Urban: Unlimited Cashback

Chapter 23 - Man and woman

Chapter 23—Men and Women

A blond foreigner opened a bottle of red wine and stood aside respectfully.

The other party has been professionally trained to be responsible for important customers.

“Sir, this is a 1990 Burgundy red wine from Chateau Conti in Rome. It has a very rich taste. The price is as high as 300,000 yuan, which is good value for money!”

Three hundred thousand, also worth the money.

If some people hear it, they will definitely slap it. This is not three hundred, three thousand, but three hundred thousand!

For ordinary people, 300,000 is not an astronomical figure, but it is definitely not a small number.

But for the rich, that’s the case, the price of a bottle of red wine.

“Oh?” Ye Xuan smiled lightly, shaking the bright red wine in the crystal glass, and asked: “Which is better than Lafite in 1982.”

The waiter groaned, “The two have their own characteristics. In terms of taste, the Lafite of 1982 is relatively better, but this burgundy red is not much different, and the taste is especially sweet in the mouth. On the whole, Each has its own merits.”

Ye Xuan nodded clearly and shook it twice. Through the scarlet liquor, the whole world seemed to exist in this wine glass, quiet, elegant, and comfortable.

Exquisite food is neatly placed in front of you, cutlery is available, waiting for the owner to taste.

But none of these can reflect the beauty of the person inside.

Tian An’an was sitting there dignifiedly, showing sweet smiles from time to time, which made people excited.

Perhaps after drinking some red wine, Tian An’an’s cheeks showed a crimson color. At this moment, it seemed that he was unusually beautiful and moving, as if he had walked out of a painting, and it was intoxicating.


Ye Xuan spit out two words gently, grabbed the slender hands on the table, held them tightly on the palms, and refused to let go.

Tian An’an was also taken aback by Ye Xuan’s bold actions, and reflexively wanted to withdraw his hand, but how could Ye Xuan make her wish.

In order not to embarrass the two of them, Ye Xuan spoke again: “An An, I have a gift for you.”

With that, he took out a small gift box from his pocket.

This morning, the salesman asked the salesman to help him purchase the book at the mall in order to give him a surprise.

Seeing this exquisite gift box, Tian An’an was also attracted, and asked curiously: “What is this?”

As for the grabbed hands, he didn’t care much at the moment, but the catering backhand clasped Ye Xuan, very intimate.

Faced with Tian An’an’s question, Ye Xuan did not answer, pretending to be mysterious, and said: “Open it and you will know it.”


As the gift box was opened, an exquisite necklace appeared in front of the eyes.

The eighteen diamonds above are constantly shining, and under the light, they are shining and absolutely beautiful.

The silver necklace is perfect to match these diamonds together, making it more complete.

“What a beautiful necklace!”

Tian Anan exclaimed, eyes full of affection.

Women, for this kind of shiny things, especially good-looking or shiny things, there is no resistance at all.

The whole eyes were attracted by this necklace, and he couldn’t extricate himself for a while.

“You like it.” Ye Xuan smiled lightly and stood up from his seat, “Then, let me take it for you.”


Tian Anan responded in a low voice, her voice was very small, she looked unusually shy, but it was full of sweetness. Ye Xuan actually bought a diamond necklace when he was not paying attention, which was a bit of a surprise.

Such a man is really a perfect lover.

Not only is he handsome, he also has money, and the most important thing is that he knows romance.

Ye Xuan came to the back of Tian An’an, and the diamond necklace slipped onto his neck through the beautiful collarbone.

At such a close distance, it is inevitable that there will be some contact. The two accidentally touched together, and the white skin felt silky, causing Tian Anan’s whole body to tremble slightly.

Seeing the cute girl’s forbearance expression was a burst of laughter.

“All right!”

Ye Xuan fastened the back of the diamond necklace and said softly: “This necklace really matches you, and it fully reflects your perfect look.”

Tian An’an has been blushing all the time, not knowing what to say for a while.


Suddenly, Tian Anan stood up suddenly and kissed Ye Xuan on the cheek.


“I was attacked.”

Ye Xuan touched the still moist place, showing a speechless expression. Why do women like to engage in sneak attacks?

Seeing Tian Anan’s appearance at the moment, she showed a wicked smile.

Asked in a low voice: “Have you eaten?”

“Okay, all right.”

Although I don’t know why Ye Xuan asked, but seeing his expression, there is absolutely no good thing.

“Then go!”

After Ye Xuan finished swiping the card, he pulled the opponent and ran towards the car quickly.

Now that a fire has risen in his heart, how can he manage so much.


The roar of the car resounded throughout the street, exerting its due power, and drove quickly towards a high-end hotel nearby.

Speeding, drunk driving, ha ha, these are just for restraining ordinary people.

To reach him, as long as the relationship is opened up, it is a matter of one sentence.

There is nothing wrong with this sentence.

What’s more, the two of them are young men, unmarried men and women unmarried, and it’s okay to do something they like to do.

Entering the hotel room, the two embraced each other enthusiastically, messy clothes flying all over the floor.

Fight an unsightly battle.

Until the second half of the night, under Tian An’an begging for mercy, the two fell asleep faintly.

Early the next morning, the two woke up one after another.

Tian Anan rubbed Ye Xuan, as a woman, and a woman who can be admitted to college, as long as she is not a nerd, she is naturally very smart.

A man like Ye Xuan naturally knows that in the future it will not be possible to belong to her completely. The more he wants to imprison a person, the more the opposite will be the effect.

Since she decided to hand it over to the other party for the first time, she must have thought about this, because she does not recommend sharing with others.

With this tolerance, you can easily tie yourself to him, even if you want to throw it away, you need to think carefully.

Of course, I didn’t mean that I didn’t care about Ye Xuan’s other women at all. She was also a human and would be jealous, but it was enough to treat her well.

Men, especially the more powerful men, the more women around them. She can’t control it, and can’t control it, it’s better to let the flow take its course.

Although the two have not known each other for a long time, they still have an understanding of Ye Xuan’s character, and roughly know what kind of man he is.

Such a person cannot be mastered by any woman. If he has to do this, he will most likely be kicked away by the other person, and the two are completely separated.

Instead of doing this, it’s better to be a good girl.

“Wake up!”

Ye Xuan opened his somewhat bewildered eyes and looked at the woman in his arms.


Tian An’an smiled slightly, with a variety of amorous feelings.

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