Villainess’s Sweet Everyday

Chapter 1590

Chapter 1590

“Hey, hey, are you reading fashion magazines?”

At this age, I don’t think of fashion magazines as Carlia, and I don’t read them when I feel sad and honestly reply, but it seems to be embarrassing, and I answered without difficulty, “I will read them.”

I can’t read it.

Something went wrong. I thought it was better to treat than fashionable because I was still a kindergarten child, and I sensed that my thinking circuit was becoming childhood.I think this is dangerous, and if I don’t stop my brain from getting old enough to get caught up in this world, I’m going to jump.

When I look at Carlia, it looks like a three-haired cat when I look at her with only my right eye.Your left eye feels like you’re playing with your eyesight to keep Carlia lying down and watch your surroundings.However, only the childcare workers, the drivers, and the yen friends can be found.Feeling frustrated by the existence that seems to want to disturb me by now, I swirl like a starch in the bottom of my heart.

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