Voyage: Cat Fruit Fantasy Beast Species God of Destruction Form

Chapter 133

Chapter 134

Shameless? Of course, even Saab blushed and was ashamed.

But… Will the mad dog who is driven to a desperate situation still care about the so-called face?

At the moment, Saab had only one thought in his mind – to let Barbos experience how painful it was to lose a loved one.

“Go and die!!”

Without saying a word, Saab’s armed water pipe knocked towards Violet.

Violet’s force value is pitiful, and joining the navy is also a slight start, naturally unable to withstand Saab’s attack.


She sat down on the ground in fright, looking at the incoming Saab in horror.

The dark water pipe was close to the skull.

Violet closed her eyes in fright, it seems that life has ended here?

“This is the so-called revolutionary army?”

The plain words contained monstrous anger, and Barbos flashed forward, and his open hand grabbed it like an eagle’s claw.


The water pipe was firmly drilled in his hand by Barbos, and under his domineering power, even if it was covered with armed color domineering, the water pipe was pinched and deformed.

Violet opened her eyes, the water pipe was above her head, and maybe in a second or so, her head would be shattered.

“There are flaws, Barbos.”

After the yellow ape’s sinister voice sounded, the flash followed 147.

Boom… Boom… Boom

He was instantly hit and a fire broke out again.

“Mr. Barbos!!”

Violet screamed in horror, tears falling uncontrollably.

Everything is caused by her weakness.

If it weren’t for saving himself, Barbos wouldn’t have turned his back to the yellow ape, and this wretched old guy would really pick the time.

“You dead monkey is so shameless? 2 to 1 even forget it, and sneak attack!! ”

Violet sprayed angrily at the yellow ape, and the little old man’s face suddenly froze.

Dead monkey?! What a nasty appellation!!

“Don’t hide from you, the old man has always been not interested in the code name of yellow ape, translated as yellow monkey…”

The yellow ape said to himself: “It’s better to have a code name within the revolutionary army – a mountain eagle!!” ”

Eagles, anyway, are more domineering than monkeys.

“Answer me, is what you have done the revolutionary army, Sa! Wide! ”

In the flames, there was a low roar.

The sound wave turned into a shock wave and dispersed, and Saab retreated one after another.

Facing Barbos’s questioning, Saab gritted his teeth and roared, “You killed my most important friend, and I will also kill your woman and let you experience my pain!! ”

Hearing this, Violet called with a pretty face, what to say nonsense… Truth be told!!

“First of all, Violet is not my woman.”

“Secondly… Congratulations, you managed to provoke me!! ”

The flames burning around Barbos dissipated, and the eyes that came into view turned purple.

He opened his big hand, and a large amount of purple light surged around.

“Be careful, brother Saab!!”

The yellow ape was shocked and quickly shot out a ray of light.


The light exploded, but could not dispel those purple forces.

Saab’s whole body was covered in the power of destruction.

“Don’t worry, I won’t let you die so easily.”

Barbos grinned devilishly: “Destruction!! ”


Saab screamed in response, only to feel that his feet were empty, and he fell to the ground with a pop.

“Legs… What about my legs?! ”

Saab screamed in horror, and his legs were erased in an instant.

“Don’t worry, this is just the beginning.”

The evil smile on Barbos’s face did not decrease: “Break – uh!!” (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Before the word destruction fell, the yellow ape flashed to him, and the big foot that condensed the flash kicked fiercely: “Lightspeed kick!! ”


Barbos raised one arm and blocked this domineering blow, and the light that should have exploded turned into countless broken lights and scattered.

“Less fucking nosy for me, Borusalino, no one can keep Saab today!!”


Purple light shot out from Barbos’s pupils, and the yellow ape panicked and hurried to avoid it.


Despite the timely reaction, the left arm was penetrated.

In the blink of an eye, the arm disappeared.

“This, this… It’s outrageous too!! ”

The yellow ape endured the pain, and because of the severe pain, his entire cheek twitched.

“Destruction !!”


Saab began another round of screaming, and this time his two arms disappeared.

“Destruction !!”

Bang bang!!

The next moment, his eyes were also blown into mud.


This is followed by binaurals.


The nose is also gone, and Saab is already dying of torture.

The yellow ape in the distance was creepy, and the most powerless thing was this, Barbos tortured and killed the right-hand man of the revolutionary army in front of him, and he, the deputy commander, could only watch.

Each erasure was accompanied by the extreme pain of burning his body like a flame, and Saab’s screams never stopped.

“Relieved, Violet.”

Barbos glanced at Violet.

“Ah, I’m not angry…”

Violet was crying and laughing, she was not angry, but happy, after all, Barbos was for her.

And… Looking at Barbos’s angry and angry look, it was obvious that he had a good position in her heart.

Angry? Naturally, it cannot be.

Even she had to thank Saab, if it weren’t for this guy’s help with the test, she wouldn’t know that she had such a weight in Barbos’s heart.

“Then you can hit the road now, Saab.”

Barbos lifted his foot and landed on top of Saab’s head.

“Stop the old man!!”

The yellow ape obviously still didn’t want to give up, and a giant blade of light hundreds of meters long slashed down from the sky.

“I haven’t seen him use similar tricks before.”

Barbos muttered: “Looking at this range and power, it seems to be a big move of the awakening class, this old immortal, really punched his former teammates.” ”

Barbos was sure that if this slash fell on his body, the general-level powerhouse would also be hit hard, and even if he dodged, the island would be split.

His mother, when the war is on top, why doesn’t the yellow ape bastard take it out and cut off the white beard?

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and finally he broke his mouth and cursed: “Throw thunder old mother, pounce on the street!” ”


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