1453: Revival of Byzantium

Chapter 219: Erkan Again Again

A diplomat who says "yes" means "maybe", a diplomat who says "maybe" means "no", and a diplomat who says "no" is no diplomat."

-        Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord, French minister of foreign affairs under Napoleon I, ambassador of France to London.

Back in the out skirt of the city of Izmit, in the old city ruins of Astacus, stands a vast military encampment that seems to stretch for miles all the way from this end of the sea to that end of the sea, with countless flags flying high in the air in different parts of the camp, and countless banners showing the belonging of these armies. Truly a spectacular sight one must say, with such a large encampment one assume that this army is truly an enormous army of steel capable of fighting a blood spilling warfare. However, the harsh truth is that, with so many different flags and banners flying it means that this army is not a unified army, it is more like a coalition between different regional war lords coming united together under the name of the Ottoman Sultan, though by de facto they have the highest autonomous. 

And indeed, it is, which makes it one of the biggest problem why Orhan still cannot conquer the city of Izmit. The army of Orhan's sultanate is massive, even bigger at a standing strength of one hundred and fifty thousand almost the twice of the amount of forces his nephew has in Rumelia. But the army is also vastly separated, disunified, with a weak link between them and am unintegrated central command. 

In this siege of Izmit, one can see one group of armies assaulting the eastern walls, with the chieftain who is supposed to assault the western walls at the same time herding ships, totally ignoring the command given to him by his Sultan a day ago. Later when asked, he simply said that he has forgotten it, and Orhan himself cannot do any thing about it, he still needs to comfort the chieftain saying that it is fine he has forgiven him for the mistake. 

Sultan Orhan have no choice, because honestly speaking unlike his fore father with the same name who once laid siege to the same city a century ago, the Sultan Orhan now do not actually have much troops that belongs to himself, it is all in a way 'sponsored' by 'patrons' spreading across the country, joining his forces as volunteers in a coalition which means that if they want to withdraw, they can withdraw at any time they want. 

Thus, in this situation, Orban urgently needed one more party to join in the game in order to balance the scale, make sure that he gets someone else in here to weaken the influence of these war lords, and thus when the Erkan guy came back to him crying about Antonius he soon thought of pulling him inside with him, showing these war lords a sign that 'even the foreign powers and the Romans support me'. He has been seating down here under the walls of Izmit for almost two months, if it is going to take a little longer he would have surpassed Mehmed's siege on Constantinople.

What makes the situation worse is that news of the crusaders defeat in Bulgaria has reached here, Orhan knows what this means, Zaganos Pasha can divert his attention to him in Anatolia at any time, giving him a strike from the back while he is here stuck with this damn city walls of Izmit, and by then he do not think his troops can face the battle hardened forces of Zaganos Pasha, nor can he believe that he has the power to order these war lords and chieftains to back of and retreat. He has already promised these war lords and chiefs that in order to compensate the loss of lives and properties during the war, after they conquer the city of Izmit he would allow them to ransack for five days, if he would want to break his promise now, he bet that perhaps tomorrow is the day for a new Sultan to be in place.

When Erkan and his teacher, the Hoja came back into the camp, Orhan asked them to straight come into the camp with out having to go through the checks of his guards. 

The Sultan Orhan is washing his feet preparing for his afternoon prayers as a faithful follower of Allah when Erkan came in to report. 

"How did you talk to Antonius?" Asked Orhan massaging his feet in the water bucket. "Did you show the prestige of me and the Ottomans while talking? Did you show a strong stance posing the shadows of me while speaking to him?" 

"Of course! My Sultan!" Erkan replied confidently bulging up his chest. "If you had been there to take a look of my performance, you would have seen my performance in Antonius' court, portraying the will and power of you, my Sultan, foreshadowing your dominance over him, making him feel your power even he is a sea away from you, my Sultan. I bet that after that meeting, he would be trembling if he ever hear your name again! My Sultan!" 

"Oh?" Orhan wiped his feet dry leaning back, picking up a few peanuts into his mouth while asking. "How did you do it?' 

"My Sultan, when that Antonius man saw me coming in his chamber, he asked all his rogues to be dressed in armours and halberds standing right beside me trying to scare me into submission embarrassing you, my Sultan. However, I showed no fear towards these dirty tricks, and when he asked me to kneel in front of him, I gripped hold of the prestigious flag of the white horse casting strength into my souls, gifted by you, of course, my Sultan. Thus, the poor Antonius had no other choice with my eagle sharp eyes staring into his souls, and to stop fooling around trying to reach an agreement with me."

Orhan must say that he enjoyed the show. 

"Later when discussing the agreement, this wicked Antonius is still trying to play dirty tricks, when drawing the map he drew his cutlass out placing it on the table facing me, when his greedy and gluttonous nature makes him demanding for more benefits from you, my Sultan, he banged his boot continuously on the table, but I persisted without backing down, continuously arguing with him about the treaty even reprimanding him for his foolishness, and with your blessings and power given to me, my Sultan, I successfully made him back down." 

The Hoja standing in the corner is already fuming with rage with his cheeks turning into a greenish spinach colour clenching his teeth, but as he lowered his head he feels the things inside the pocket in his chest, it is the weight of coins. Erkan have promised him a total of three thousand Akçes to help him. 

"Good job." Orhan leaned there on the couch sending more peeled peanuts into his mouth. "So, my 'brave diplomat', what treaty did you discuss with him?" 

"My Sultan, I… After much discussion and argument, I… managed to make the fairest deal benefacting you and the Sultanate, originally that greedy admiral wanted one million ducats, two thousand Arabian horses, and one thousand pieces of the finest Georgian jewels. He even had the guts to ask for a trade grant allowing his trading convoys to be exempted from all taxation! And what makes it the worst is that he wants you cede the Peninsula of Erdek, the beyelik of Biga and Gönen to him!"

"Interesting." Orhan sipped his Cyprus grape wine enjoying the performance. "Then? Final deal?"

"The final deal… Under many arguments, bargaining, all those diplomatic process. We managed to cut the price all the way down to we shall cede only the Peninsula of Erdek, paying them fifty thousand ducats, one hundred jewelleries and one thousand horses." Erkan replied with his head low and cold sweat flowing down his cheeks.

"Oh?" Orhan smirked pouring more grape wine into his cup and asked. "Should I compliment you? Give you a reward? Let's say, should I give you three local Rumelian women for your such marvellous and well accomplished mission to the Rumelian? What do you think?"

"I did all of this for you, my Sultan, and the Sultanate." Seeing the attitude and facial expression of the Sultan Erkan hurriedly bowed and elaborated. "I did not even put in much effort, I only managed to achieve this because of the Sultan's blessings, will and strength foreshadowed on me. Without you, my Sultan, I would have definitely not have succeeded. Furthermore, I do not want any rewards for myself, seeing the Sultanate gets stronger and stronger is already my biggest reward! Sultan!"

Orhan laughed out loud banging the table with his shoes. "Fine, I will forgive you, not because of your so called 'diplomatic achievements'. But because of that slippery tongue of yours! Now get lost! Reflect on what have you done wrong!"

Erkan scrambled out of the tent never turning back again.

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