10,000 yuan into the stock market will blow up the financial circle!

Chapter 071

Chapter 71: The Fund Officially Exceeded One Billion! Comments turn up! 【Subscription】

【Old version】

After communicating with Chen Ang, Chen Yang did not continue the morning’s short-term UHF trading operations in the afternoon.

This has made institutions and retail investors in G-shares feel both happy and disappointed. Fortunately, it is easy to understand.

After all, there is one less big hand that cuts leeks.

But this loss lies in not seeing the shocking ultra-high frequency operation of the morning.

After all, this operation is rare even in the world’s financial markets. Maybe you can learn something from this!

It’s just a pity that Chen Yang directly stopped doing it.

A conversation with Chen Ang also made him have a bottom in his heart. In the future, he went directly abroad to play this T+0.

Domestic…. Still not tossed. After all, everyone is still their own people.

However, this plan to go to foreign markets, Chen Yang plans to wait until his company is officially established to do it.

The main thing is that he is alone now, even if it is not necessary to think about the watch. But this practical transaction is ultimately a bit stretched.

After all, he was operating alone.

If dozens of traders could be at his command at the same time, it would be much easier to fight.

This is not in a hurry.

Everything is steadily advancing.

Today I fished 9E from G-shares.

With more than 1E in the big A, his current net worth capital is more than 1 billion yuan.

When the time comes to open a company, this money is his start-up capital! Chen Yang had already made up his mind.

Before the company officially opens, it continues to hang around in this big A. Pile up the funds at the end of the day.

If you want to play with profit, the premise is to make your principal as full as possible!

After playing the game for an afternoon, Chen Yang opened his backstage and looked at the funds here are: 2E, 7860W, which is not removed from the financing.

After removing the financing quota, it is 1E,6860W.

Today’s big A has brought Chen Yang a gain of 5760W. One day, half a billion.

This kind of thing, if not in the financial industry is hard to believe.

But that’s what happened.

Finance is such a thing that can make people get rich quickly… The funds in the G-share account, converted into RMB, are 9E,0261W yuan.

And Chen Yang’s total assets: 10E, 7121W yuan. Looking at this number, Chen Yang sighed slightly.

Remember that when he obtained the ability to foresee, he only had 6700 yuan on his account.

And now, that’s it.

In exchange for the yield, it is nearly 160W times. It took less than two months…

When I think about this kind of thing now, it’s like a mirror, like a dream!

Chen Yang transferred a wave of funds from the G-share account to Big A. It stands to reason that the transfer of funds from G shares requires the implementation of the T+2 system.

That is

“It takes two days for G-shares to be withdrawn after the same day”

of the provisions.

But Chen Yang is a black card member of Guo Tai. So there is immunity in this regard.

This privilege is specially prepared for users with large funds. The average retail investor is not eligible for enjoyment.

It is a pathological phenomenon that every aspect of this society reflects the power of “money” all the time.

But it still makes a bunch of people flock to it….

At this time, Chen Yang also saw the continued quarrel of the old brothers at this time.

“The king of leeks is the true god!”

“The leek king is awesome, but you must also admit that the G-share mysterious man cowhide is okay, comparable.”

“Climb! The ghosts are comparable, and the leek king is invincible!!! ”

“Sick rice ring powder!”

Chen Yang was first stunned when he saw this, and then flipped through today’s comments.

Looking at it all the way, he couldn’t cry or laugh. Good fellow, even arguing about him!

Brothers don’t talk about studying how the stock market will go tomorrow day by day, but engaging in this kind of gossip is very much from all streams.

Chen Yang was interested in watching the excitement, and he casually joined the battlefield in the comment area

“Cough, today is the G share I went to.”

–【Leek King】

Just such a sentence just sent out less than a second, the reply directly exploded!

“I wiped my grass, I never expected that the true god and the mysterious person would be the same person!!!

“My day, I should have thought of it a long time ago! Who else can defy the sky like this, besides my leek king true god!!! ”

“I argued for a long time today about which is more awesome than the true god of the leek king or the mysterious person, and I never expected that the mysterious person was the true god of the leek king! The true god of the leek king is that mysterious person! ”

“This wave really made the bullets fly! The third elder, the magic capital is Pudong! Pudong is the magic capital! ”

“Hahahaha, you guys laughed at me to death, fought for most of the day, and the result was a person!”

“King Leek, my God, do you plan to go to G shares to develop in the future? Are you planning to leave Big A? ”

“Rub, don’t, I still really want the leek king true god to stay in the big A, big A is difficult to come up with such a character, I used to follow the leek king true god on the dragon and tiger list every day to invest in the stock–up investment, now I have also made a lot of money, the true god is gone who I follow…”

“Vo Ri, I thought I was just following the leek king like this, and so would you!”

“But it’s also true, Big A is shallow after all, and the true god is estimated to enter the foreign market in the future, alas, I can only bless it in advance…”

“Gan! There is no way, I wish the true God to go to the foreign market to kill the foreign people! Grandma’s, foreigners have always looked down on our big A, and the true God taught them to be people! ”

“True God, all the way, your great believers are always waiting for your return in Big A!”

For a time, the painting style in the comment area became all words to wish Chen Yang a smooth development after leaving Big A in the future.

Chen Yang watching is a little funny and a little emotional. 0.4 To be honest, he has never taken the initiative to do anything for his brothers since he started trading stocks, at most he has only made a few speeches.

But at this time, the old brothers are blessing him. This has to make people feel the friendliness of the old brothers.

This is the old buddy who was educated by the big A! Chen Yang immediately posted a comment: “Don’t think about it, just go outside to wade into the water, Big A is my eternal home, I won’t leave.” ”

As soon as the comment was sent, it blew up the comment section. Chen Yang then typed again: “In addition, not eight times, I hit 11 times the income today, [smile.emoji]”

Comment section, turn the sky again!

The fourth more on the shelf ~ ask for a wave of free data ~ $$$===$$$>

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