1453: Revival of Byzantium

Chapter 214: Old and New

The gigantic fleet sailed into their familiar Aegean once more, on the second of August, marking it the day when Antonius began his expansion of territories in the Aegean region.

The current political map of the Aegean is relatively chaotic with mainly a total of five players down to the table drawing their sphere of influence on the map, creating dozens of exclaves and enclaves. The Venetians, Genoese, Ottomans, Greeks and the Hospitallers. Only god knows which island belongs to which side, as a usual trick the islanders do in this era is that when the Ottomans come they hang the White Horse flags of the Sultan claiming that they are loyal subjects of the Ottoman Sultan, when the Greeks come, they hang the double headed eagle flag of the Roman empire. 

However this time they are not going to fool Antonius, as he has wandered these seas for the past decade. According to him 'nobody understands the Aegean waters better than I do', he is more familiar than any one on what island he can take, and what island is a core territory of the Venetians and Genoese that he cannot take, he has noted all of them deep in his brain. 

The first island that became the target of Antonius' conquest is the island known as Kalonymos, or İmralı to the Ottomans, an island a distance of around thirty five nautical Roman Miles away from the Prince Islands that was lost around a hundred and fifty years ago used as a secondary naval base for the Ottoman Marmara patrol fleet, which has already been moved some where else evading hostiles, leaving nothing but an empty island with its port dismantled, fortress torn down, and water wells sealed, population shifted, leaving nothing in useful to Antonius except the island itself. 

Seeing this Antonius dispatched a fleet commanded by Abraham to sail south wards towards the long defenseless coast of Anatolia raiding on the Ottoman towns along the Anatolian coast for supplies and native Greek population re-allocating them onto the island in promise of money, freedom, a place to call home and peace. 

After capturing the Island of Kalonymos leaving only fifty men and two ships as garrison, the fleet set sail towards their next target, the island of Proconnesus, or Marmara Adası. It is the largest and most populous island in the entire Maramara Sea region, with it being renowned for producing an exquisite amount of white marble stones and together with it, a list of memorable historical estates, buildings and palaces Roman noble men have built over the centuries. It is even said that in the past the marble stones that the emperor of Constantinople used are mostly from this island as it is of the finest quality within the empire's borders.

When Antonius arrived, the Ottomans chose to put up a real fight with their foes to defend the largest island under their Sultan's name. Not only because of their compliment worthy bravery, but also because of a simple reason, the ships and Ottoman Turkish soldiers they have on the island is way too small compared to the local Greek population, making them unable to issue a compulsory shifting order.

According to the intel provided by an old Greek fisher men the scout ships encountered on the sea. The previous governor, or Ulema appointed here is a man with intellect having a vision on what is going to happen next after the two battles that resulted in the destruction of Ottoman navy, he ordered three fortresses to be built on the island since last year which is mostly completed, sadly for him he died of old age just month before it is finished making him unable to see the fortresses being completed and put into actual use. 

The fortresses seats on three most populous towns and strategic ports, respectively being the fortress of Palatia, keep of Proconnesus, and fortress of Aftoni. Judging from the recon report sent back by the scouting ships the previous Ulema of Marmara really did put in his best effort in constructing these fortress with each of them built with solid boulders with its walls elevating to approximately five meters above sea level, three towers of around eight meters tall covering the blind angles of the arrow slits constantly scanning the sea surfaces. Although it is not like these fortresses are engineering marvels that stands as a obstacle in the way of Antonius' conquest, but it is still impressive how an old dying Ulema with little wealth and power can construct three fortresses on an island with only a population of around five thousand non Ottoman Turkish locals in less than a year's time. 

However, the present Ulema almost abolished all policies left to him by the previous Ulema. Instead of following the old path of having a collaborate Nahiye government, he expelled all locals from the government spreading an unsettling sentiment across the local population on the island. When heard of stories of Antonius' aggressions two days ago, the young Ulema panicked and issued an order conscripting all local youths into the Sultan's army to defend the Sultan's island. 

This conscription order immediately spread around all the major local settlements like it has stabbed a twig into a hornet's nest stirring up the anti Ottoman feelings in the locals that has been suppressed by the previous Ulema for a long time. Although the soldiers on the island tripled, but no one can be sure if the conscripted local Greek youth really want to fight for their Ottoman lord.

The fleet of Antonius laid their siege on the three fortresses from three directions at the same time, and although much hard work was put in constructing these forts, the process of the battle is relatively dull. The fleet encircled the fortress from the sea on the fifth of August, started pounding the walls of the fortresses, dispatching the Varangians and the marines on the beaches on the sixth of August, started the assault on the walls on the seventh of August, broke into the fortress of Aftoni and keep of Proconnesus on the eighth of August with the help of the local Greek population who knows the weaknesses of the fortress as they are the one who constructed it with their memories still fresh.

The siege on the last fortress, the fort of Palatia was a little bit dramatic, as the Ulema of Marmara himself is supervising the ongoing battle himself, making it slightly harder to take over. Though things became resolved pretty quickly when later in that evening the similar event just like what happened a few month back during the siege of Avlonya took place. A group of local Greek young men showed up on a boat surrendering themselves to the patrol ships handling over all their weapons and armours with only one request, they want to speak to the admiral of this mighty fleet.

The captain of the patrol cog soon realised what these young men are thinking of, without any delay he passed the message to Antonius awaiting him for his approval. Antonius too realised too judging from the intel he acquired earlier on, that this might be a potential chance for a change, and came down himself to the patrol cog personally in the middle of the night to see these local young men.

The young men are indeed startled seeing the admiral of the Roman navy, a noble man in such a high position coming down so see them, and then felt touched having never acquired such courtesy, respect and getting regarded highly by a noble before, enhancing their belief that this man before him, is truly the man who have the capabilities and morales of being their lord. With this thought they conveyed their purpose of this deep night visit; They wish to make use of their superior in numbers to seize the gates of the fortress, make all the Ottoman guards capitulate while they are sleeping, and tie the Ulema of the island up handling him over to Antonius.

After the young man finished, Antonius began walking around showing signs of hesitation which made the young men a little disappointed thinking that the admiral might not trust their words. However, Antonius immediately turned back gripping the man by his hands tightly looking at him with worriedness in his eyes asking.

"I hereby thank you for your sacrifice and help, but what about you? You will be putting yourself into danger, it would be such a deep regret to me if such a valorous man like you are sacrificed in this mission."

The young man became even more swayed by the admiral's concerns and words, making him feel like this honourable lord is truly the man that he wants to serve, wants to fight for, and wants to die for, despite the fact that they have only met for a few minutes. With a bang on the deck the young man kneeled to Antonius swearing in front of the admiral, that he shall accomplish the mission with flying colours, and come back reporting his success to his lord in one piece.

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