When I Was Young, Social Bullying Shocked The Whole Network!

Chapter 59

Chapter 59: With The Help Of Liu Zekun, Will You Build A Statue For Me?!

Looking at the phone that Xia Chen handed in front of him.

Sun Yuxin suddenly felt that her whole person was not well…

I asked you to help me shoot the bugs away…

What do you mean by taking a picture with your phone?!

The audience came back to their senses and called “666” directly to Xia Chen’s operation.

“Xia Chen is too real, hahaha, let you shoot, you really shoot!”

“Hahaha, what the hell is this?! Why is Xia Chen’s brain circuit different from normal people…”

“I laughed so hard, how did he come up with it?

“I guess Teacher Sun has to remember the fear of being dominated by Xia Chen again, hahaha.”

“This is so special, I almost died of laughter in the early morning…”


Looking at Sun Yuxin’s confused expression.

Xia Chen asked curiously: “Teacher, didn’t you ask me to shoot bugs for you?…”

“Don’t worry… My phone has very good pixels, look…”

“No, the bugs can see clearly~”

After speaking.

Xia Chen also swiped the screen with two fingers.

Enlarge the bug on Sun Yuxin’s back.


Sun Yuxin felt a sense of powerlessness spreading throughout her body.

Facing this wave of operations by Xia Chen.

She couldn’t say anything at all.

Can you say what Xia Chen did wrong?

not at all…

People do shoot bugs for you.


Sun Yuxin thought of what 28, and said to Xia Chen with a serious face: “Xia Chen, how can you bring your mobile phone to school?

Xia Chen: “35

I’m here to help you shoot bugs…

Listen to what you mean, still want to confiscate my phone?!

Xia Chen didn’t have time to react.

The mobile phone in his hand was directly snatched by Sun Yuxin.

Sun Yuxin took a picture of the bugs behind her and said, “The school has regulations that you can’t bring mobile phones.

“Put the phone with me first, I will keep it for you, and I will return it to you after school…”

“Okay, hurry up and find Principal Liu, he’s been waiting for a long time.


Looking at Sun Yuxin’s back, Xia Chen sighed deeply.

This is simply not good intentions.

I took a picture of you with my phone, and you confiscated my phone…


Who made you a teacher?

Looking at Xia Chen’s dejected appearance, the audience in the live broadcast room simply laughed.

Arrived in front of Liu Zekun’s office.

Sun Yuxin knocked on the door.

“Come in!” Liu Zekun’s strong voice came from inside the room.

Xia Chen followed behind Sun Yuxin and walked in together.

Meet Xia Chen.

Liu Zekun’s original dignified expression suddenly showed a smile: “Trouble teacher Sun, you go back first. 35

“Xia Chen and I have some things to talk about.”

Sun Yuxin nodded, glanced at Xia Chen and left, and took the door behind him.

See Liu Zekun’s mysterious appearance.

The audience suddenly came to the nature, and they all guessed the purpose of Liu Zekun coming to Xia Chen this time.

Liu Zekun got up, pointed to the chair opposite him and said, “Xia Chen, please sit down.”

At this time, Liu Zekun is very grateful to Xia Chen in his heart.

It is because of Xia Chen that he can successfully take a step forward in his work.

And it’s a big step forward!

In a few days, he will leave his current position and be transferred to work in the education sector.

Show your face in front of so many media.

It is not enough to ask the leaders above to pay attention to him.

And all of this is thanks to Xia Chen.

If there is no Xia Chen, then Liu Zekun can only wait to retire in this experimental primary school.

Hearing Liu Zekun’s polite tone.

Xia Chen said with a smile: “Okay, thank you Principal Liu.”

After speaking.

Xia Chen sat directly opposite Liu Zekun.

Then looked at Liu Zekun with curious eyes, as if the inquirer was looking for him this time.

Feel the gaze of Xia Chen.

Liu Zekun was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile, “I heard that Xia Chen, you may be directly recruited into Peking University’s School of National Music?”

As soon as I heard Liu Zekun’s words.

The audience then remembered that Sun Xiaoxian wanted to train Xia Chen to become a master of Chinese music.

Immediately, the live broadcast room became lively again, and many viewers who did not know about this matter all asked with a face.

“Peking University?! Special trick?! What the hell?! What’s going on???”

“What’s the situation? Is it the arrangement of the show team? This is too ridiculous!

“You don’t know about this, didn’t Xia Chen play suona in class, and then he was attracted by Sun Xiaoxian, a Chinese music master, thinking that now Xia Chen will go directly to Peking University by special trick! 995

“Fuck! There is such a thing?!”

