Your Majesty Please Calm Down

Chapter 45.2

In the Yang Xin hall, Tian Qi was taken to Ji Heng.

Although the emperor said yesterday that Tian Qi was not allowed to see him, and today he took her back, Tian Qi thought about tried to cover up her head, so she didn't appear in front of the emperor.

She has always been so conscientious in her work that she has been blindfolded; even her eyes have been covered.

Ji Heng sits in the study of the Yang Xin hall, and the next him is Ji Zheng and Sun Congrui that also given seats respectively. The room is quiet. The three watched a man in a eunuch's uniform came from the outside, her head was covered with a hard blue cloth tube, which stood straight up like a big chimney. The two hands of the moving chimney were fumbling forward. When she got to the door, she bumped into the door frame.

All three people in the room are a little silly.

Tian Qi rubs her head and moves on in a different direction. She was a little dizzy when she was hit. She went into the study, estimated her position, and bowed down to Sun Congrui. "Long live Your Majesty!”

Sun Congrui fell down from his chair and knelt down in front of Ji Heng!

Sheng Anhuai can't see any more. He comes and pulls Tian Qi to the right direction.

Tian Qi bowed again, “Long lives Your Majesty!”

Ji Heng waved Sun Congrui to sit back. He was annoyed by Tian Qi. "Why you dress like this?”

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid that I will affect your emperor's mood when you see me "Tian Qi explained.

Ji Heng's teeth were itchy because of her blockage. He was too lazy to investigate the matter. He asked, "I asked you, do you break Sun Fan's leg?”

Oh, it turns out he just broke his leg. Tian Qi thought about it and replied, "Replied to your majesty. At that time, the slave and Sun Fan were in a fight, and then he was injured. But I have something to say. I don't know if it's proper or not. "


"I thought that Sun Fan didn't know how to behave. He even slandered Ning Wang.  So, I think that I should give him a good lesson. "

When Tian Qi said this, Sun Congrui couldn't help it. "You Nonsense!”

"Your Majesty, this slave will continue. That day, I ran into Ning Wang and other people in the restaurant and had a meal with them, but when we had a meal. Sun Fan suddenly broke into our room and sneered at me. It doesn't matter. This slave confessed because I had streaked him the last time and offended him. Maybe because of that.  He said that Ning Wang was broken sleeves, and he specially selected the eunuchs around your majesty and said that this slaves were the best for Ning Wang. Your Majesty, the slaves was wrong! "

Tian Qi says that, Ji Heng's face turned dark, but she can't see it for the moment.

Sun Congrui's fingers trembled. "You, you”

Without waiting for Sun Congrui to speak, Tian Qi continued, "he not only slandered  Ning Wang, but also attacked people first. Ning Wang is a nobleman. But Sun Fan doesn't pay any attention to the Ning Wang. If he wants to do it, he will do it. This is disrespectful, your majesty! "

Ji Zheng put on a gloomy face.

Sun Congrui said angrily, "you are nonsense!”

“How do you know that what I say is nonsense? Were you available? What you have heard is all the words of Sun Fan. How can you be sure that I am talking nonsense? Your Majesty, what I said is true. The owner can testify that Sun Fan broke into our room. As for what he said to Ning Wang, both Zheng Shaofeng and Tang Tianyuan can testify it. "

Sun Congrui sneered. "You collude with each other and slander my son. Your Majesty, although the evil son of this minister is unfilial, he is not such a blatant person. "

"What do you mean by that, Ning Wang, the son of Zheng Shoufu and the son of Lord Tang unite to frame your son? What a big face that boy is! "

Ji Zheng also said with a smile, "I have never done such a thing. Please be careful, minister Sun.”

Sun Congrui wanted to argue, but Ji Heng interrupted them. "Well, since this happened in the restaurant, it will come to an end if I have a good investigation. If your son is as rude as what she said just now then without help from other. I will break his leg myself. "

Sun Congrui knew that although the emperor had spoken fairly, he was actually pulling the frame to his younger brother. He suffered a loss and left in disgrace. He thought that a little eunuch was easy to handle, but he didn't expect that she have a support of Ning Wang. He was so articulate. He has been intriguing with people all his life, but he was calculated by a little devil. It's really a shipwreck in the gutter.

