White Dragon Lord

Chapter 64:

Translator: Ujjawal

Co-Translator: Anshi

Editor: LordCeraz

"Ghoul-Garu, has anything major happened here in the past three years?"

Ghoul: "To answer your question, master, no, nothing big has happened. Except that the items you purchased from the Black Crow Chamber of Commerce have arrived, and due to the expansion of the war abroad, there have been waves of daydreaming human adventurers as of late."

Garu: "However, because they were driving without permission, the boat was toppled by Bucky Darkscale's murlocs before they approached Tasman Island. Those adventurers are still on Skull Crusher Island, digging in the kobold’s mine."

The White Dragon Lord became addicted to kidnapping, "That's a waste. Spread the news and let their family bring ransom money to redeem them."

"His Royal Highness Felicia has proposed this method, but those adventurers are either too far away from home, or they are paupers or single dogs, no one wants to redeem them."

"Um … then I wish them a good time with the kobolds, is there any news outside of the island?"

“The closest to us is the civil war of the Lowe Kingdom. It didn’t take long after you fell into hibernation that the war broke out. However, this has no impact on the White Castle. On the contrary, it has enriched our treasury.”

"Well, very good! Let the humans beat themselves up, we just have to seize the opportunity to develop our forces. How is normal trade with humans progressing?"

"The route to the south has gradually declined due to Al Bloodwave popping out from time to time to cause trouble. In order to be stabilised, we only maintain normal business relations with Bailey City."

Amos was a little surprised, "Then why didn't I see the merchant ships?"

"After you fell asleep, a high-level thief with short eyes, disguised as a merchant shipman, sneaked into the White Castle and stabbed the flying dragon. After Her Highness Felicia hanged him, she abolished the pass system and prohibited Humans from entering Tasman Island."

"But the trade still has to continue. After discussion, Tasman Island and Bailey City cooperated to establish a small mixed-living city that serves as a transit point for the trade between the two sides. Everything is currently working well."

"Felicia and others, where did they go?"

"The expansion team of Hogg River Claw and Roger Heavy Punch is in trouble, and they have gone to help."

"How is the progress of territorial expansion?"

"It's going well. The few tricky targets I encountered were all removed by the joint efforts of your siblings. Now, White Castle's sphere of influence has expanded up to five times."

Amos thought of the enchanted creature, "What is the result of Old Blind’s search? Is the silver dragon still nearby?"

"Old Blind lifted the terrain upside down, and only found some ancient broken copper and iron. As for Miss Bai Liya, we have no clue about her whereabouts. She left a year ago."

Amos asked suspiciously, "How could there be no clue? Where did the son of the Viscount Pele go?"

"The son of the Viscount now has the name, Renault Abel. He poisoned and slaughtered his family, and then disappeared. For this reason, Dumbledore became furious and even asked White Castle to assist in searching the coast, but the search amounted to nothing."

Amos frowned, "Will the Nine Eyes Alliance just ignore this matter?"

"On the contrary, the Nine Eyes Alliance pays more attention. After Miss Bai Liya left, she sent a professional team to take over the matter. The leader was a half-elf druid who also visited the White Castle."

"Well, if they ask for help, try to satisfy them. Also, always pay attention to the abnormal events in the territory. Once a dragon is demonized, it is no small matter."

Amos remembered that in the heritage records, during the period of the demon invasion, there was a demonized abyssal dragon, and a chill spread in his heart. Not to mention its powerful strength, its madness is still remembered by all the dragons in Nordhill.

However, this was not the time when the abyssal aura rushed in tens of thousands of years ago. The abyssal aura from the cracks in the space was far from the extent to corrupt the real dragon. At most, it could only infect some sub dragon creatures with low intelligence.

After understanding some of the major events during his slumber, Amos came to the room on the second floor of the White Castle. While he was asleep, his room had been cleaned by servants, so there was no dust. Amos was lying on the long-missed velvet bed and enjoying leisure time after a meal.

At this time, the closed-door opened, and two sneaky heads protruded from the crack in the door.

Amos looked at the funny appearance of the wyverns who wanted to come and get close but were timid and afraid to approach. He recalled the days when he smashed the dragons with his claws.


Seeing the call of the white dragon, the two wyverns happily slammed open the door and quickly rushed to the white dragon. Amos stretched out his claws against the head of the wyverns.

Two little wyverns stood up for a while and rubbed their heads against Amos's dragon claws.

Amos was like playing with them as though they were dogs, running his hands from the head of the dragon to the tail of the dragon.

At this time, it had been nearly 20 years since Elena adopted them. The little wyverns had grown from being cubs of over one meter long to behemoths, more than six meters long. Of course, even if the flying dragons grew into giant beasts, they were inferior to the white dragons who had 16-meter-long bodies.

At this time, a drop of acid dripped from the cracked teeth of the wyvern. Seeing that the acid was about to drip onto the velvet bed, Amos reacted swiftly, and the cold burst out, freezing the acid before it fell.

Amos frowned, twisted the acid crystals, and threw them far away, just like a reluctant shovelling officer, cleaning up poop for pets.

Amos tapped the wyvern’s head lightly, and it moaned aggrievedly.


[Name]: Alla (Scarlett)

[Level]: Level 10 Wyvern

[Faction]: Absolute neutral

[Introduction]: This is a young bipedal wyvern raised by the real dragon Elena. Due to it living with the white dragons and the influence of the white dragons, the blood concentration in its body is extremely high, and the body is stronger than a normal cub. And it has good ice magic resistance, but their actual combat power is worrying.

Ever since Elena hatched the wyvern eggs and took the wyverns as an animal companion, the white dragons had been keeping the two wyverns as pets. After all, if they encountered an enemy that the white dragons couldn’t solve alone, then the two wyverns could go up to help.

The two wyverns were both in their youth and had not experienced a decent battle, so much that any random thief could kill them, which was a shame.

Amos frowned. If this continues, the two wyverns that should have been galloping in the wilderness will turn into cultivated fat sheep.

No! They have to be trained in actual combat.

But, whom do they train with?

Followers? No, although the two-footed flying dragon has no actual combat experience, its instinctive acid spit and power could even corrode rocks. If it hurt his followers, it would be difficult to handle.

Beast? That's okay, but the extraordinary beasts within white dragons’ territory had been cleared out. However, he was too lazy to fly that far away.

After a little thought, Amos came to the White Castle Hall.

"Ghoul-Garu! Bring me those human adventurers!"

Ghoul-Garu’s work efficiency was very high. Early the next morning, Amos met twenty ragged adventurers.

????Translator's thoughts

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