1980s Group-Pampering: Cannon-Fodder Real Young Lady Gets a Divorce and Becomes a Billionaire

Chapter 52 Staff Meeting

I still want to buy machines?! Director Zhu was shocked when he heard Lan Shu's words!

They raised funds to raise money, and the machine they bought for 16,000 has only been used for a month, and they are going to buy a second one?

Where do they have so much money~!

Director Zhu sighed.

Just make money slowly like this, and buy it after you have accumulated a certain amount. This is his plan.

Director Zhu's idea is safe, but Lan Shu feels that sometimes he is too steady, and it is easy to miss the best business opportunities.

Director Zhu, how many women are there in the country, and how much do they need for sanitary napkins? Has anyone calculated these data?

If we don't occupy the domestic sanitary napkin market as quickly as possible, then within a few months, other factories of the same kind will switch to sanitary napkins, and then it will be two or even multiple parties competing for market share.

Lan Shu's previous thought was just to get rich and be safe.

But now, since she has the goal of making more money than the male protagonist, she will let the 'Yunrou' sanitary napkin occupy a pivotal position in the sanitary napkin market!

When Director Zhu heard this, he suddenly understood the reason why Miss Lanshu proposed to buy a second sanitary napkin production machine.

He was shocked. At such a young age, Lan Shu's thinking was so far ahead of his own!

Factory Director Zhu suddenly felt that Miss Lanshu was actually more suitable for the position of factory director.

With her strategy and vision, she can lead the factory to glory in the future better than herself! ——

Although Director Zhu agrees with Lan Shu's idea, there is a big problem now.

Even if our factory has 10,000 yuan of funds, in addition to paying wages to the workers, the money also needs to buy raw materials for the next stage of sanitary napkin production. In fact, the cash flow that can be used may only be 3,000 yuan. not.

This money is far from enough for a 160,000 machine!

So even if Director Zhu wanted to follow Miss Lanshu's ideas, the factory didn't have the financial strength.

Regarding this situation, Lan Shu pondered for a moment and then came up with an idea.

Director Zhu, if this is the case, then we may need a round of financing.

Financing? Director Zhu didn't quite understand what Lan Shu said.

But soon, Lan Shu gave him an explanation.

The current money in our factory is not enough for the rapid development of the factory, but we need to develop rapidly in a short period of time. In this case, a large amount of external capital injection is required. If someone can come up with this large sum of money, it will be financing from the factory. .”

Correspondingly, the factory needs to give the corresponding shares to the other party according to the current valuation of the property in the factory, and the original shares in our hands will be diluted in proportion.

Although it seems that we hold fewer shares, if the factory expands its scale, increases its production capacity, and improves its efficiency, then we will only earn more money, and the dividends we get in the end will be more than what we are getting now when we develop slowly. !

When Director Zhu heard this, he understood.

He feels that financing is indeed a good way to develop rapidly.


Will someone be willing to raise money and invest money in our factory?

Director Zhu understands a little bit that this financing is not the same as they raised funds in the past. Investors must put up more money than what Zhang Yunjing put up at that time!

Lan Shu also had an opinion on this.

In the past, it was not easy for us to raise funds because the sanitary napkins in the factory hadn't been made yet, but now, who in Qingyang County doesn't know about our Yunrou sanitary napkins?

Even in Linjiang City, it won't be long before many people will use the products in our factory.

Yunrou sanitary napkins are now the signboard in our factory. Everyone knows that this is a way to make money, so financing should not be too difficult.

Even though Lan Shu said that, she was still a little worried.

After all, in this era, there are really not many people who have the courage to invest tens of thousands of dollars.

Qingyang County is just a small county, and there are not many rich people, even fewer people who dare to have vision like Zhang Yunjing.

So now we can only wait and see about this matter, trying to attract investment.

Director Zhu is also worried about this, but if the factory can get investment, that is naturally the best.

He chatted with Lan Shu about the details of the financing, and then immediately called the employees of the factory to hold a staff meeting to talk about the financing.

And to see if there is anyone you know who can take out the money.

Lan Shu also participated in this meeting. As the major shareholder of the factory, she still has a great say.

Regarding her idea of ​​letting the 'Yunrou' sanitary napkin occupy the domestic market position, although many people in the factory think this idea is too unrealistic!

But if it can be done, it will definitely be good for those who have more or less one or half of the shares in their hands.

And they believed more in Director Zhu's words.

Director Zhu said that the financing will benefit the development of the factory and allow everyone to earn more money in the future.

With these words, the financing plan at the staff meeting was almost unanimously approved!

But it is difficult for them to find rich people who can invest in factories.

Everyone came from the county or even the surrounding villages, so where would they know any rich people?

If it's a few hundred dollars, they can still find someone.

But what the factory needs is tens of thousands!

If they have relatives who can spend tens of thousands of dollars, who is still working in the factory~!

So the plan was approved, but the money was not.

Soon, Zhang Yunjing also learned about the need for financing in the factory through the phone.

Zhang Yunjing did know a few rich people.

But after she called and asked around, no one was interested in investing in a toilet paper factory.

Just like what Lan Shu was worried about, there are really too few people who have the courage to spend tens of thousands of dollars now!

When Lan Shu was anxious about money, Xiao Liu, the secretary of Director Zhu, came to her and said that someone had called her.

Lan Shu didn't know many people in this era. Apart from her family, she couldn't think of anyone else who would call her.

But the family didn't know the phone number of the factory, so who would be looking for her?

When she answered the phone in Director Zhu's office, a familiar voice came from the phone, Sister Lan, it's me.

Lan Shu was slightly taken aback——

Xiaobai? Why do you have a phone number from the paper mill?

Before I worked in a toilet paper factory for a month, I memorized the number by the way. Xiaobai said with joy in his tone.

Sister Lan, I'm already home. Although I don't remember my family, they are all very kind to me.

Xiaobai said this just to repay her safety and let Lanshu feel at ease.

I've already told my family that next year I'm going to go to medical school and study medicine, and my family has already agreed.

Xiaobai's words did not tell the truth.

When he came up with the idea, his parents were visibly surprised and less than happy with his decision.

And tell him what is the best way for him to go.

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