White Dragon Lord

Chapter 68:

Amos spent half a month training the Wyverns at home, and at the same time passed some of his boredom. After the period, he regained his original appearance and could go out again; he wished to go out to inspect his territory.

The White Dragon Lord passed through the white clouds, feeling the moist touch of water vapour along his wings. This feeling was blissful, making him happy.

Although he was at leisure, Amos's flight speed was not slow. While flying, he scanned the islands below, and when he encountered any interesting parties, he would take a closer look, and would then continue to fly.

After several years of conquests, the White Castle's sphere of influence had expanded rapidly. The name of the Lord of the Thousand Islands, Amos, had already become a worthy name, but Amos couldn’t visit every island.

Therefore, he could only pick the key places. The White Dragon Lord flew purposefully towards Bailey City, and Between Tasman Island and Bailey City, there was a small new city. It was established less than three years ago, but it had developed rapidly and had become the White Castle's symbol. The prosperous city that ranked among the top was the gateway to the opening of the city of trade-Kasos.

Through the trade node of Kasos, White Castle would transport the rare products from the sea to Bailey City, and then sell them to the entire Nordhill.

Bailey City benefited from the rare commodities that were rarely seen on the mainland, such as pearls, overseas spices, high-end ingredients, and deep-sea corals sold by White Castle. Under the background of civil unrest in the Lowe Kingdom and rampant pirates, Bailey City’s trade had not diminished, instead was steadily increasing.

It was also precisely because of the domestic war and the prosperity of Bailey City that a large number of refugees feared the long-distance journey and fled to Bailey City. The stable food source, coupled with the influx of a large amount of cheap labour, made them choose Bailey city. In terms of strength, it had risen to another level.

However, the number of refugees was too large, and the city could not digest it, while the newly-built trade node needed manpower, which gave birth to a strange city in which humans and monsters lived together-Kasos.

Soon, Amos came to the sky above Kasos.

Although the island where Kasos was located wasn't large, it had two twin peaks with a height of 1,000 meters. The mountain was steep, and Kasos was located below the twin peaks.

White Dragon Lord observed the prosperous city surrounded by mountains and the sea below. The depression between the Twin Peaks was a natural haven. Ships large and small were constantly docking and leaving under the command of the port staff.

On a busy pier, workers were carrying goods, while merchants or captains lined up to pay taxes (protection fees) in the toll room on the side of the pier.

Amos saw a fat murloc's forelimb protruding from the toll room window, handing out a number plate, and at the same time receiving a bag of gold coins from the merchant's hand.

On the hillside next to the pier was the urban area of ​​Kasos. The white houses in the city were lined up one after another, and the roads were neatly planned, dividing the whole city into sectors.

The broad main road was filled with a hustling crowd, and all kinds of races walking on the stone streets.

A jackal avoided the oncoming murloc, lest the mucus of the murloc skin get stuck to his hair. On the side of the road, a caveman was bargaining with a human hawker, holding a handful of grilled squid skewers, using his greasy palms to pull away from the human mercenaries in the way, ignoring their complaints.

On the road, a little girl spotted an unusual shadow on the ground and raised her head, and found the White Dragon Lord among the white clouds.

"Mom! The dragon is here again!"

The little girl's words caught the pedestrians attention. Everyone raised their heads and looked up at the white dragon among the clouds. After a glance, they continued to go on their way.

There were only some new residents and outsiders who were curiously staring at the white dragon in the sky.

When other pedestrians saw this, some chuckled and walked away, while others muttered in a low voice, "Hillboy."

By the side of the road, a peddler looked at the white dragon in the sky, and muttered with some doubt, "Strange, this time the dragon seems to be a little bigger."

At this time, a customer interrupted his thoughts, and he immersed himself in processing the snacks he was going to bake.

For the residents of Kasos, seeing a white dragon was nothing new, because the ruler of the land under their feet was the white dragon. They could see the white dragon coming to patrol several times a year.

Once, a white dragon fell from the sky and snatched all the squid skewers, which caused a riot. However, this happened only once, and the government affairs office also compensated the hawkers who suffered losses, so the riot quickly subsided, and the citizens continued their lives.

Amos looked at the residents below who were accustomed to the existence of the white dragon and nodded indiscernibly. The plan worked well.

Yes, the white dragons patrolled the territory, not just wandering around at will, but a planned behaviour while looking out for any threats,

Familiarising their sense of existence, and subtly making residents accustomed to the existence of the white dragon, and then get used under the rule of the white dragon.

With good public security and sufficient resources for survival, residents would quickly develop a sense of belonging. After more than ten or two decades, humans would be completely accustomed to heterogeneous rule.

Compared with violent conquest, this method had slower results, but the victory was confirmed without a doubt. Anyway, the white dragons did not lack time, they could afford it.

Amos observed for a while, flapped his wings, and continued to patrol.

Next, he flew in the opposite direction and came to the agricultural production area.

In the past three years, according to the plan left by the White Dragon Lord, Ghoul-Garu and the three giants had selected several suitable sea areas in the territory, and relocated all agricultural production-related industries to specific areas to form a joint industry. It had centralized management, this was the White Scale city’s granary—agricultural area.

In addition to the agricultural area, it also deliberately divided the war pet breeding area, the natural reserve area, the military area, and the trading area headed by Kasos.

In the sky, Amos overlooked the islands in the agricultural area below. The islands for agricultural development were relatively flat, covered with gridded farmland, and roads planted with various fruit trees. It looked like a picturesque island.

These cavemen, who were originally at the bottom of the food chain, relying on their special racial talents to attract the attention of the White Dragon Lord had come around to live a good life.

Now they had no worries about food and clothing. As long as they complete the planting task, they could also engage in recreational activities at other times, such as jumping dams.

On the edge of the island, there were murloc settlements. In the shallow waters around the settlements, a large area of ​​seafood breeding had been established. Some of these breeding bases were newly built and some were relocated from other places.

Each island was equipped with a wharf, and ships on the wharf transported these products to various places in the White Scale city.

Amos was satisfied with the thriving weather in the agricultural area and continued to fly to the pet breeding area not far away.

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