Urban: Unlimited Cashback

Chapter 28 - He Yue, please eat

Chapter 28—Heyue invites dinner

“No, you must soak me!”

Hearing these words, Ye Xuan’s entire brain couldn’t keep up with the rhythm. What kind of situation was this? He looked at each other weirdly.

There are people who make others have to soak her, is there such a lack of men.

Lin Xue also realized that she was a little anxious and said something wrong, and hurriedly waved her hand to explain: “I, I didn’t mean that, but we two are destined. We can get to know each other.”

“Ha ha!”

Even the eyes of talking are constantly dodge, does Ye Xuan believe her nonsense, there is nothing wrong with it.

“Oh, what is your look?”

Lin Xue was staring at her, a little embarrassed, and finally said what she thought.

“I just want you to be my temporary boyfriend, and let me go on a blind date every day at home. I’m only 23 years old. What kind of blind date? Isn’t this…”

As he said, he looked up and down at Ye Xuan.

“I think the guy is surprised by his bones, and he is handsome. He drives tens of millions of luxury cars, and even strangers can start. Bring home enough to stop my parents’ mouths and save her from having to introduce someone to me. I’m now It sounds so annoying.”

Uh, did you explain too…

But why do you catch the strong man like this, do whatever you want, and are not afraid to completely fold yourself in.

Also, your loli-like appearance, isn’t it a hobby that is unique to those weird folks?

Lin Xue patted Ye Xuan’s arm and said, “If you do me this favor, I will forgive you for what you lied to me just now, and I can give you the chance to chase me formally.”

Lie to you? Ye Xuan was very curious about when he lied. It really takes millions to repaint this car. It’s not a lie.

As for chasing girls, based on his appearance, coupled with the aura of the rich, there is no girl who can’t catch up.

If you didn’t catch it, it only means that the money is not in place, as long as it is in place, it doesn’t matter whether you are a human being or not.

However, it is not impossible to pretend to be Lin Xue’s boyfriend. The appearance of this girl, um, how to say, does satisfy Wei Shu’s special hobby. The main thing is that there is no three-year reprieve and the highest death sentence.

Nodding is considered an agreement.


Lin Xue jumped up and praised herself fiercely, but she didn’t expect the problem of headaches to be solved in this way.

“I’ll apply first, and I’ll call you when I need it!”

After speaking, rushed towards the building.

After separating from Lin Xue, Ye Xuan went back to the hotel to make up his sleep. Some of them slept too late last night. He felt a little sleepy as a whole, and he almost fell asleep before falling out of bed.

I do not know how long it has been.

Ding dong, ding dong!

The WeChat that had been placed by the bed suddenly rang, and Ye Xuan picked it up in a dazed manner. It was He Yue, the girl next door.

He Yue: “Brother Xuan, do you have time tonight, invite you to dinner.”

Immediately after that, another message was sent, which was a location address.

“Huh, how did you go to the Eastern Suburbs?”

Ye Xuan let out a startled suspicion, this location is obviously some distance away from her community, at least 20 kilometers away.

But I didn’t think too much, replied, then turned off the phone, went to the bathroom to wash the dust on my body, and drove to the location where I was located.

Because there are a lot of cars during the rush hour, it took more than half an hour to get to the destination.

After getting off the car, Ye Xuan was a little dumbfounded.

What’s the situation, food stalls?

After all, it was He Yue’s first visit, so he was dressed more formally and dressed in a brand name, and suddenly felt that he was wearing the wrong clothes.

When you come to such a place, you still feel free to wear ordinary T-shirts and jeans.

It’s not like him, dressed in such a formal dress, others would think something was going on when they saw it.

The sky began to darken slowly, and the lights on the old sheds of the food stalls shone brightly, illuminating people coming and going.

Now there are a lot of people sitting in the greenhouse, and every table is filled with food and beer. Everyone is enjoying the heat of summer.

Various noises entered Ye Xuan’s ears, giving him a kind of cordial feeling. He used to come to this kind of place very often, and he was naturally very familiar with it.

As for dirtying the clothes worth nearly 100,000, if they are dirty, they will be dirty. It’s not that there is no money to buy, but this kind of atmosphere can’t be missed.

According to the positioning prompt, stepped in.

As for how He Yue asked him to come here for dinner, it is impossible to say that he has no money. How could he not have money if he just gave 100,000 yuan the day before yesterday.

“Mr., are you here to find friends?”

“Indeed, my friend invited me to dinner?”

As soon as Ye Xuan entered the food stall, a forty-year-old man greeted him with a menu in one hand. It seemed that he should be the person in the store. Customers would not just pick up the diners who came in.


The man laughed and glanced at Ye Xuan up and down.

“Not only do I know that you are here to find a friend, but your friend is definitely a pretty girl!”

It’s so terrifying, it can be guessed.

Thumbs up and praised: “Uncle, okay, wise eyes and beads, can’t you learn fortune telling?”

“What fortune telling do I learn!”

The big man laughed and explained.

“It’s just that you dress up like this, and you’re still so young. If it’s impossible to come to this place for business talks, then you’re going to see the person you like. Just now, the girl Yueyue said that she had an appointment with a handsome guy. When I saw it, it should be you. This kid can’t run.”


It turned out that this was the case. Ye Xuan was embarrassed, thinking that the other party would be able to pinch it. Listening to the other party’s tone, he seemed to know He Yue and asked in surprise.

“Uncle, do you know He Yue?”

The middle-aged man waved his hand.

“It’s more than acquaintance, her mother’s cooking skills are still learnt by me, otherwise how could it be possible to open a small restaurant. Go in, Yueyue girl is inside, there are air conditioners and electric fans, cool!”

No wonder I was here to entertain you, because it turned out to be He Yue who knew her.

Within a few steps, I saw the girl He Yue sitting there with her chin supported, and she glanced at her phone from time to time, not knowing what she was thinking.

Under the dim light, the cold wind of the fan blew her hair gently, making it lightly flicked. Now it seems that there is a trace of hazy charm, which makes people unable to extricate themselves.

Ye Xuan’s eyes have slowly sunk in, paying full attention to He Yue’s body.

What a nice view!

The light makeup technique presents her perfect face in front of her eyes, beautiful big eyes, small lips, smooth and attractive white tender skin, at least when I personally see it, I can’t help but admire it.

Perhaps when he heard the movement, he raised his head. Those big, smart eyes looked like a spring water, and Ye Xuan was looking at each other.

“Brother Xuan, come on!”

The delicate voice came out of He Yue’s mouth, and she stood up from the seat all of a sudden, her face was like a hundred flowers blooming, so beautiful, attracting many people to look around here.

However, the next scene broke the hearts of many people.

He Yue stepped forward and came to Ye Xuan’s side, and then hugged the other’s arm like a good girl, showing a happy expression.

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