Voyage: Cat Fruit Fantasy Beast Species God of Destruction Form

Chapter 69

Chapter 70

In the beginning, Barbos’s target was Straw Hat Luffy, after all, this guy was the culprit who attacked Draco.

Luo took a deep breath, and he summoned up the courage to raise the ghost cry: “No matter what, I want to… Well?! ”

The taidao in his hand was much lighter, and Luo subconsciously looked down and froze.

The power of destruction is wrapped around it, and the ghost cry is disappearing ~ little by little.

Barbos mocked: “The weapons are gone, you kid is still playing a fart, obediently surrender – it.” ”

Luo gritted his teeth and roared angrily: “ROOM! -!! ”

The oval space spreads, encompassing Barbos.

He just stomped his foot indifferently.


The purple energy also began to spread, and after overlapping with the room, the latter suddenly collapsed.

Barbos didn’t bother to waste time, and a brisk stride swept in front of Luo, and under his desperate and terrified gaze, his thumb flicked slightly on his head.


The seemingly light blow burst out with huge power, and Luo was bombarded without a trace.

Even the world’s largest “Yarchiman mangrove” has been penetrated.

Luo lay half-dead on the shore, unconscious.

Barbos didn’t want to get tangled up with the rookie and called the nearby Navy to deal with it.

In area 13 of the Chambordi Islands, there is a strange bar opened here – “Xia Qi’s rip-off bar, the proprietress Xia Qi was also a sea thief in the past, and was hunted by Admiral Karp decades ago, and later retired.”

It is worth mentioning that the current identity of Xia Qi is the sister-in-law of “Hades” Reilly.

Since retiring, Renly has come to live in the Chambord Islands.

Coincidentally, even if the plot changes, without the fishman Xiaoba taking the lead, the boatsmith who chose the coating of the Straw Hat gang is still Rayleigh.

Inside the bar, several cores were present.

“Why don’t you guys leave yet? The guy has already got all the supernovae and is coming over here. ”

Xia Qi, who has always been leisurely and calm, showed a rare urgency at this moment.

Barbos’s combat power is not something she can compete with.

Once Luffy and his gang are arrested, she can’t help, and she may even have to pay for it herself.

To be honest, Luffy is a man that Xia Qi is very optimistic about.

The wearer of that straw hat has never had a simple color.

Xia Qi didn’t want to see the immature flowers destroyed before they bloomed.

“I’m not leaving!!”

Luffy shook his head stubbornly: “I finally came to the Chambordi Islands, how could I be driven back like a loser.” ”

“Good.” Solon nodded thoughtfully: “It doesn’t matter if he is a naval admiral or a marshal, he can’t run away with one move, how can I become the world’s number one great sword master.” ”

“Cut, you green algae head, you dare to speak out.” Sanji on the side immediately began to pour cold water: “You, at best, are in the first place… 100!! ”

“What do you say, stinky cook!”

“It’s you, Greenhead!”


The heads of the two collided together, like iron pimples, and no one gave in, topping back and forth.

“You guys, there’s no cure.”

Xia Qi rubbed her head with a headache.

But after thinking about it, I was relieved, wasn’t Roger and his gang so lawless?

Young people really can’t give up lightly, otherwise it will become a magic barrier in their hearts that cannot be left behind.

“Let it be, if you fall here, it proves that you are no more than that.”

Xia Qi pondered darkly.

“Then again, why did you attack Draco?” Xia Qi changed the subject.

“Draco? It’s that stupid pig with a fat head and big ears. ”

Luffy buttoned his nostrils, “He made my companion kneel, so I knocked him to his knees.” ”

“This answer… Very Roger. ”

Xia Qi smiled dumbly, in the past, Roger was also for his companions and could destroy a country.

Xia Qi opened her mouth and was about to say something, but suddenly her expression sank, and she whispered: “Here it is.” ”

She opened the window for the first time, and Barbos strolled in the distance.

“That’s the Admiral?”

“Looks so young.”

“It is said that he is the strongest combat force in the Navy.”

“Hahaha… If we defeat him, will we be able to become famous all over the world? ”

“There is no way to retreat, him!!”


The crowd of the Straw Hats rushed out of the bar energetically.

Xia Qi couldn’t laugh or cry, sure enough, the newborn calf was not afraid of tigers.

She couldn’t have watched Luffy and the others have an accident, so she also walked out of the bar and stood at the front.

“Young Navy, give me face, let’s stop here.”

Xia Qi extinguished the cigarette butt in her mouth: “This is good for everyone.” (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Barbos didn’t even look at Xia Qi, his gaze only glanced at Luffy lightly, and then fell on Sanji: “Your sister Lei Jiu has explained, let me spare your life.” ”

“Sanji, come here.” Barbos ticked his hand.

“You know him?”

Everyone in the Straw Hat Group stared at Sanji in surprise, who was also confused.

Barbos naturally didn’t know him, he had never seen it.

As for Lei Jiu… Sanji must have known that if it weren’t for Reijiu, he might have died in the Vince Mock family.

For this sister, Yamaji has always had a good impression.

“I refuse, I want to fight with my companions!!”

Sure enough, Sanji still chose to go dark with his companions.

After experiencing hardships and hardships, I finally came to the Chambord Islands with everyone, and I saw that I was about to step into a new world, and this time to join the enemy? No way!!!

“For the sake of this garbage, you want to be an enemy of your brother-in-law? Is it worth it. “Barbos simply had a showdown.


Sanji opened his mouth wide, shocked enough to stuff a fist.

Is her own sister so powerful, she found a naval admiral as her husband?

“Before leaving, Lei Jiu specially explained, let me persuade you well, I hope you don’t obsessed with it.”

Barbos said slowly: “Although I hate pirates, Karp’s words are very correct, pirates do not deserve sympathy, and relatives are not necessarily.” ”

Despite the double standard, this is the truth.

The crowd of the Straw Hats stared at Yamaji.

Including Luffy, they are really afraid that Sanji will not be able to bear the temptation, after all, the lethality of the family card is still quite strong.


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……… One….

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