Voyage: Cat Fruit Fantasy Beast Species God of Destruction Form

Chapter 159

Chapter 160

The fighting continued, and the fierce chaos lasted for more than four hours before it ended.

The huge city was razed to the ground, and their battlefield was hundreds of kilometers around.

Even if Barbos loses, the world government and the Iron Fist Pirates will not feel good.

The five old stars Wo Qiuli left the game with great remnants.

Another five-old star Peter also broke ~ a leg.

General Air is the most robust man.

The most meticulous yellow ape was also abused.

Of course, Barbos’s end was also quite miserable, and it was also a heavy blow and was bombarded into the sea by several people.

After the war, several people announced to the world in a high-profile manner – Barbos was killed!

The news spread and there was an uproar around the world.

In addition to being surprised that Barbos died in battle, people also scoffed at the joint efforts of the world government and the Iron Fist Pirates, and in order to deal with the navy, these two opposing organizations actually shook hands and made peace?

Sure enough, there is not the slightest limit.

Of course, in order to kill Barbos, they also paid a huge price, the two five old stars were destroyed, and the yellow ape was also hit hard, even the luckiest air commander was wrapped in bandages all over his body.

The news of the fall of Barbos brought a great shock to the world.

Some people even feel that the navy is going to be finished, after all, the strength of the navy, to put it bluntly, is based on the invincibility of Barbos.

Without Barbos, the Navy is not very strong.

New World’s G1 Navy Headquarters.

After hours of fermentation of public opinion, the news of Barbos’s death in battle became uproaric all over the world.

Akainu sat in his office, calmly reading the newspaper.

The high-ranking naval officials looked at each other, this red dog didn’t seem to be worried at all?

In fact, not only the red dog, but everyone who has a good relationship with Barbos, such as Lei Jiu and Boyahan Cook, is extremely calm, eating and drinking as they should.

Each of them held Barbos’s life card in his hand, and although only half of the life card remained, it was enough to prove that Barbos was not dead, but only seriously injured.

In the depths of the icy dark ocean, a purple air shield drifts under the deep sea.

Inside it, it was the sleepy Barbos.

He was covered in blood and had quite a few wounds.

Many sea kings saw it, opened their blood basins and mouths to eat, and dismembered the moment they touched the energy gas shield.

“Bru Bru Bru Bru!!”

The red phone bug in Barbos’s arms rang.

“Barbos, I’m Sakaski.”

When Barbos heard this, he coughed twice, and asked in a weak tone: “Don’t worry, I’m fine at the moment, I haven’t hurt the point, but my physical and mental exhaustion is a little serious.” ”

“That’s good!”

The red dog on the other side of the phone worm breathed a sigh of relief, Barbos was indeed the Navy’s sea god needle, and it was unimaginable without him.

“Where are you, the old man sent someone to pick you up.”

Akainu asked.

Barbos looked at the dark deep sea and shook his head: “No need, I don’t know where I am, and when I recover, I will return to the headquarters immediately.” ”

“By the way, Sakaski…”

Barbos reminded: “Those guys think I’m dead, nine times out of ten they will attack the headquarters, and this may be an opportunity.” ”

“Don’t worry, the old man has already laid down the heaven and earth net, as long as they dare to come… Guaranteed to come and go! ”

The red dog’s face outlines a cruel arc.

“Then again, there’s something you’d better prepare for in advance.”

The red dog sighed and said helplessly: “Queen Vivi of Alabastan was captured by the commander of the Knights of God, Figarand Degarin. ”

He knew that Vivi and Barbos maintained an ambiguous relationship.

“I probably thought of it.”

Barbos didn’t panic at all, “Let it be, Vivi will return safely.” ”

“You boy…”

The red dog was stunned, and immediately asked curiously: “You honestly tell me, did you leave any killer skills for Weiwei?!” (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Guess right, the last time the redhead took away Weiwei’s father and daughter, I had the corresponding preparations.”

Barbos nodded, in fact, not only Vivi, but even Lei Jiu and even the little hooves of Boyahan Cook, Barbos left them a means to save their lives.

“Going to Mary Joa and meeting Vivi, Im may not be surprised.”

“Accompanying … It will only be a fright!! ”

Red Earth Continent Mary Joya.

“Hahaha… Victorious, that damn Barbos finally hangs. ”

Between the powers of Pangu City, the five old stars Satan laughed excitedly.

Sitting across from him were Karp and Luffy.

This painting style… It’s weird.

D and Draco got together, and even Luffy’s D is not an ordinary D, if it were not for Barbos’s sudden rise and carrying the fruit of Nika, he would be the biggest enemy of the world government in the future.

Because of Barbos, the bigger enemy, the two sides even came together.

“It’s really worth celebrating!!”

Karp, who has never drunk very much, is also holding a wine glass at the moment.

Finally avenge the dragon, Saab, Ace and a few of them.

Luffy was silent, and since his companion was killed by Barbos, he had become more and more reticent.

“Karp, next… We can further encircle the Navy. ”

The five old stars Satan said slowly: “Raise a larger force, go to the naval headquarters, and completely regain the ownership of this world!” ”

“There’s nothing wrong with that, but…”

Karp’s eyes flickered: “The previous agreement, you won’t regret it, right?” ”

After the defeat of the navy, the fruits of victory are five or five points, and the world is no longer a king of Im.

Please call him King Karp in the future!

“Of course it’s no problem, after all, Lord Im has already agreed.”

The five old stars Satan nodded with a smile, but the cold glow in the depths of his eyes was fleeting.

Divide the world equally? I want to fart and eat it!

There is only one master of the world – Draco!

After getting the navy done, the second target to be killed is Karp’s Iron Fist Pirates.

Today, world governments are simply relying on their power.

Especially Monchi D Luffy, the Nika fruit ability, under the tutelage of Lord Im, he seems to have awakened?

“It’s so interesting, our former sworn enemy, Joey Boi, has now become the sharpest weapon in our hands.”

The five old stars Satan threw himself at the five bodies that Im admired.


PS: Big guys beg for subscription! Subscribe please! Subscription requested!!

……… Finish….

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