10,000 yuan into the stock market will blow up the financial circle!

Chapter 186

Chapter 186: It may collapse at any time!

The 186th Yichen may be on the plate! 【Dan Edition】

But this decision should not be made by him, Chen Yang coughed a few times and looked at these yellow things.

He always had a doubt in his mind. I have such great ability to make these people carefree.

Do you not worry about the consequences of pursuing Singyuan Electronics Group?

If he has this ability, then wouldn’t he want to become the soil emperor of the financial emperor?

But at this time when Chen Yang was wandering in his mind, the director of Singyuan Electronics Group said to Chen Yang.

“How do you feel about our strategy?”

Chen Yang looked back in a trance, wait, what did you just say Chen Yang said with a confused face.

And these elites also patted their brains one after another.

How could Chen Yang lose his mind at such a critical time, he didn’t even know what they said.

However, they couldn’t launch any helplessness on Chen Yang.

If he launched some very helpless emotions against Chen Yang, then Chen Yang would definitely have the unwillingness in his heart.

And who Chen Yang is, if they point fingers at Chen Yang. Wouldn’t it be impossible to break ground on King Yan’s head to find death?

But Chen Yang yawned at this moment, making these elite things and Zhang Ruiyu miserable.

This is really a strange thing, Chen Yang looked at these sensible things, and then looked at Zhang Ruiyu and said.

“In this way, let’s talk about how much money is flowing in today.”

“And let’s count the rest later, I always feel that there are some sources behind it that drive us.”

“I’m going to tell you about it now, in my current capacity.”

“Don’t you think it’s suspicious with my status? Why are there so many fans of Dajing coming to buy like crazy? ”

“Don’t they know prudence? Even if I never lose, I’m still a human being. ”

“And this is my first live broadcast, it belongs to the debut, they are so aimless crazy to buy.”

“Don’t you guys think there’s something unconscionable in this?”

Listening to Chen Yang’s words, these people also have a twinkle in their eyes, which is indeed somewhat unreasonable.

To put it bluntly, the money in these people is indeed real money.

However, this money is also the only hope that they can survive in this world in the future.

How could they hand over all the savings they had accumulated in their hands for so many years to Chen Yang.

It’s unthinkable, and they don’t dare to bet.

For Chen Yang’s false title, he gambled on the second half of his life, or the honor of his whole family and the livelihood of his whole family.

It’s impossible, and now these people are really doing it. They bought all the huge amount of money in their hands, this stock.

Injected into the Singapore Dollar Electronics Group, this inevitably makes them suspicious behind their backs.

But Zhang Ruiyu happened now and said: “I feel that this matter should be your heart. ”

“Because, driven by this aura of your protagonist.”

“I’m sure they’ll follow you aimlessly into this stock because you’ve never lost.”

“Those are also poor who dare to gamble with all their wealth, if they win.”

“Wouldn’t that be a lot, so your influence on these people is still very strong, you must have a lot of heart.”

Chen Yang shook his head, this can’t be a lot of hearts, although he has a gold finger to be able to explore the trend of stocks.

However, he did not use this skill of his for the sake of Singyuan Electronics Group.

And it doesn’t make sense why these people don’t invest in particularly safe stocks.

They have to fight with Chen Yang, in case Bo loses, they won’t even have time to regret it.

According to Chen Yang’s observations in recent years, the reason why those poor people are poor. It is not the courage to broaden their own horizons and not to innovate.

So they wouldn’t do such a risky and thankless thing.

This is why Chen Yang dares to assert that there must be someone in it. And Chen Yang thought of this and waved his hand, saying to these yellow things in the audience.

“We will discuss this matter later, and now everyone should keep these funds in their hands.”

“Don’t easily move on my side, the doubts in my heart are not investigated before they are clearly investigated.”

“I hope everyone will keep to themselves, because the money is really weird.”

“With everyone’s experience in the financial industry in the past few years, we should also be able to discover today’s events.”

“There are some different reactions, so I’ll go back and investigate, and you guys are here waiting for my news, okay?”

These people looked at each other, and they heard the meaning of Chen Yang’s words. And Chen Yang’s words are indeed the most important, if they have not been dialed by Chen Yang.

That will definitely take out all these funds, and then carry out one project or several projects, so that their SGD Electronics Group can get on the way to prosperity as soon as possible.


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