Yuanshin: Kiss Tianli at the beginning

Chapter 146

Chapter 147

When the three of them came back, it was already sunset, and now after talking, twilight fell unconsciously.

Kamisato Ayaka took the initiative to get up, elegantly collecting the teacups on the table, and suggested:

“Fellow travelers, you must have been quite tired from the sea today, please rest in this house for the night, nourish your spirits, and follow me to Inazuma Castle tomorrow!”

Once you arrive in Inazuma City, it is equivalent to entering under the nose of Thor, and every move must be extremely careful, and if you are not careful, you may be completely destroyed!

You have to be prepared before you can get started.

Ying and Liana agreed, and after drinking the tea, the originally extremely depressed heart regained its calm. Chen Yu on the side seemed to have thought of something, raised his hand to scratch his head embarrassedly, and looked around.

The house was clean and tidy, and the details revealed the breath of a girl, Chen Yu swallowed his saliva, and carefully spoke:

“Eh, what is that, although the house of sleeping girls on the first day is not very good…”

In a word, the whole three girls turned black for a while.

Kamisato Ayaka had a professional smile on her face, looking up at the overwhelmed young man in front of her like a fool, her fists clenched slightly.

Adhering to the good quality of the eldest lady of the Kamisato family, Ayaka did not punch Chenyu in the face.

Ying and Liana didn’t care so much, after glancing at each other again, the second daughter stretched out her little hand almost at the same time at the next moment, and squeezed it hard after probing Chenyu’s waist!


Screams once again pierced the night sky!


Inazuma in the middle of the night can’t see the stars. The haze of thunderstorms hangs over the country. This makes the already silent night sky even cooler. There was no sound all around, and the cold wind blew through.

Kamisato Yashiki gate….

“Ahhh… Ahhhh

Tatsuyu sat alone at the gate of Kamisato Yashiki and couldn’t help but sneeze! Subconsciously wrapped his thin clothes!

“Hee-hee, what are you thinking, Chenyu! Ying and Nana are resting in my room, as

for you…” Kamisato Ayaka’s light blue eyes narrowed slightly, her bare hand was raised, her jade fingers touched Zhu’s lips, and she smiled slyly:

“As for you, men and women are not intimate~ you just find a place to rest by yourself!”

Chen Yu was just like that, the girl gave an eviction order. Now huddled at the gate of Kamisato Yashiki and feeling a sense of loneliness and coldness! Looking up at the dark night, he let out a sigh that all boys felt deeply:

“Alas! Sure enough, all the girls are not easy to mess with…” Even

Ayaka Kamisato, who looks gentle and gentle, as for Ying and Nana….

Chen Yu subconsciously reached out and touched his waist, and couldn’t help but gasp for air!

“Shhh…” The

place where the second girl’s fingers pinched still hurts! You don’t need to look to know the blue!

“Alas… These two are still so violent!

Gently rubbing his waist, Chen Yu smiled helplessly, but there was only pampering in his dark eyes, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, evoking a gentle crescent moon

For Ying and Liana, Chen Yu will not be angry at all.

Needless to say, Ying accompanied herself through Mond, stepped through Liyue, dressed in a white dress, like a real angel, always by her side.

When facing Orcel’s fatal blow, the blonde girl ran to her side desperately, and Chen Yu will never forget.

As for Liana….

“Yura… How long are you going to hide? Chen

Yu whispered softly, if Liana was still by the teenager’s side at this moment, she would definitely be stunned! The teenager, who seems to be very emotionally dull, has actually seen through the girl’s disguise!

Yes! Even when they met in the wind, Chen Yu had already recognized the girl’s disguise!

The long sky-blue hair that haunted his soul, the pair of pale gold beautiful eyes!

A person’s appearance can be similar, but the temperament revealed can never be changed!

Until now, Chen Yu can clearly remember the look in Youra’s eyes looking at him. That euphoria, that shyness, that tsundere, is so familiar!

I haven’t eaten pork, I haven’t seen pigs run! Although Chen Yu has not really been in love for so many years, he knows all kinds of routines in the novel!

“Hey! Don’t underestimate the crosser… I’ve seen this plot a lot…” The

female protagonist disguised herself as another identity and followed the male protagonist, and then until the finale, the male protagonist knew that this kind of routine, Chen Yu has seen too much….

So when Liana followed her, Chen Yu did not refuse at all, the girl observed the teenager’s reaction, and the teenager was also observing the girl’s every move!

Although Yura is indeed very well disguised, not only does not have the previous sentence, this mantra written down by the hater, is a little less arrogant, and looks more lively, but Chen Yu is still keenly discovered.

When I saw the people of Mond taking the initiative to say hello, the girl’s eyes revealed surprise and faint discomfort!

Before, because of the Lawrence family, the people of Mond would not take the initiative to show kindness to Eura at all!

Plus the same ice element, the same use of the great sword! Although the ice blue giant sword is also camouflaged, so many similarities come together. If Chen Yu couldn’t see it, then he would really be a fool!

Not to mention… Chen Yu is not narcissistic to think that he is so good that such a beautiful girl has been following him at the first glance when he sees him!

To put it bluntly, Yura can control her personality, but she can’t control her emotions for Chenyu!

“The feeling of pinching is too familiar…” Chen

Yu was completely sure that Liana was Yura’s, and it had to be the strength and technique of pinching her waist when the girl was embarrassed…

When Liana pinched her waist for the first time, Chen Yu really wanted to cry, not because it hurt, but because she was sure of the identity of the girl!

In any case, knowing that Youra was not only fine, but even had a great breakthrough in strength, Chen Yu felt happy from the bottom of his heart.

As for why the girl went to such great lengths to create a new identity, she didn’t want to meet like this.

“Do you want me to continue traveling…” After

so long, after all the causes and consequences, Chen Yu already had a rough judgment in his heart!

“But it’s really a bit redundant…” In

the dead of night, Chen Yu faced the dark night sky, expressing all the thoughts hidden in his heart.

“Although at the beginning I really wanted to solve Mond’s affairs and completely rot and buy a house to spend my life, but now…” Even

if it was for Ying, in order not to make the blonde girl feel lonely, he would come to the end of this journey!

Unconsciously, Ying’s position in Chenyu’s heart was already very heavy. Unconsciously, I have so many bonds with this world….

Chen Yu slowly closed his dark eyes, let the wind blow his hair, and secretly said in his heart:

“As long as Youra is okay, as for this identity, don’t break it first…”

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