on various forms of swords, was the symbol of the Sword Saint.

[TL/N: Changing Sword Master to Sword Saint.]

Two-handed sword, long sword, Esther, rapier, short sword, mangosh…

Zion has raised all of these swordsmanships to the level of mastery through tremendous effort.

Being a master of a technique means that she has also understood the dismantling method of that technique.

In avatar training, Zion always appeared with a different weapon, and no matter what it was, she always succeeded in breaking down his great swordsmanship.

Of course, now that he has realized Formula 5 and Ted’s understanding has also risen to 78, the nature of the training has changed.

The hero was able to seize victory by a narrow margin.

Since it is possible to have a neck-and-neck battle with Zion in her prime, he would have a higher chance of winning against Zion, who is now retired.



He couldn’t quite let his guard down.

The hero recalled the appearance of Zion when he asked for a rematch.

“So, would you please fight me again?”

The moment he heard those words, a scene came to mind.

A scene where the blazing flames touch the rusted famous sword and remove the rust.

No matter for how long she had put down the sword, she was a swordsman who was called the Sword Saint of the previous era.

There must be a move that cannot be ignored.

In addition, he cannot use the advantage of a ‘doppelganger’ like when he fought Kalende and Ivar.

He has to face her only with Ted’s swordsmanship, not regeneration or abilities copied from others.

If there is a variable during the rematch, it will be difficult to control.

‘It would be great if I could grow more so that I can definitely win.’

But there is no good way.

Despite the continuous progress, the Iris of Laplace had no intention of giving him other rewards.

‘…Is there no other way than avatar training or the training ground?’

The hero turned his eyes back to the classroom.

“Oh, is this the right way to do it?”

“Wrong. From the beginning to the end.”

“Ugh! It’s hard!”

The children were seen diligently learning from the members.

…In fact, he was also desperate for a teacher right now.

‘I miss Ted for the first time in a while.’

The hero let out a sigh full of frustration.

It was ridiculous for him, the ‘hero’, to ask for lessons or advice from anyone else.


The hero’s expression became strange, just the next moment.

‘Wait a minute.’

…There was.

There was someone who was qualified to teach him.

And someone who would give him clues about Zion Hiyashin.

The hero slowly repeated the name of the person.

‘…Labin Hawk.’

Before Ted became a hero.

There was a teacher who laid the foundation for him right here in Rosenstark.


[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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