Voyage: Cat Fruit Fantasy Beast Species God of Destruction Form

Chapter 73

Chapter 74

“Forced loyalty and genuine loyalty, Lord Barbos should understand that these are two different things.”

There are really no more chips, and Boyahan Cook can only contribute his so-called sincerity.

Barbos did not take Bojahan Cook, but the destruction that covered Reilly’s body gradually dissipated.

The old man fell to the ground in embarrassment, his eyes complicated.

In addition to feeling ashamed, he was also full of feelings about his powerlessness.

“It seems that the Whitebeard Pirates are hanging.”

Reilly let out a turbid breath and silently carried Xia Qi and left.

Barbos watched coldly and did not stop him.

For the people around you, it is not impossible to make an exception, but it depends on whether you cherish it or not.

He didn’t mind once or twice, and if he didn’t change his teachings, he couldn’t blame his subordinates for being ruthless.

“Thank you, Lord Barbos.”

Boyahan Cook knelt on one knee, feeling a little excited.

“Remember what you said, Boyahan Cook.”

Barbos turned and left, and the chick followed closely behind.

“Lord Barbos, three Draco died, how will the world government explain it.”

Boyahan Cook asked cautiously.

“Who cares about them, a perfunctory day is a day.”

Barbos returned to the naval headquarters by ship, and all the supernova men were captured and pushed into the city.

Including all the members of the Straw Hats gang, only Shan Zhi was safe and sound. 413

In the original work, the Kidd Pirates and the Red-Haired Pirates had a big battle, and the red-haired Shanks personally went out and effortlessly annihilated the Kidd Pirates.

There was also a narration at that time, and now this situation can also have – Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates led by him are completely destroyed!

Two hours later, Barbos and Boyahan Cook returned to the naval headquarters.

Tomorrow will be the official start of the execution day.

The Navy is making final adjustments, and according to reliable sources, the Whitebeard Pirates have disappeared from the New World.

The whereabouts are unknown, the whereabouts are unknown.

Don’t think about it, it must have been killed by the Navy.

In case of accidents, the navy took out the fire fist Ace that advanced into the city overnight and escorted it to the navy headquarters.

Time flew by, and in the blink of an eye, it was the next day.

Marin has many squares, which have long been crowded, and the dense navy extends to the vicinity of the port.

In the forefront, it is naturally the tool man Qiwu Sea.

The execution table is in the middle of the square, surrounded by the elite group of the navy, and directly below the execution table are the four admirals.

Sengoku was next to Fire Fist Ace, looking at the one less person (cfah) in the camp of the Seven Wuhai, and the old face instantly shrugged down: “Where did that guy from Blackbeard run?” ”

“According to our people, it slipped away at night.”

Barbos yawned: “That guy joined the Seven Martial Seas, originally had another purpose, I have already called Magellan to ask him to strengthen his guard.” ”

“Is his goal to advance the city?” Sengoku clenched his fists.

“The prisoner on the sixth level of Advance City is the teammate he has always longed for.”

Barbos said softly: “But considering Magellan’s combat power, there is no need to worry at all. ”

“Quite so.”

Sengoku was relieved, in the closed place of Advance City, Magellan’s venom was almost invincible, and no one could carry it.

Time passed minute by minute, and in the blink of an eye it was noon.

Sengoku looked at the time, there was still about half an hour before the execution, but the sea in the distance had not moved.

This also made many navies mutter, can’t the white-bearded pirate group come?

“Don’t be careless!!”

The loud voice of the Warring States resounded throughout the audience: “That man, he will never give up his son, I know Whitebeard better than anyone!!” ”

How to say that, the people who know you best are often your enemies, and the Warring States have long figured out Whitebeard’s character and temperament.


The red dog glanced at Barbos beside him and whispered: “The Draco of the Chambord Islands is missing, do you know about this.” ”

Barbos blinked, and the corners of his mouth showed a hint of an evil arc.

“Sure enough, it’s you boy.”

Akainu couldn’t help but feel a headache, this kid was also lawless, he hadn’t fully taken over the navy yet, he couldn’t wait to wave the butcher knife at Draco.

“All in all, if the people of the world government find out, you will claim that you don’t know anything, you are a senior admiral, and the group of people dare not move you easily.”

Akainu instructed, and Barbos shrugged when he heard this, accepting the suggestion.

To be honest, since killing the five old stars, he felt that it was harmless to kill a few Draco.


While chatting, bubbles suddenly bubbled up in the sea near the port.

Under the deep sea, there are also large black shadows.

Some young navies thought that the sea king class was coming.

Only those who saw and heard the strong looked solemn.

“I never thought that the Whitebeard Pirates would invade in such a way.”

Sengoku muttered, and then mocked: “However, do you think that directly breaking into Marin Duoduo can change the situation of the war, the navy was prepared accordingly from the beginning, Whitebeard!!” (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

With Barbos, the crosser, the defense plan of the Warring States is much more perfect than the original.

I saw that the coastal defense guns immediately turned around and bombarded the bubbling sea area indiscriminately.

Thundered… Thundered… Thundered

Hundreds of cannons fired together, the scene was still spectacular, and the sea was shook non-stop.

In the blink of an eye, thousands of shells fell into the sea, and the high temperature directly caused the sea to be boiled.

Coated warships under the deep sea were also affected, and several were sunk.

Whitebeard was so angry that he couldn’t help but curse who the came up with this bad idea?

At first it sounded good, but it turned out to be really implemented, and before they saw the navymen, they were hit hard, and a number of coated warships were buried at the bottom of the sea.

In desperation, Whitebeard launched his abilities directly from under the deep sea.

Whoops… Whoops… Whoops…

The sea suddenly began to float, 1 meter, 2 meters, 3 meters… Between the electric flint, the sea water floated to a terrifying level of forty or fifty meters, and Marin was surrounded by seawater, and even the sunlight was intercepted by the seawater, and the sky above Marin was dark.

“My God!!”

“Is this the power of the strongest man in the world?”



Barbos frowned, something was wrong.

Whitebeard created a tsunami of forty or fifty meters, which is actually not a difficult thing, the key is that he launched it from under the deep sea, considering the resistance of the sea, the difficulty has also increased greatly, his injured body, can still exert this kind of combat power?

Not only Barbos was puzzled, but even the Warring States felt outrageous.

“That old man… Have you regained your youthful combat power?! ”


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