“I really thought that Xia Chen was just a smart kid… I didn’t expect it to be so awesome?!35

“I’m going… If Xia Chen is really recruited into Peking University, then there really is no one!”


Being directly recruited into Peking University, this incident is like a heifer taking a plane, and the cow beeps to heaven!

This kind of thing, you don’t dare to do this on TV!

Xia Chen blinked when she heard Liu Zekun’s words.

Not only many viewers forgot about this.

Even he almost forgot.

Seeing Xia Chen’s appearance, Liu Zekun coughed: “cough…but Xia Chen…”

As soon as I heard Liu Zekun’s hesitant tone.

Everyone looked at him curiously, waiting for his next words.

“Student Xia Chen… I… heard that the special admission exam… is difficult…”

After Liu Zekun finished speaking, he kept staring at Xia Chen with his eyes and stopped talking.

Hear what Liu Zekun said.

Xia Chen did not speak.

But all the audience frowned.

Because they thought Liu Zekun meant that he didn’t want Xia Chen to go to Peking University.

After all, Xia Chen was here for a day.

The reputation of the experimental primary school will grow day by day.

“Slot! This principal doesn’t want to let Xia Chen go?!”

“It shouldn’t be, can he, a principal, decide this kind of thing?

“Don’t underestimate a person’s scheming… If he does his best to obstruct it, who knows what will happen. 39

“Damn! I thought this principal was a good person at first, but I didn’t expect it to be such a person!”

“There’s no way, Xia Chen’s reputation is getting bigger and bigger now, even if he changed schools, he definitely wouldn’t want him to leave.

“This is really… I’m speechless…”

“This kind of thing has become more common in society, sacrificing others for one’s own interests, not to mention that Xia Chen is still a child…”

“Xia Chen, leave him alone! Your own future is the most important thing!


But in fact, Liu Zekun did not mean that.

He simply wanted to tell Xia Chen that the special admission exam was difficult.

Liu Zekun understood.

Xia Chen didn’t go to school at all before.

In the third year of high school, I just want to take the college entrance examination.

I haven’t been in school for a few days…

Also taking the special admission exam…

thought here.

Liu Zekun felt a little ridiculous.

But this thing actually happened.

And the parties are still sitting in front of them.

But helpless…

Everyone’s thoughts are a little more, so now they are malicious towards Liu Zekun.

But this is normal.

In today’s society, if you don’t want to be a little more.

Then you must be the one who died the worst.

Seeing that Xia Chen was silent, Liu Zekun smiled.

Then he handed a portfolio on his desk to Xia Chen.

“This is?” Xia Chen said suspiciously.

Liu Zekun replied: “This is the test paper for the special admission examination of major schools across the country in recent years, and some related learning materials.”

“Take advantage of this time to read more, and if you don’t understand anything, just ask the teacher. 55

Although it is a special move, the content of the written test will be much simpler than that of the college entrance examination.

But Liu Zekun also thinks that Xia Chen can’t do it.

Therefore, in these two days, I collected these things and handed them over to Xia Chen.

Hear what Liu Zekun said.

People suddenly understand…

What’s more, if you give a student a study material, you can give it directly!

Your expression and tone just now.

So that we all made up an ethical film!


Looking at the information that was handed to him.

Xia Chen took it slowly: “Thank you… Principal Liu…”

See Xia Chen thanks.

Liu Zekun waved his hand and said with a smile: “What you said is just out of the question.

“If you can be successfully recruited into Peking University, there will be light on our school’s face~”

Then Liu Zekun said curiously: “That… Xia Chen… How sure are you in this exam?”

Xia Chen thought for a moment.

With his own ability and the learning materials just given by Liu Zekun.

He has a great deal with me.

“I think it should be inseparable from ten~”

Hear Xia Chen’s answer.

Liu Zekun’s eyes lit up.

He thought that Sun Xiaoxian had already arranged everything properly.

I saw that Liu Zekun was full of deep meaning and nodded to Xia Chen with a smile on his face.

Then suddenly said: “Xia Chen! How should the school remember you?!

“Specially recruited to Peking University, I estimate that you are the only one in the entire history of the school!”

Looking at Liu Zekun’s excited look.

All the audience were slightly taken aback.

Holy crap! That’s a bit too much…

I haven’t taken the exam yet, so I started to think about how to commemorate it…

I saw Xia Chen resting on his chin and thought for a while: “Uh… I think the playground is a good place, why don’t you build a statue for me?

Liu Zekun:



This answer…

Even more extreme…

Why even set up a statue for you?!.

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