In fact, the most fundamental reason for Sun Congrui’s shipwreck is that he was trapped by his son. If he knew that his son had taken the initiative to break into other people's rooms, he would not have thrown this man in front of Ji Heng even if he had killed him.

In a word, Ji Heng has settled the matter for the time being and let the relevant people back down first.

Tian Qi wanted to get up and walk, but was stopped by Ji Heng. "Did I let you to get up?”

Tian Qi had to kneel back.

Ji Heng watched the chimney sway in front of his eyes. He afraid that she can’t breathe. "Take down your rag. I forgive you for your innocence. "

Tian Qi takes off the cloth. Because of being blocked by the cloth tube, her breathing is not smooth, and her face is slightly red, like a light petal.

Ji Heng looked at the face and his heart beat faster. He sneered and said, "are you happy outside the palace?.Eating wine, fighting, and mixing with Ji Zheng?” Thinking that thing, Ji Zheng chest tightness.

Tian Qi said with a smile, "Your Majesty flattered me. I just went out to earn a living and didn't eat, drink or play. "

“I don't think you do anything but eat, drink and play.”

Tian Qi bowed her head and dared not contradict.

"You look up.”

Tian Qi looks up and finds that the emperor has stood in front of her. She had to lean her head up a lot to see his face.

Seeing Tian Qi kneeling humbly at his feet and looking up at him in a submissive and bearable manner, Ji Heng's heart suddenly surged with an inexpressible throb. However, he turned to think that he was miserable for this little pervert in the palace, but she was happy outside, and Ji Heng was not willing.

Yes, he didn't want to. The day before yesterday, he said willingly that he wanted to let it go. He said he wanted to put it in the past, but after seeing her, he thought about her all the time. And it's hard to say whether this little pervert has taken him into heart or not.

He is unwilling, even unwilling to produce a kind of resentment.

It was Tian Qi who led him into this boundless nightmare, unable to wake up or escape. But Tian Qi wants to escape after she makes him like this.

How can she think about that?

Tian Qi didn't know what the emperor was thinking. Her neck was sore, so she had to remind the emperor, "what's your order, Your Majesty?”

Ji Heng suddenly squats down and looks at her in the same direction. He held Tan Qi's face in one hand, and his thumb gently touched her cheek. He smiled, smiling vividly, but with such a kind of bewilderment that he could not speak clearly. He said in a low voice, "even if it's a nightmare, it's better to have someone to accompany you, don't you think?"? "

Tian Qi didn't understand the meaning of the emperor, and didn't know what kind of answer the emperor wanted to hear. Probably because of leaving for a while, she can't guess the emperor's mind anymore. She only felt that the emperor's eyes were abnormal, a little twisted, and there was a creepy excitement in them. It was like devouring her alive.

Tian Qi shivered and dared not speak.

At this time, a eunuch came in outside to report, "Emperor, Empress Dowager's request you to go to Ci Ning palace to discuss something important.”

Ji Heng stood up, no longer looking at Tian Qi, and took people to Ci Ning palace.

He thought all the way, he was crazy just now, and how could he think that way? How come he think so? How come……

But think again, is that really bad? No matter how bad it is, it's better than to be oppressive and miserable.

… But that's wrong. Wrong is wrong.

… Wrong.

… What if it's wrong? Who can do anything about him?

… But…

… So what?!

Ji Heng felt that he was possessed by the devil. The two ideas in his mind were inconsistent with each other. For a while, the east wind overwhelmed the west wind, and then the west wind overwhelmed the east wind.

In the end, the evil desire that he accidentally left in his heart – hope that the seed will take root and sprout, and constantly absorb his will as a nutrient to strengthen himself. In the end, it's overgrown by the flowers of reason.

Then Ji Heng found that he didn't seem to be very interested in the women in the harem.

Is he breaking the sleeve in the end? Ji Heng laughs bitterly.


In fact, this is the only way, he thought.

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