Voyage: Cat Fruit Fantasy Beast Species God of Destruction Form

Chapter 154

Chapter 155

Between the powers of Pangu City.

The screams of the Draco outside alarmed the only three remaining five old stars.

The blonde five old stars, whose real name is Shepard Ten Peter, is the “martial god of farming”.

The five old stars in the hat, real name Jegarcia Satan, “scientific defense of the martial god”.

Birthmark five old stars, real name Tuopman Woqiuli, “legal martial god”.

The remaining two were slaughtered by the Navy.

After a while, Figarand Garin appeared, but he didn’t look at the three old stars at all, and swept straight towards the corridor on the other side.

Seeing this, the blond five-old star Peter was directly angry and roared: “Garin, is this your attitude towards us?!” Don’t think that you are the commander of the Knights, you can see no one, remember, except for Lord Im, a few of us are the highest position of the Draco!! ”

Garin glanced at Peter and scoffed, “When are you still in this position, if it weren’t for you fools, we wouldn’t have fallen into what we are now?” Eating a piece of bread is a problem! ”

“You !!”

Peter was angry and half-dead, and he had nothing to say.

People are right, that is, the five old stars agreed to Barbos joining the navy, and even invited Barbos to join the Knights of God.

Now that I think about it, it was so stupid at the time.

Once Barbos entered the Knights of God, it was a typical wolf inductor.

“Anyway, there aren’t many Draco left, so why do you want to attack them?”

The five old stars in the hat, that is, the “scientific defense martial god” Satan asked displeased.

“Outsiders haven’t killed us yet, you’ve wiped out your own people!”

The birthmark five old stars “Legal Martial God” Wo Qiuli also expressed dissatisfaction.

“So what do you want, I’ve already killed people, or I’ll execute me?” Garin asked disdainfully, “Do you dare?” So don’t ask such boring questions next time. ”

“You bastard!!”

The heads of the three five old stars smoked, and this bastard disrespected them more and more.

“Enough, go and tell Lord Im right away, we have something important!”

Satan was too lazy to talk to the hanging hair, and the Figarand family had always been very dissatisfied with them.

In the Battle of God’s Valley that year, it seemed that the navy and the world government had won, but in fact they also lost a lot.

The worst was the Figarand family, where the entire group was killed and wounded, and only a small number of people survived.

Garin is one of them.

In addition, he himself and the redhead have a slight similarity, and the redhead is also a member of the Figarand family.

That’s right, the real name of the redhead is actually Figaland Shanks!

And this Garin in front of him is his father.

In the Battle of the Valley of the Gods that year, although he turned the tide and inflicted heavy damage on Whitebeard, due to the strength of his opponent, he had to put his infant son, Shanks, who was still in his infancy, into a treasure chest for refuge.

Because of this incident, Garin was extremely dissatisfied with the five old stars, and if they could send someone to help the Valley of the Gods earlier, the Figarand family would not be lost.

“Tell me what’s going on.”

Garin asked with a cold look.

“Kapuna guy… Want to work with us! ”

Between flowers deep in Pangu City.

Yim stood under a large tree, looking at the blooming flowers, with a trace of haze in his eyes.

All along, it was thought that the enemy was D.

The devil knows, the Navy has sprung up, more troublesome than the original D, the world government has been overturned, and hundreds of years of hard work have come to naught.

Not to mention the world government, even those D’s, who were also killed by the Navy.

“Maybe you didn’t expect this day.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Im muttered, and the man in his mouth was his former sworn enemy, Joey Boi.

Im’s life is extremely complicated, and today’s female body is actually that of Lily, the queen of Alabastan, because coveting the power of Queen Lili, Im used the fruits of surgery to forcibly occupy her body.


The heavy iron door opened, and Garin appeared with the three five old stars.

Im didn’t look back, and asked indifferently: “You guys are a few wastes, what trouble have you caused Mu?” ”

“Uh, this…”

The three five old stars looked embarrassed, and Satan was just about to open his mouth to answer, but Garin couldn’t wait to answer first: “Lord Im, these three idiots are indeed sick again.” ”

“Garin, you bastard give me your tone!!”

Peter cursed, even Im ignored it.

“Enough, fools, it’s all this time, and there is still the mood for infighting!!”

Im’s eyes widened, and a terrifying sense of oppression followed.

Garin and the five old stars were so frightened that they quickly knelt on the ground and shivered.

The biggest reason why Im can become the king of the world is strength.

In the early days of the Draco, there were many elites, and Im could step on the heads of everyone to become the king of the world, and his strength could be imagined.

What is not known is that the power displayed now is actually that of the Queen Lily, which is why Yim occupies Lily’s body.

“Lord Im, the Iron Fist Pirates led by Karp plan to cooperate with the government, you see?”

Warball looked at Im cautiously.

Im looked cold: “Is that D who betrayed the world government and severely damaged the Knights of God?” ”

“No, that’s his son.”

Garin said hatefully: “Father pays the debt, it can be counted on his head!” ”

“Do you want to cooperate? It’s kind of interesting. ”

Yim looked up at the ceiling: “Mu didn’t expect that one day… Will cooperate with D, that Karp is different from the general D, he should know the meaning of D, and actually chose to cooperate with Mu. ”

“Lord Im, it is worth mentioning that the grandson of that guy has similar abilities to your former enemies.”

Garin added.


Im raised his eyebrows: “Nika fruit?!” ”

The five old stars shrunk their necks, and several people looked at each other, but still nodded.

“There is such a thing… This is all the more interesting, and this is no coincidence!! ”

Im did not get angry as expected, but instructed: “Let that Karp come to Mary Joa, remember, and bring his grandson with you.” ”

“The Mighty Man of the Nika Fruit… It was definitely not an ordinary thing, and the Joey Boy who boarded him approved of him, and he very much wanted to meet this young man who was different. ”


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……… Thousand….

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