1453: Revival of Byzantium

Chapter 233: Cultivating But Not In a Fantasy World

After the siege of Izmit, Antonius have spread his influence to all the islands and coasts in the Sea of Marmara, now every one, from the commoners in Constantinople to the traders of Italian peninsula now knows that a new over lord have dominated his shadows over the skies of Marmara. Every ship passing through this part of the sea must pay the required amount of taxation to Antonius in the correct currency, if they do not want any trouble from the now 'legal pirates' of Antonius to come finding them trouble as they patrols the sea. 

Instead of moving the central of governance to the city of Artàke, previously Erdek, which is the most populated city under his rule, Antonius moved the center point to the town of Palatia on the island of Marmara out of strategic reasons. He vowed that he shall build another city on the island starting from scratch making it a node for trade between Constantinople and the Aegean, offering a lighter docking tax than the emperor of the Greeks in Constantinople 'inviting' passing by merchants to establish their trade on his bunch of islands. This new proposal made even more jobs for Antonius' team of workers as they assembled in this island constructing ports and walls. 

Some of Antonius' men joked that this place shall be named as Antonionople, hearing this Antonius only showed a smirk with out any replies. 

Seeing all these complacencies from the chain of victories spreading in the soldiers starting to affect the mind of Antonius, Abdullah and Anjelo who are now back to Antonius' side went to visit him together hinting him on this and in the end giving him four advice, which can be simplified into. 

"Stay low profile trying the best not to attract the attention of the stronger neighbors which will come with aggression; Construct a healthy base of both economics and grains to have a stable back with out having to worry about supplies in the front line; Plan thoroughly before putting armies in action, always compare his own strength with the enemies, if the enemy is stronger, do not move unless he built up enough power."

"And lastly, never be complacent about any thing." 

These four pieces of golden advice influenced Antonius for life and the era in the many years to come. 

A week later a messenger came from Constantinople awarding Antonius with even more imperial titles like Vestarches, Protospatharios, but now Antonius showed little interest to the rewards and promises from this emperor, because he has already seen through what kind of man the emperor is. Although he is still considered a subject under Constantine, but in fact he is an independent, and the relationship between the two are not a sovereign subject relationship, it is more like a mutual benefactory relationship; Antonius guards the seas of Constantinople from any Ottoman or pirate ships, while Constantine gives Antonius the legitimate right to run over the Greek or Roman population. 

He is now engrossed in playing the game of cultivation, literally cultivation, sailing around the islands catching fish with the local fisher men and sharing their catch recalling the past angling skills back in his teenage years off the sea of Liguria, or helping those native farmers in harvesting their winter crops and preparing the seeds for the incoming spring. He also showed up on the dock side and newly established market some times asking merchants what do they need and helping them advertise on their merchandise. 

In other words, it can also be said that Antonius is not a single bit like those conventional lords of this age, he went around doing stuff that a noble lord is not supposed to do, and never really laid a finger on the tasks that he is expected to do, like those paper works. He simply separated all of the paper works into four parts and left all of them to Abdullah, Anna, Anjelo and Alexios. While for Antonius he spent some quality time going around towns and villages making his image seared into the memories of his people. 

Under the efforts of Antonius and his men the trade, agriculture and production on these lands are quickly repaired back in to normal orders going along smoothly. The market now is no longer the way it used to be, with constant trade between the locals and foreign traders taking place the local inhabitants now have a chance to live a much more vibrant life they never tasted before. 

Education is now getting imposed on all the islands in a semi compulsory manner which requires all the families to have at least one child, no matter girl or boy, to be sent to schools with teachers invited from Anatolia and Thessalia. Many regular folks could not understand this decision thinking that this would waste a valuable man power in the family for food or work digging into those worthless books. But still out of the plain trust for their lord, they still obeyed the order sending the younger child with lesser strength, usually a girl. 

Antonius slowly settled down getting used to the life of a feudal life on an island that Giovanni dreamed about last time, going out exploring his lands every day having a bit of vacation. Though part of the reason is because even if he wants to do any thing, he will find out that his captains and courtiers have all already done it for him; Abraham went into the recruitment of new forces and training of cavalry, Julian has gone for the Prince Islands building new ships, Anjelo on civil Alexios on Economics, Orban on machinery and Abdullah on education and law. All of them went into their field of expertise leaving the dear admiral with nothing to do. 

It just seems like Antonius can live happily there after on these bunch of islands creating a merry land just as he has promised to his followers last time, the closest place to a Euthopia. But inside his mind he knows that all of this peace can be easily taken away easily by the outside threats, and he is like a prowling tiger in the woods eyeing its prey, waiting for a chance to leap out of the cage trapping him in to the Sea of Marmara once its keepers have left. 

The keeper of the cage is called Gelibolu Yarımadası, or better known as Kaliopolis. 

Antonius waited for days and night licking his past wounds suffered conquering the Sea of Marmara, building up his strength manufacturing even more artilleries and ships, while sending more and more scouts and spies in to the lands of Thrace clearing the fog of war getting an information of what is the little Sultan Beyezid and his master Candarli Halil Pasha doing. 

Things became rather interesting after the conclusion of the last crusade, Zaganos Pasha returned to the Sultan's court with his army camped just outside bringing back the power and prestige he gained through all the victories he fought, claiming himself the title of the savior and protector of the Sultanate. With these it earned him the foundation to start a series of political clashes with the Grand Vizier Candarli Halil Pasha in every part of the government giving the old Vizier a challenge in further manipulating the child Sultan. 

It is said that from the perspective of the remaining Greek population living stubbornly in the city of Edirne, that it feels like the entire city have been separated into two parts each part becoming an enormous garrison, with only the Grand Palace of the Sultan acting as a neutral ground. Zaganos Pasha led his victorious troops in to the city occupying one half of the city, while the Grand Vizier Candarli Halil Pasha stationed his troops and supporters into the other side of the city. This sudden increase of armed militias in the city caused a significant social distress as the militias comes robbing merchants and citizens of their wealth in broad day light deteriorating the public security of the entire city. 

This kind of situation lasted for an entire year evolving into clashes between both parties in the Greek peninsula creating two divisions, one is the new nobles after the leadership of Zaganos Pasha believing in returning power and rights to the Sultan under their supervision, while another side consists of the old nobles believing in the leadership of Candarli Halil Pasha shall protect their rights in these lands.

Finally seeing the entire situation might lead to another civil war, Zaganos Pasha chose to withdraw from Edirne temporarily, assembling all of his troops in Tekirdağ crossing the strait of Gallipoli on to the land of Anatolia with only one goal in his mind, to achieve another great victory in Anatolia against the traitor of the Ottomans Orhan, and make a come back with greater political power. 

Does he not care about Antonius? He did, but Antonius' low key profile have already earned him the name of a ambitionless feudal lord lost in the life of comfort, making Zaganos Pasha think that it might be safe for now, if Antonius is about to do some thing he can return his forces as soon as possible. 

However, they are all deeply wrong, as Antonius is eyeing at them all the time. 

Seeing the troops of Zaganos Pahs amoves further in to land, Antonius knows that it is now time for him to break the keep to his cage. 

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