1980s Group-Pampering: Cannon-Fodder Real Young Lady Gets a Divorce and Becomes a Billionaire

Chapter 577: Reality and Dreams

Gu Cheng never imagined that when his career was at its peak, he would be defeated all of a sudden——

After thinking about it for a while, he realized that he was being used by others!

He worked hard and managed for many years to integrate the underground forces in so many cities.

In the end, it was taken away by someone!

In this case, he would not believe that no one had set him up and was waiting to collect the net!

As for who is the person who is plotting against him secretly.

The first thing Gu Cheng thought of was his younger brother Gu Jue who deserved to die a long time ago!

But does Gu Jue have such great ability?

Gu Cheng didn't think that Gu Jue had that kind of ability, if it was said that it was Mr. Wei's handwriting, he would still believe it.

But Mr. Wei has already returned to the West——

So the most likely thing about this matter is that I was really targeted by the law enforcement system!

Even been targeted long ago.

Instead of planting it recently...

Gu Cheng was imprisoned for two months and spent the Chinese New Year in prison.

Not long after the year, he finally waited for the verdict.

The verdict this time was twelve years in prison.

This is because some evidence is not conclusive enough, so he was not sentenced to a heavier sentence.

But even twelve years was too long for him!

He is fifty-three this year, even if he is well maintained, he looks at most forty years old, but his age is there.

He is not young anymore...

If there are another twelve years of prison life, when he comes out, he will not be in his thirties before, and he still has the capital to make a comeback.

He's probably going to be completely finished this time——

The only thing Gu Cheng regrets now is that he didn't do something to Gu Jue sooner!

The smooth and willful life of the previous twenty years made him gradually lost.

In addition, Gu Jue's daughter-in-law, Lan Shu, has developed the business stronger and stronger, and he wants to wait until he is completely sure before making a move.

But the result is that time flies by, and he has reached this age in a blink of an eye...

Gu Cheng is not reconciled, but there is no way to change the status quo.

The desperation in his heart for the future life made him even have the idea of ​​not wanting to live and suffer.

Such thoughts became more and more intense in Gu Cheng's mind, so that he spent every day in a daze.

Although he still eats, drinks, and sleeps as usual on weekdays, his mental energy is clearly getting worse and worse.

Until one day, Gu Cheng had a dream——

When he woke up, Gu Cheng found himself in prison.

Beside him were five inmates in the same cell.

Three of the five were younger, and two were old rascals.

The five people treated him respectfully, and when they saw that he was awake, they immediately lowered their eyebrows and put on a pleasing attitude.

But this is not the point.

In his dream, Gu Cheng dreamed of a completely different life from his present!

So much so that when he just woke up, he still had an unreal feeling, which made him not sure whether it was reality or a dream.

It wasn't until he saw his situation clearly that he realized that he was just having a dream.

That dream was an absolute sweet dream for him!

In my dream, my career was successful, and as a celebrity in the business world, my reputation resounded throughout the country——

He has countless money, and he became the richest man in the country before he was forty!

Beside him, there are beauties.

To Gu Cheng's surprise, that beauty turned out to be Lan Xinya!

Gu Cheng still has an impression of Lan Xinya.

Many years ago, Lan Xinya was his girlfriend.

He couldn't remember the exact appearance of Lan Xinya at that time, but he probably remembered that Lan Xinya was a gentle and delicate girl.

Later, he met Lan Xinya several times, and the impression Lan Xinya left on him was refreshed every time.

The last time he saw Lan Xinya, Lan Xinya had turned into an ugly fat woman.

But in his dream, even though Lan Xinya was in her thirties, she was mature and charming, had a good relationship with him, and was treated wholeheartedly by him.

Apart from the huge difference between Lan Xinya's dream and reality, the Gu Jue in the dream is also completely different from the Gu Jue in reality!

Gu Cheng clearly remembered that in the dream, Gu Jue did not marry Lan Shu, nor did he have the achievements he has now.

That Gu Jue had an accident after going to Qingyang County more than 20 years ago.

Gu Jue disappeared for three or four years, and although he was always against him after returning home, Gu Jue was too immature, and all his efforts could be in vain just by raising his hand!

That Gu Jue was like a little mouse trying to jump up in front of him, and he was playing with him in the palm of his hand.

Thinking of the situation in the dream, Gu Cheng felt that he must be smiling when he had this dream.

Gu Cheng was so obsessed with recalling everything in the dream that he was in a daze for a while.

Until the 'little brother' beside him couldn't help calling him, Master Gu, are you alright?

Gu Chengcai came back to his senses.

Being interrupted by his younger brother made Gu Cheng very unhappy.

He frowned and told everyone to shut up!

Then he lay on the bed again, closed his eyes, settled down and continued to think about the things in his dream.

In his dream, his career was quite successful, and anyone in front of him could only serve as a foil for him!

If he wanted to describe his status accurately, he felt that the self in his dream might be more powerful than Lan Shu in reality——


In his dream, Lan Shu never existed from the beginning to the end.

Maybe there is?

After racking his brains, he finally realized that in his dream, he seemed to have heard Lan Xinya say that her parents had a daughter.

That daughter grew up in the countryside and couldn't adapt to life in a big city at all. Besides, she was fat, ugly, and divorced, embarrassing the Lan family!

That Lan Shu usually doesn't go out much.

After that, there was no news of Lan Shu in the dream.

It was as if the person had only existed and then disappeared.

How could there be such a big change between the Lanshu in the dream and the Lanshu in reality?

Just like the self in the dream and the present self, the situation is very different!

Gu Cheng was thinking, if everything in the dream is real, it would be great if that is the reality!

Unfortunately, what is before him now is only the rest of his life in prison...

After this dream, Gu Cheng would occasionally dream again of that dream that was completely different from his current situation.

In the boring prison life, sweet dreams are his only spiritual support——

He sometimes even unrealistically hopes that his dreams will come true.

He began to evade reality, lost his mind, and felt that his life in the dream was real, and the current prison disaster was an illusion!

Two months later, Gu Cheng has gradually begun to lose sight of reality.

After his condition was discovered, the prison doctor examined him and finally concluded that Gu Cheng suffered from mental illness.

People with mental problems are no longer fit to stay in prison.

Gu Cheng was changed to another place and went to a mental hospital.

This is not a prison, but a prison.

He still has no personal freedom, is locked in a room, and takes various medicines every day.

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