10,000 yuan into the stock market will blow up the financial circle!

Chapter 224

Chapter 224: A Light of Hope!

It may not be possible for these people to fight us, but if he wants to play some tricks on the sly.

We are still very defensive, so we still have to let everyone in those companies be careful.

In case he shorts the market with stocks, then it will be us who suffer.

“The investment companies that vote with us are naturally the ones that suffer the most.”

These companies are also extremely easy to become Delai. Pilsen’s goal, so say I believe in Delai. Pilsen will never give up.

We must be fully prepared.

When Zhang Ruiyu listened to Chen Yang’s words, Chen Yang also revealed a thoughtful look in his expression.

At this time, Zhang Ruiyu knew that this matter was definitely not as simple as they saw.

He also nodded slightly and said to Chen Yang 507: “Don’t worry, I will definitely inform you of this matter.” ”

After saying these words, Chen Yang also turned on the computer, and he wanted to watch the recent stock form.

For him, it is actually the same whether to look at it or not, but every day of work is like this, he still has to look at it.

In this way, you can also feel at ease, after all, the stock market changes in the world can be said to change in one minute.

He must not be careless.

Coupled with the look of Chen Yang in front of him, he always felt that Delai. Pilsen left so easily.

It shouldn’t bode well for him, don’t let De Ley. Pilsen went to touch the domestic stock market.

It’s because of De Le. Capital like Pilsen is particularly prone to shorting.

Even if a small part of the domestic stock market is short, it is extremely easy to cause the domestic stock market to flow outside.

In that case, it can be said that it is a very big harm to the domestic market.

Just when Chen Yang was still thinking about this matter, Delai. Pilsen’s side had already met the head of the Ross family.

At this time, Ross in front of him was also facing De Lay in front of him. Pilsen said, “I don’t know what wind can blow you to me.” ”

Delai at this time. Pilson, when he heard Ross say these words, he undoubtedly showed a faint disdainful smile.

Then Delai. Pilson said to Ross in front of him: I believe that in the domestic stock market, you have already heard.

Lots and lots of stocks are now flocking to the East, and there’s a kid in the East, and I’m sure you’ve heard his name.

He was appointed as the second generation of stock gods, and his name was Chen Yang. I think you should know something about other facts.

I came to you today to discuss with you how to kill him, and he now holds three percent of the entire Eastern Market in his hands.

This huge amount of money is a huge cake, as long as he is killed, this 30 percent of the market will be run by you and me.

Our two families can follow the trend to reach the top few places in the world wealth list.

After saying these words, Ross’s eyes in front of him revealed a ray of hope.

Looking at Ross in front of him, the corners of his mouth also tugged slightly.

He didn’t think of Delai in front of him. Pilson usually came to him for some small things, but today he directly proposed such a huge plan.

To know that he is a big family of stocks, he can naturally know that Chen Yang can be said to be in the limelight now.

The entire stock industry does not know the name Chen Yang and no one knows. Even he Ross was curious about this Chen Yang’s heart.

But after all, they have nothing to do with each other, and it is not very good to disturb them rashly.

But listen to De Lay in front of you. When Pilsen said this, he was naturally attracted by his huge wealth.

It was also in this state that Ross smiled slightly and looked at De Lay in front of him. Pilson said.

“Since you can talk to me about this plan, I think you already have a precondition for doing something to him.”

Delai at this time. A sinister smile flashed at the corner of Pilsen’s mouth.

Speaking to Ross: From the perspective of the entire stock market, the two of us are enemies.

But in this respect, the two of us are friends. On the contrary, the two of us and Chen Yang are enemies who do not get along with each other, and I think you are very clear about this matter.

So I don’t have anything else to say, just to tell you.

In the entire stock market, the battle between our two families is always just a struggle of interests.

But the battle between you, me and Chen Yang is not just a struggle between interests.

He even rose to the point of confrontation between countries in terms of stocks and markets and the economy.

Therefore, I believe that this decision I have made will also receive a lot of support.

I hope you will also be able to think it through.

At this time, Ross heard Delai. When Pilson said this, Ross also nodded.


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