1453: Revival of Byzantium

Chapter 202: Hello?

"The riches?" The man took a while and realised what the lord before him means. "In the usual peaceful good old days if the poor in the town cannot feed themselves, the riches from other places would take them as slaves or hard labours in exchange for food and shelter… But…"


The man bit his teeth and continued. "But ever since the times of peace ended, the riches fearing that the Ottomans might come over and sack their wealth, thus most of them ran to the Venetian controlled islands, and those who chose to remain shut their doors to the increasing poverty outside, some even constructing walls, fences and hiring guards to yield and chase away the poor and famished." 

"What about the government on this isle? The tax collectors from Constantinople and Edirne?" 

"The only time we see them is when they come to collect taxes." The man shook his head and wiped his red eyes dry. "Other than that, I do not see them, they do not collect taxes from the rich fearing that they might offend them and only collect tax from the weak and the poor families… I had to sell my boat to prevent being execute for not paying tax, all of us hates those government officials for treating us as nothing but a money sac".

Antonius spoke no more words, countless thoughts emerged in his mind as he recapped the first hand information and made his conclusions. 

It is almost certain that the inhabitants on this island have not a single bit of trust or faith on government, if they still have one, caused by years after years of exploitations taking their wealth for granted but with no one actually doing something to improve on their conditions with their tax money. Antonius knows why also, if the Greek government in Constantinople managed to build the Prince islands into a paradise the Ottomans can come and take it the next day. While for the Ottomans, they do not see what worth the island holds. 

As a result of the exploitation and high taxation, the riches who have the capabilities to move on these islands have all ran far away to somewhere else safe. While the poor who do not have the abilities are left stagnating here becoming poorer and poorer. Although there are some riches that chose to stay behind, but the tax collectors would rather not lay their hands on these people for the sake of local stability, thus in the end they would rather corporate together and suck out even more resources from the poor inhabitants. 

Antonius' mind is quickly spinning analysing, and after a while he went forward pulling the man up from the ground. "You know what, I shall not give you back the baby because I do not trust you… But now, lead my men to the houses of those rich folks… They will know what to do, and then gather all the people on the island, I have things to say." 

The man hastily nodded heaving a sigh of relief that he has survived, and then led Yuri and a group of Varangians marching off fully equipped with weapon and armour.

"Same old usual stuff again admiral?" 

"Yes." Antonius nodded. "This is the only method I can think of for now to quickly regain the faith and trust of the local inhabitants on my governance, and the only solution to re-supply them with food in the fastest period of time…"

"There is an ancient proverb saying that if one fills the people's stomach full will win over their heart isn't it." Anjelo added on.


"Admiral! Admiral!" 

Suddenly, Orban and his son Jacob can be seen running towards Antonius excitedly bare footed on the sands waving and shouting. "I have some ideas!" 

"What is it Orban?" 

"I have just studied the geographical locations of this island." Replied Orban panting. "And I found that if we build three fortresses on these three separate islands, we can mount the gigantic cannon I have designed prior in Constantinople on its walls and with it we can… cough, cough…."

"My father is trying to say that with these artilleries and fortresses we can seal off the ship lanes from both the straits of Bosporus, and the strait into Kocaeli where Nikomedia and Gölcük naval base, being able to shoot and sink any ships we want with the improved artilleries with enhanced range."

"Great idea." Nodded Antonius in agreement. "However, you must understand, my dear Orban and Jacob, I am s… Wait a minute."

Another idea is sparked inside Antonius' head.

"Thank you, Orban, Jacob, I approve your proposal of the building project, I need the design and planning of these fortresses in three days' time."

"Three days?!" Orban's eyes almost bulged out of his eye socket in shock. "Ah come on, admiral, you cannot be serious, how can I get the blue print in three day's time? Even if you get the most experienced architect in Italia…"

"Orban." Antonius interrupted staring at him. "Three days, yes or no?" 

Orban bit his lips hard for a few seconds and nodded heavily. "Yes, admiral, three days." 

"Good…Now, let us get to the town, or village, and see what is going on there."

Antonius and his men came into the town of Prínkēpos after walking along the beach for half an hour investigating the strategic terrains of the island gazing into the vast lands of Anatolia not far away. 

Actually, to be honest, this supposed 'town' on this island is nothing like a town Antonius and his men have seen. It s like a village with almost everyone cramped onto one single strip of land in the coast, with the rest of the land all the way from the beach to the hills being occupied with completely nothing, no agriculture, no road, no infrastructure, entirely nothing. 

Truly bizarre as it seems, Antonius and his men entered the premise with extra caution hoping to see someone to give them an answer.

But there are none, not a single man can be spotted outside on the street. 

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