Voyage: Cat Fruit Fantasy Beast Species God of Destruction Form

Chapter 70

Chapter 71

“My choice is to fight alongside my companions.”

“For me now, partners are the most important thing.”

After thinking about it, Yamaji still refused.

Luffy’s knowledge is unforgettable for a lifetime.

“There is no way to do this, I can only teach you a lesson for your sister.”

Barbos’s words depressed the atmosphere to the extreme, and everyone in the Straw Hats group also took up a fighting posture.

“Do you have to fight to the end, young navy.” Xia Qi asked in a deep voice, and also released his good breath.

Barbos naturally felt that sense of oppression, and glanced at Xia Qi a little unexpectedly.

This woman also has two brushes, and although her strength has not reached the level of a general, she also has the level of Qiwu Hai.

But… The level of the Seven Wuhai, also dare to come out and talk about the conditions?

“What kind of “seven-six-seven” thing you are. ”

Barbos directly sprayed: “Since you have retired, then obediently retire, now come out to get in the way, is it tired and crooked.” ”

Xia Qi swooped up angrily: “Little ghost who has not dried up, give me respect for my seniors!” ”


Xia Qi, who disappeared in an instant, flashed in front of Barbos, and the fist wrapped around the armed color slammed into him.

Bang bang!!

The wave of qi spread in all directions, and Barbos, with his hands crossed, blocked the blow.

Seeing that the blow was unsuccessful, Xia Qi took the initiative to open the distance.

Her eyes were full of vigilance and jealousy, and Barbos, the youngest admiral in history, was still very rich.

In the face of her all-out blow, it is as stable as a rock and does not move!

“Xia Qi, right.”

Barbos squinted: “If I’m not mistaken, you seem to be the last emperor of Nine Snake Island, the former captain of the Nine Snake Pirates, and Boyahan Cook is now Qiwu Sea, and what you did is holding her back.” ”

“Hmph, I already have nothing to do with Nine Snake Island!!”

Xia Qi naturally understood what he meant, and threatened himself with Nine Snake Island.

When Barbos heard this, he was not polite, originally Boyahan Cook had become his own slave, and he planned to sell one of his thin noodles and let Xia Qi leave safely, and this woman could not help it without knowing how to lift.

“Don’t ignore us!!”

Solon struck out from the crowd, his speed and explosiveness were increased to the limit, and in less than a second from action to close range, the three knives in his mouth and held in both hands cut out a series of striking cold light.


In an instant, hundreds of slashes slashed at Barbos, and a large number of holes were torn out of his clothes.

“It’s worthy of Solon, well done, the second boss is awesome!!”

“The deputy captain is amazing!!”

“Fuck, you guys are really rebelling, my Uncle Sanji is the deputy captain, the second in charge!!”


I have to say that although the straw hats and the gang of dishes are going to die, the mentality of the people is good, they all worked with the admirals, and between each other, there is still spare strength to tear!

“Don’t let your guard down!!”

Xia Qi’s armed color swept through the audience, and everyone shut up one after another.

Don’t look at the blink of an eye cut Barbos more than a hundred knives, the actual fart is useless.

“This guy… Is it iron?! ”

Solon looked at Barbos in disbelief, without a single wound on his body.

“That kind of attack is too fragile.”

Barbos shook his head and said sarcastically with a disdainful expression: “Don’t say more than a hundred knives, even one knife can’t hurt me.” ”

“What a big deal!!

The undying Solon charged again.

Usopp in the rear set up a slingshot: “Solon, don’t worry, I’ll come to your aid!! ”

Barbos ignored Solon, who was already close, his fingertips lightly touched the void, and the purple light spread out again.

Usopp’s slingshot was full, and the tied leather bands were about to be torn off, strangled into a thin line.

Unfortunately, before he could attack, Usopp pounced on the street first.


The power of destruction engulfed Usopp, and his body was rapidly disappearing.

The feet stretched upwards until they were completely gone, which lasted only a second.

When he didn’t cross before, the Barbos thief TMD hated Usopp, and this coward encountered a powerful enemy, and his first thought was to run.

In fact, this is also a common human feeling, in the face of a strong enemy, it is normal for him to be afraid, not everyone is as brave as the three major combat forces of the Straw Hat Regiment.

What makes Barbos unhappy is that in the face of goods like the sand crocodile and Doflamingo, Usopp has instigated a batch, it is his turn, this hanging hair still dares to take the initiative to attack, isn’t this disrespect?!

Therefore, Barbos changed the order, ignored the attacking Solon, and sent Usopp back to the west first!

“Three swords flow and a thousand cuts!!”

Compared with before, the furious swords and shadows like a storm fell on Barbos’s body…

As the name suggests, in just ten seconds, Solon did cut out thousands of knives!

Even because of the speed, more than a dozen afterimages of Solon appeared around Barbos.

After the slash, Solon dodged to the side, huffing and panting.

“Are you kid doing acrobatics?”

Barbos couldn’t help but feel amused, in addition to showing off his skills, the lethality was negligible. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Juggling, playing acrobatics?!”

The corner of Solon’s mouth twitched, almost breaking his defense.

Is his own swordsmanship just acrobatics in the eyes of the other party?!

“Usopp !!”

The painful cries of his companion made Solon turn his head slightly, and where Usopp had stood before, the person had disappeared.

“He, he actually killed Usopp?!”

“How can it be repaired (abominable), unforgivable!!”

“Avenge Usopp!!”


The anger of the Straw Hats was ignited, and Luffy was the first to bear the brunt.

He was covered in boiling heat, his complexion turned red by 0.5, and he drank loudly in the second gear, and he couldn’t wait to rush up to send people’s heads.

As a captain, his companion died in battle, and he had to make the enemy pay.

“Rubber jet machine gun !!”

Bang bang!!

A huge number of fist shadows slammed into Barbos, as dense and powerful as Sauron’s attack.

But lethality, to put it in a more appropriate way, is like raindrops falling on the cement floor, meaningless.

Apart from making the corners of Barbos’s clothes constantly flip, there is no record.

“Can’t let you keep fighting, it’s time to switch attack and defense.”

When Luffy’s fist struck again, Barbos grabbed it with great precision.


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