Voyage: Cat Fruit Fantasy Beast Species God of Destruction Form

Chapter 151

Chapter 152

Bulu Bru Bru!!

On a pirate ship in the New World, the green pheasant who was basking in the sun opened his eyes.

Looking at the phone worm on the table next to him, he muttered, “Marko? ”

“Marko, this is Kuzan, what’s the matter.”

The pheasant’s voice was as lazy as ever.

“I’ve got something going on here, and the Navy seems to be going to do it!!”

Marko’s tone carried an unprecedented seriousness.

“Hands on?”

The green pheasant is convinced of this, and since the revolutionary army was overwhelmed, the navy has intensified its infiltration and surveillance of them.

All indications are that the Navy is going to do something to their Iron Fist Pirates.

“Wait for me, I’ll go right away.”

The pheasant hung up the phone worm and quickly drove away.

The pheasant’s march was very fast, and after only half a day, it arrived at the Sphinx on the Great Voyage.

Upon arrival, he was strange, and the island seemed to be of little value.

The Navy is going to strike at here?

Then again, hasn’t the Sphinx become an ally of the Navy?

The barrier to entry for becoming a naval member is too low, with 200 allies in the world, more than the 170 in the world government in its heyday.

18 Marko was silent, just quietly looking at the pheasant.

“Kuzan, frankly speaking, the time I joined the Iron Fist Pirates is different from what I imagined.”

Marko took the initiative to change the topic: “Instead of saying the pirate group, but the avengers under the banner of pirates, what you are pursuing is not a free and unrestrained free life, these days I think repeatedly, the time now, and the time in the whitebeard pirate group is fundamentally different, full of depression.” ”

The pheasant did not deny that this was true.

They were all navies before, so naturally it was impossible to let go of themselves like pirates.

Together, it is indeed to seek revenge on the navy, and Marko feels depressed and uncomfortable, after all, he is a real pirate, Karp and Pheasant they can only be regarded as pseudo-pirates.

“So… I decided to quit the Tekken Pirates. ”

Marko said amazingly: “When I first joined, it was originally for Ace’s sake, and now that he has passed away, there is naturally no need to stay here.” ”


The green pheasant’s face was gloomy: “So what you said is a situation, it is completely fabricated?” The fundamental purpose is to bring me here? ”

The green pheasant immediately regained its vigilance, and his eyes looked at it suspiciously.

Seeing the domineering color, he also dispersed around.

It’s good if you don’t release it, as soon as you release the domineering color, the green pheasant immediately feels the others.

He looked at the dense forest behind Marko, and cold air gushed out of his mouth.

Click… Click… Click

A large area of primeval jungle froze in an instant, and a spectacular ice forest came into view.

“Get out, I’ve found you!!”

Pheasant to drink cold.

“Yay Amazing, perception is as sharp as ever. ”

Barbos stopped pretending, and walked out playfully.

The green pheasant’s pupils shrank, and his face immediately became constipated: “You… Why is it here?! ”

“Did you say…”

The green pheasant looked at Marko incredulously: “You, defected to the navy?!” ”

This is also too nonsense, Ace and Whitebeard and everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates were killed by the Navy, especially Barbos, who was the culprit who caused the death of Ace and Whitebeard.

Marko doesn’t take revenge, forget it, and choose to be embarrassed?

“Marko… You are a naked thief as a father!! ”

The green pheasant is straightforward, let him be resourceful and talented, and he can’t prevent his own backstab.

Especially Marko, everyone else can cooperate with the Navy, but Marko cannot. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Marko has woken up, but you, Kuzan, are still obsessed.”

Barbos said lightly: “The dignified admiral ran to become a pirate, you don’t feel embarrassed, Sakaski has always regretted letting you go.” ”

“Hmph, I don’t have anything else to say to you and Sakaski.”

The green pheasant is full of cold breath, waiting to die? Inexistent!!

“Funny, just because you still want to do it with me?!”

There was a hint of disdain in Barbos’s gaze: “Don’t pee to see what kind of goods you are.” ”

Hearing this, the green pheasant was furious, what kind of stuff?

He is also a former admiral, and now the existence of a reward of 4,132.2 million Baileys came out of Barbos’s mouth, just like worthless garbage?

“Ice Cube Pheasant Mouth!!”

The giant ice giant bird condensed and formed and soared into the sky.


The ice bird flapped its wings, the cold wind swept the ground, and Barbos’s body suddenly “clicked” and froze.

It’s a pity that the fart didn’t work, and with the purple light of Barbos, the ice disappeared for the first time.

“There’s no way you can do it without lifting, Kuzan.”

Barbos’s fist was wrapped around the purple light, and a whoosh flashed in front of the green pheasant.

This guy reacted quickly and stabbed with an ice blade.

Bang Bang Click!!

The ice slag splashed everywhere, and although the ice blade was hard and indestructible, in order to strengthen the hardness, it also covered the armed color domineering, and the moment it pierced Barbos’s fist, it was still shattered.

The fist that continued to rage greeted him.

Bang bang!!

As soon as the pheasant came up, he pounced on the street and was blasted away by a heavy punch from Barbos.

He spun in the air dozens of times before he fell down in embarrassment.

The green pheasant got up with a gloomy face, his lungs were shaking, and there were a trace of blood stains hanging from the corners of his mouth.

“Do you understand how many pounds and taels 790 itself has, even if you were a general before, you must know that there is a gap between generals.”

Barbos’s voice was faint, and he didn’t take the pheasant to heart at all.

“Hmph, figure out your situation!!

The green pheasant sneered and said sarcastically: “It’s as if you weren’t hurt!!” ”

After speaking, the green pheasant also glanced at Barbos’s fist, and the moment it collided, he was knocked away, but Barbos’s fist was also scratched by the ice blade.

Overall, still… The pheasant suffered!!

Barbos was too lazy to talk nonsense with the pheasant, stepped forward with his right leg, and the whole person instantly swept in front of the pheasant.

The green pheasant’s big hand approached as soon as possible, and the cold air gushed: “IceTime!! ”


Once again, Barbos turned into an ice sculpture, illuminated by the sun, shining with a pale light.

Seeing this, the green pheasant breathed a sigh of relief: “This time the freeze is stronger than just now, it can’t be like – bang!!” ”

A crisp cracking sound sounded, and the ice covering Barbos’s body shattered for the first time.

Two cold words also came out of Barbos’s mouth: “Sabotage! ”

The green pheasant was stunned, when did his frozen fruit become so vulnerable?


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